Did my water survival at Tyndall. Funny story...I was headed to Eglin out of tech school into one of the F-15 squadrons there and everybody was telling me how lucky I was...Ocean, parties, women.Anyways, three days before I was to graduate, the commandant of our school came in and called my name and two other dudes and asked..."So where were you guys going?" All Eglin. He was like, "Well this is going to hurt...you guys have been diverted to Mt Home AFB in Idaho." Aww...Mtn Home, a girl behind every tree (inside joke, no f-ing trees out there). Worked out well, eventually met my wife there.
I get a kick out of the 25 year old "kid" thing. Kudos to DayHawk ...for real. Not many of his generation have their shit together at this point in there lives. For those that do, good on you. I didn't have a choice...my Dad was like "Son, I love you but you have to have a plan because you can't live with us after graduation." It seems we are working real hard to infantilize young people these days. Not doing them any favors IMHO.