Fight Night

You are showing you lack of intelligence now and disrepctful POS attitude. Good for you. Wanna go to the parking lot and figure this thing out? I'm sure that's next out of your mouth.
You are mad at Gilman for acting the way he did, and then you make a post like this? What is that saying about throwing stones in glass houses?
Isn't this kinda what Gilman does? Gilman is Gilman - it's not like we have little Gilmans walking around emulating him. He's just Gilman - what are we suppose to do?
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Based on M*/Eustice's reactions on social media they sent Gilman with a pretty good idea of how it would go and they are pleased with his performance.

Meanwhile the oldest, and one of the most respected wrestling journalists in the state is calling for an apology from the program and Gilman and called it an embarrassment. And a HS coach for a current Hawkeye saying a line was crossed and it was "cringeworthy". Think what you will of the situation, but it certainly isn't a good look from the outside. I'm not gonna choose a side here as I can see it from both sides, but I am of the opinion that this probably hurts us more than helps us.
Meanwhile the oldest, and one of the most respected wrestling journalists in the state is calling for an apology from the program and Gilman and called it an embarrassment. And a HS coach for a current Hawkeye saying a line was crossed and it was "cringeworthy". Think what you will of the situation, but it certainly isn't a good look from the outside. I'm not gonna choose a side here as I can see it from both sides, but I am of the opinion that this probably hurts us more than helps us.
I am a Hawkeye fan and am excited by the last two classes of incoming wrestlers, not only because of their on the mat performance, but also in how they carry themselves. I don't think there's much to be gained from cursing or calling people out to fight... I don't think this type of action is what attracted Lee, Warner, Kemmer, Young etc., to Iowa. I also think other programs and coaches use this type of stuff against us. There really is no need. We're the best program in that crowd and have nothing to gain from rolling around in the mud where everyone gets dirty. I think the antics were a mistake and unnecessary. I hope we don't go down this path. It will impact recruiting. I am certain of that...!
Not in bars with people pounding booze. What is zomg? You don't like bad language or Gilman's antics and don't want kids to hear it then stay at home safe and sound.

You clearly have no perspective about what the event is about. Has it occurred to you that there’s this much outrage because no one has behaved this way at the event before?

By the way, the people that put him up there and are now cheering this “performance” were very well aware of whom the audience was, as was he.
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Meanwhile the oldest, and one of the most respected wrestling journalists in the state is calling for an apology from the program and Gilman and called it an embarrassment. And a HS coach for a current Hawkeye saying a line was crossed and it was "cringeworthy". Think what you will of the situation, but it certainly isn't a good look from the outside. I'm not gonna choose a side here as I can see it from both sides, but I am of the opinion that this probably hurts us more than helps us.

The fact that the leaders of our program think that was a good public representation of the program lends some insight to me about why the program has such a perception problem.
Meanwhile the oldest, and one of the most respected wrestling journalists in the state is calling for an apology from the program and Gilman and called it an embarrassment. And a HS coach for a current Hawkeye saying a line was crossed and it was "cringeworthy". Think what you will of the situation, but it certainly isn't a good look from the outside. I'm not gonna choose a side here as I can see it from both sides, but I am of the opinion that this probably hurts us more than helps us.
I watched it live and initially I thought it was awesome classic Gilman. But when you put it that way, I can see why it would hurt us.
Has there been any comment made by Gilman today about this? Has he come out and said hey take it easy it was supposed to be a joke or anything like that? I know he doesn't care what people think but didn't know if there'd be any kind of statement from him or the Iowa coaches today on it?
He was on a team that one a team title (Gilman didn't).. both are 3x AAs.. both have a silver world medal..

What does a team title have to do with it? Gilman has better numbers than Zadick. It's a fact.
Other than him going at Metcalf, who I love, none of this bothered me. It's a smack talk event, and Gilman went and talked smack. A lot. And for anyone to cry foul on Schwab or (especially) Dresser's behalf is rich. Both have taken shots at Iowa for years now.

Yep, Dresser's oranges cry fest was way worse than this IMO.
Chael Sonnen, biggest heal on planet Earth approves of Gilman. Sorry haters and losers, time to find your safe space and cry somewhere.
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What does a team title have to do with it? Gilman has better numbers than Zadick. It's a fact.
It has to do with the fact that Gilman has zero titles but is talking trash to great past Hawks who brought actual titles to the university.

team and individual titles as Hawkeyes:
Schwab: 5 titles
Dresser: 6 titles
Metcalf: 5 titles
Zadick: 1 title
Gilman: 0 titles

Like I've said, I'm fine with the smack talk, but it should come from someone like Tom or Terry and not from someone who choked all the time
I get that it's Gilman, but anybody viewing this video or that was in attendance should be able to figure out that this was supposed to be a roast-like event where some barbs and trash talking are expected. It's supposed to be done with humor, I guess the worst thing I can come up with to say anti-Gilman here is that he's never going to make it at open mike night with that delivery.

Give him a break. He had to write his own material, it's not that easy to do. 95% of the people in this world would come off looking just as awkward up there given the situation. It's not like, at 23, he's been up there giving speeches for a bunch of years. Gable doesn't seem too funny either, but obviously he is more graceful in the situation and less awkward given that he's been speaking to crowds more than half his life.

Tough spot. Probably not a great choice in giving the speech given the results, but given what the night called for I can see why I would think he was an attractive speaker. If he pulled it off, it would have been a classic. Sue him, he's not a comedian...I'm pretty unfunny in front of crowd as well as most people I know.
Flo has the vid up on their site,and i just watched it. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Sure he swore a few times, but he actually did a good job imo. I was laughing at my desk at work and had to put my hands over my mouth to keep quiet. "If you don't like my mouth, there is a door over there." Schwab did a good job as well, as someone said he's not a good public speaker, but just wasn't as funny as Gman. I'm so glad Gman is a hawkeye.
“Bar” and “school night” are the straw grasps. I’m not completely sure about the kid and profanity angle but overall his act balanced between unfunny and just not appropriate for the event. And maybe if we dismiss it as “that’s just Gilman” we should consider who decided it was a good idea to put him on the stage.

I enjoy that you think this place is a "sports bar", akin to Buffalo Wild Wings or Applebees.
I get that it's Gilman, but anybody viewing this video or that was in attendance should be able to figure out that this was supposed to be a roast-like event where some barbs and trash talking are expected. It's supposed to be done with humor, I guess the worst thing I can come up with to say anti-Gilman here is that he's never going to make it at open mike night with that delivery.

Give him a break. He had to write his own material, it's not that easy to do. 95% of the people in this world would come off looking just as awkward up there given the situation. It's not like, at 23, he's been up there giving speeches for a bunch of years. Gable doesn't seem too funny either, but obviously he is more graceful in the situation and less awkward given that he's been speaking to crowds more than half his life.

Tough spot. Probably not a great choice in giving the speech given the results, but given what the night called for I can see why I would think he was an attractive speaker. If he pulled it off, it would have been a classic. Sue him, he's not a comedian...I'm pretty unfunny in front of crowd as well as most people I know.

Don't worry, I'm sure Spooner complained about Gable going across the mat at Cael.
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I just watched the actual video for the first time, and it didn't come off as bad as when you just read a transcript or summary of what was said. He wasn't seriously challenging people to wrestle or fight- he was saying that sarcastically as a response to someone in the audience asking why Iowa won't wrestle UNI.

He's just kind of an awkward public speaker, and doesn't come off as well as he does in a normal interview or press conference. Definitely a couple unnecessary F-bombs, but if you can't handle that go back to your panic room and lock the door.
Yeah, it's not nearly as bad in the video as a written transcript makes it seem. It comes off awkward at times and he probably could've worded things better, but it's clear that it was meant to be all in fun.
Looks like we are pretty divided in opinion on this, my quick summary is...
If Gilman's comments bother you... you might be a snowflake
If Gilman's comments don't get you a little pumped up and excited for the season... you might be a snowflake
Wrestling season can't get here soon enough!!!!
Month from now this will be old news and no one will care about what was said at "fight night"
Go Hawks!!!!
Damn I like Thomas Gilman's style. Kind of like the way it was when I was growing up and the way it is at our house now. We don't sugar coat sh** at our place!
Yeah his delivery is horrible or he is an a##hole. I think he tried to be funny, but I am not sure. My gut tells me he tried to be funny and also tried to be serious at times and it was hard to tell which was which.
He has guts though and we all knew that.
Yes it will get used against the Hawks in recruiting.
Also, didn't Mike Zadick win a title? I would say he has pretty good resume.
Dresser is definitely the more polished speaker.
Nothing to see here. Gilman just a young guy trying to be funny but obviously not his thing so came off a bit awkward. A different person to speak would have maybe been a better choice but I just saw a guy trying to be funny and not able to present in the best way for that. Some tone change and key smiles and the remarks look much better. Cross comedian off his goals list. Zadick expressed some naughty words at an I club event a few years ago at a venue much less suited than fight night at the bar.

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