It's not the "Sunshine Club" it is the realist club. Alford's disaster was far more than his record, which sucked. It was the drama, the arrogance, the failed expectations but mostly, the shitty record. The point of that very stupid Davis move was getting someone who could take Iowa to a new level. While Alford found a new level it wasn't the one he was hired to find.
Iowa had been in the NCAAs 17 of the 20 years. "Only" 21 years off the last title, 12 years from last Regional Final and 1 year off the last Sweet 16. That might not be Duke but what did McCaffery have to sell when he arrived? Start by adding 11 years to all of those accomplishments above. Now Iowa was losing 20+ games per season, reputation in the toilet, and the country's recruiting doors mostly closed.
Alford was nationally hailed as brilliant hire, the Can't Miss hire. Then, when we missed. Then, we hired the anti Alford. The NCoY, been to two Sweet 16s with a little school twice in the previous 6 years. His players loved him. Butler had the absence of Alford's drama. An absolute Can't Miss hire. The guy to restore all the prestige and good will Alford lost. But, but, was a catastrophic miss.
Most change is typically not for the better. Until someone can identify a cannot miss hire, including someone that would be willing to coach at Iowa in addition to being able to produce better teams than McCaffery I'm thinking the status quo, frustrating and inexplicable as it sometimes is, is still the best option for Iowa.