Game Thoughts (PSU Viewpoint)

Nihilist Rodgers

May 29, 2001
Iowa team:
*great effort by Iowa kids and fantastic game atmosphere, smaller than Nebby but way tougher fans
*crowd, PSU blew 3 drives due to crowd noise, that was on McSorely, he should have used a few timeouts and regrouped
*THE WAVE is fantastic, way better than the 1980's wave LOL
*QB is good, will get better, not overly accurate at this point
*Iowa played same D as Pitt surrendered the edge, attacked the middle and limited Trace passing lanes
*your OC is not up to Iowa standards as of yet, he was prob a bit humbled tonight. Being an OC is more than just breaking tendencies and drawing up plays.

*sometimes the football gods are not on your side, PSU willed their way to that win
*PSU should limit Barkley vs Indiana, way too many touches. Wadley is one of the best in CFB, Barkley is on an entirely diff level. Wadley can't make yards in "the wash" at all, a bit small.
*ironically PSU lacks talent in D front 7, that is changing fast. If PSU can limit losses to 2 or less this year we just may solidify the #1 recruiting class in country, most importantly a massive infusion of speed and talent at DT and DE, possibly 2 of the 6 best edge rushers in the country.

When you meet Mike Riley, take his leftover Halloween candy...
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