Gruden OUT

He was sharing topless pics of the Washington Cheerleaders that were taken from a hidden camera.

Was it a hidden camera? Can you link to that?

Because my view on that was that if it was taken willingly it was certainly inappropriate considering it was done over work E-mails but not misogynistic. However if those photos were taken unwillingly via a hidden camera is rises to that level.

Quite frankly sharing nude photos knowing that they were taken without consent should probably be illegal.
It would be an interesting social science study to evaluate the person's employment and income level with their views on whether Gruden's conduct warranted his resignation (dismissal).
I can tell you right now I would be fired immediately.

I’m surprised my company has any people left working since many in this thread say everyone does this.
Was it a hidden camera? Can you link to that?

Because my view on that was that if it was taken willingly it was certainly inappropriate considering it was done over work E-mails but not misogynistic. However if those photos were taken unwillingly via a hidden camera is rises to that level.
That's what Miller said on Miller and Condon just now. I haven't dug deeper.
I can tell you right now I would be fired immediately.

I’m surprised my company has any people left working since many in this thread say everyone does this.
Of course. Heck - if I sent anything near as defamatory it would end up on and I would be politely informed that my stuff will be mailed to my home. But I suspect that posters that hold the opposing viewpoint don't have professional positions and have closer to outside sales or factory-type jobs where "locker room talk" is more generally accepted. I'm not suggesting that is a lesser job (well...other than sales)...just different experiences.
Of course. Heck - if I sent anything near as defamatory it would end up on and I would be politely informed that my stuff will be mailed to my home. But I suspect that posters that hold the opposing viewpoint don't have professional positions and have closer to outside sales or factory-type jobs where "locker room talk" is more generally accepted. I'm not suggesting that is a lesser job (well...other than sales)...just different experiences.

Or we have BA's and MBA's and have worked to the point that we can isolate ourselves from others for the most part.

Washington Football Team staffers allegedly secretly recorded and distributed a video that showed the team’s cheerleaders in compromising positions, including several clips where their bare boobs were exposed. All of that is according to a damning report by The Washington Post.
The entire situation went down during a 2008 shoot for a “Beauties on the Beach” calendar — where a video crew chronicled the making of a sexy bikini calendar.

The details were laid out by TMZ after reading the report from The Washington Post:
“But, according to the Washington Post, team staffers used outtakes to put together a special, secret cut featuring moments when the women inadvertently exposed their nipples in the course of the shoot.
The Washington Post claims to have obtained a copy of the video — but obviously, the outlet is not publishing it.
The Post reports the team’s lead broadcaster, Larry Michael, played a major role in the making of the lewd video.
Michael’s former staffer Brad Baker claims Michael told staffers the video was being made for team owner Daniel Snyder.
For his part, Michael is adamantly denying the allegations in the report — saying, “Nothing can be further from the truth. I was never asked to nor did I ask someone to compile videos as [the Post] described.”

If Jon Gruden ever had a real job, does he operate from 2010-2018 with the belief that his work emails are private?
I would say mine are 75% sexist...and a small mix in of the rest. I might take an off handed shot at the gays, but they dont matter in my day to day life not really a big part of it. Women irritate me just by being.
We know.
That doesn't mean everyone is the same. It just means you have issues. We've suggested over an over that you see someone about your issues.
Instead you continue to try to rationalize them, like you're doing here. Gruden is in the wrong. You're in the wrong. Most people aren't like this. The ones that are are in the wrong.
We know.
That doesn't mean everyone is the same. It just means you have issues. We've suggested over an over that you see someone about your issues.
Instead you continue to try to rationalize them, like you're doing here. Gruden is in the wrong. You're in the wrong. Most people aren't like this. The ones that are are in the wrong.

Guess what? I will retire in 10 years and will be no different than I am now.
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and I will be able to live how I want.

I plan to maximize my white man privilege to its fullest extent.
Will you? Everyone knows you're miserable. You know you're miserable. You talk openly about stopping your medication and dying early.
Are you so fuqing stubborn that you refuse to seek help for a problem that you know you have and makes your life miserable?

Sorry kids, your dad decided to die young to stick it to.......who? An ex? That will show her! Everyone knows the best revenge isn't living well, but dying young and miserable.
Will you? Everyone knows you're miserable. You know you're miserable. You talk openly about stopping your medication and dying early.
Are you so fuqing stubborn that you refuse to seek help for a problem that you know you have and makes your life miserable?

Sorry kids, your dad decided to die young to stick it to.......who? An ex? That will show her! Everyone knows the best revenge isn't living well, but dying young and miserable.

You are an idiot. I wanted to die when I did because I dont want to rot from dementia. Do you?
Not really that cranky.

I mean, as a manager I would not hire one of you. You are all soft as a pillow. But I am sure you have some qualities?
I've gotten to the point financially wise. I don't have to work for someone like u.
Oh, I will. But I'm doing my best to put it off as long as possible for my kids.
You should think about doing the same.

Yes...because nothing says I love my kids like rotting away drooling pooping my pants.

Its very easy for you to say all of this and to judge me. F U