Hawkeyes at U20/23's

I’m still taking a wait and see approach with Carroll at 197. Sounds like he gassed out at 97kg and still has another six pounds to lose. The guy is built like a truck so he’s got to shrink somehow
Cutting muscle isn’t a good thing. He got horsed by Voelker.
At least it’s wrestling and not the other bs that dominates any other devolves past 3 pages.
"All you idiots do is come here to troll"

Someone talks wrestling that almost certainly impacts Iowa's chances in a number of weights.

"Who cares, that's not the name of this thread"
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PSU fans coming here looking for any reason to make the thread about PSU is a decade plus long trolling tradition.
Don’t care if it’s something tgat can be wrestling talk and semi relevant. Ignorant name calling that boomers and adolescents refuse to ignore and pile on is the problem. Sandusky, Bael, Trump political BS and political attacks that last 17 pages has no place. I’ll take someone talking about PSU wrestling on this board every day
Don’t care if it’s something tgat can be wrestling talk and semi relevant. Ignorant name calling that boomers and adolescents refuse to ignore and pile on is the problem. Sandusky, Bael, Trump political BS and political attacks that last 17 pages has no place. I’ll take someone talking about PSU wrestling on this board every day

Fine. But for many of us it is ****ing annoying and it explains why posts by PSU fans are often greeted with distain.
Fine. But for many of us it is ****ing annoying and it explains why posts by PSU fans are often greeted with distain.
I understand, however many of us have 0 restraint and just add to the problem trying to be macho instead of being an adult and realizing they can ignore instead of carry on with an irrelevant convo. It’s really easy. Hit ignore and don’t respond engagement turns to 0 and they quit posting
Rathjen and Glazier finished 5th.
Drake finished 3rd. I didn't watch all his matches this weekend but vs Serrano he looked like no brakes Drake vs no gas Drake. I kinda like the idea of moving up, just get the size added now. I'm afraid 125 is going to be more of the low scoring, wrestling from 1 knee stuff he did frequently last year.
Glazier lost a single leg not once but twice in the 2nd period. Voelker never so much as sniffed an actual offensive point and celebrated like he won the NCAAs. Lol
You do know the head coach of the panthers is schwab right?
Glazier lost a single leg not once but twice in the 2nd period. Voelker never so much as sniffed an actual offensive point and celebrated like he won the NCAAs. Lol
He was so good at finishing during the season once he got a leg.
Rathjen and Glazier finished 5th.
Drake finished 3rd. I didn't watch all his matches this weekend but vs Serrano he looked like no brakes Drake vs no gas Drake. I kinda like the idea of moving up, just get the size added now. I'm afraid 125 is going to be more of the low scoring, wrestling from 1 knee stuff he did frequently last year.
He has all summer to lift and eat lots of calories, a wrestler’s dream😉
Crazy that we might have a u23 champ on our bench next year. Hope calliendo can move down

Oddly enough…not that crazy. Just off the top of my head, Josh Saunders and Paniro Johnson are also champs who are not favorites to start this season.

Freestyle may be his thing. He may have a better after college career than during, like JB.

Maybe. Though I hate to shit on him, his bracket was just not very strong. There wasn’t a single college AA in the bracket. Still great to see him have success.

You do know the head coach of the panthers is schwab right?

Gosh no as a frequent UNI season ticket holder I somehow missed that.
Well you can check my post history here. I’ll take shots at enemies on my teams boards but I don’t dump on others carpet. Only my own.

Yeah but no one is likely to ever do that. They just see your post and figure you’re a bird of the feather.

But since you asked this time, I decided to do just that. Here are few just from page one of the search. I don’t think coming here to tell us we don’t have good coaches and that you hate us is being the good guest you claim to be. Either be better or don’t piss on our legs and say it’s raining. Make a choice.

Why would anyone with any reputation whatsoever ever come work with the current staff?

On the flipside:

I think Iowa's floor, if you just had the median coaching in Division I wrestling, is what they have achieved since 2011.

In other words, I question the value that the Brands add to the effort/equation.
I hate you all

I’m a PSU fan and hate Iowa
Crazy that we might have a u23 champ on our bench next year. Hope calliendo can move down
You honestly think Gabe can beat Kennedy? I don't know why so many people on here are giving Gabe the spot. Kennedy was one match away from AA this year up a weight. Beat the 4 seed handedly and had a much closer match with M Lewis (originally wrote O'Toole in error) than the score indicated.
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You honestly think Gabe can beat Kennedy? I don't know why so many people on here are giving Gabe the spot. Kennedy was one match away from AA this year up a weight. Beat the 4 seed handedly and had a much closer match with O'Toole than the score indicated.

In what universe did Kennedy wrestle O’Toole last year and did you bring back video from it so we can watch? While you’re at it, bring back the video of him beating Griffith handily. Thanks.

This is the 2nd time this weekend we have had Caliendo/Kennedy/Arnold confusion. Here’s a quick reference guide for all those who are confused:

Caliendo started at 165 all year.

Kennedy wrestled 174 other than the Soldier Salute, where he challenged Caliendo at 165 but was soundly beaten in the finals.

Arnold redshirted but was in the lineup for the 5 match limit, split between 174 and 184.

Arnold did beat a former AA at each weight, which is why most seem to think he will man 174 for Iowa this year. We will see.
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Even when Rathjen loses he is fighting. Somehow PK has to get in the lineup this year and contribute. BK will be even better if he can put on 15lbs. Phipps beat Ayala, but Phipps is BIG at that weight. What's up with Fenton?
In what universe did Kennedy wrestle O’Toole last year and did you bring back video from it so we can watch? While you’re at it, bring back the video of him beating Griffith handily. Thanks.

This is the 2nd time this weekend we have had Caliendo/Kennedy/Arnold confusion. Here’s a quick reference guide for all those who are confused:

Caliendo started at 165 all year.

Kennedy wrestled 174 other than the Soldier Salute, where he challenged Caliendo at 165 but was soundly beaten in the finals.

Arnold redshirted but was in the lineup for the 5 match limit, split between 174 and 184.

Arnold did beat a former AA at each weight, which is why most seem to think he will man 174 for Iowa this year. We will see.
My bad, it was Mekhi Lewis that he lost in a very close match. And I was there, just had a senior moment. But my point remains. And Kennedy lost to Caliendo coming off of an injury. And like I said, he is a 165 lber having success at 174 - up a weight. If he knows he's going 174 a year in advance - I think he puts on weight making him even better. Gabe is definitely the future but I wouldn't count Kennedy out.

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