I'm not going to get into a back-and-forth with you, but Trump's mishandling of the Pandemic crashed the economy. He kept telling us that it was going to go away soon, especially when it would get warm. Remember that? He didn't lead during the Pandemic, he strictly reacted as newer problems kept coming. He was out of his league. Older people have seen this before in 2008-09 when our IRAs lost 50% of their value and we are not going to put Trump back in power. He is unfit for office, plain and simple. Just ask those who worked for him in his first administration if you don't believe me. Don't take my word for it.
Although he doesn't get the credit he deserves, Biden got the country back on its feet. Yeah, inflation was a problem, but it was a worldwide problem, largely attributed to things out of Biden's control, like supply lines getting restarted and shipping bottlenecks from other countries, and also a lot of pent-up consumer demand after staying home for over a year. People were ready to start their lives again after being penned up and some were willing to pay whatever it took in order to do so. Biden also passed the largest infrastructure bill in history and also passed bills like the CHIPS Act, which also helped the economy in creating more jobs and keeps us from from being so reliant on other countries, some not so friendly.
Unless you are against free markets and demand full government intervention, you don't have much to complain about. Lots of money was spent by the government in both administrations but it kept people fed and rents and utilities continuing to be paid. Critical businesses stayed open and kept the economy moving. It was just too bad there were people who abused the government assistance and that started during the Trump administration. Probably from a lack of oversight.
Add to all of the above, most people are just plain tired of Trump's "Act". He is not hosting The Apprentice anymore. He has to lead people in real life, and he is just not capable of doing so. He offers nothing new for the future unlike what Harris has proposed. I only hope she has a total Democratic Congress that will work with her and not obstruct things, like the recent Immigration Bill, you know, the one Trump ran off the tracks. He is just a selfish person and only cares about his own interests. We do not need that.