How can anyone vote Democrat?

I don't disagree that Biden should not be in office, but to characterize the economy as "tanked" is a tad disingenuous.

The Republicans could have had me back pretty much with anyone besides Trump. As it stands, as I have said numerous times, I'll be sitting this election out.
I fully understand your position of sitting out. I am utterly disgusted that we don’t have a party worthy of representation. But, I do not like where we are heading and have to decide for the fate of my children, grandchildren and fellow Americans.
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I do not like Biden and the democratic party is not mine. I also do not have voters remorse, I'm glad I voted for him in 2020 solely because of who the other candidate was. The one that brags about sexually assaulting women. The one that is listed in the Epstein docs. The one that is now a convicted felon. I'm glad I voted for Biden in 2020, but that does not mean I like him.

Anyways, I'm not sure your entire post could be more incorrect, which is why I didn't waste my time on your original post. Glad to know my feelings about "train wreak" were correct. Have a good one, poon!
This and losers like Alex Jones, Ted Cruz ,MTG, Robert Morris (in case you don't know; megachurch preacher worth over $100 million who just admitted to molesting a 12 year old girl for over 5 years ...oh and he's Trumps spiritual advisor). Steve King...I'll stop for now but I have more in the bullpen if needed...
What comic book did you take that photo out of?
This and losers like Alex Jones, Ted Cruz ,MTG, Robert Morris (in case you don't know; megachurch preacher worth over $100 million who just admitted to molesting a 12 year old girl for over 5 years ...oh and he's Trumps spiritual advisor). Steve King...I'll stop for now but I have more in the bullpen if needed...
Boy that "vaccination mandate" isn't as cool used to be is it?

Your list is bullshit bud.
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If I’m not that good. Why do so many lose their shit after some of my comments? Seems to me like I get under your skin.
It’s funny you think what you say is going to make a difference in life lol
No I don't dumbass. The same 3 people lose their shit. You really suck.
A train wreck happend at debate which could have been avoided earlier by not putting a weak man (Biden) in office. Tell me that people didn’t know this would happen, heck we all saw his declining cognitive health in many appearances. IMO plan B was already in place and they allowed Biden to fail in front of the world to first validate the change and then activate. I actually want to feel sorry for him but not his administration for tanking the economy and government structure. If the Democratic leaders could have not swung so far left they would be on easy street in this election.
Now, it’s a vote of: “Who do you NOT want for president” by casting for the other candidate.
How can anyone vote for a convicted felon, indicted traitor, obstructionist and anti-democracy autocrat who lies every time his lips move?
A train wreck happend at debate which could have been avoided earlier by not putting a weak man (Biden) in office. Tell me that people didn’t know this would happen, heck we all saw his declining cognitive health in many appearances. IMO plan B was already in place and they allowed Biden to fail in front of the world to first validate the change and then activate. I actually want to feel sorry for him but not his administration for tanking the economy and government structure. If the Democratic leaders could have not swung so far left they would be on easy street in this election.
Now, it’s a vote of: “Who do you NOT want for president” by casting for the other candidate.

What name did you post with last week?
A train wreck happend at debate which could have been avoided earlier by not putting a weak man (Biden) in office. Tell me that people didn’t know this would happen, heck we all saw his declining cognitive health in many appearances. IMO plan B was already in place and they allowed Biden to fail in front of the world to first validate the change and then activate. I actually want to feel sorry for him but not his administration for tanking the economy and government structure. If the Democratic leaders could have not swung so far left they would be on easy street in this election.
Now, it’s a vote of: “Who do you NOT want for president” by casting for the other candidate.
Honestly I'm so fed up with BOTH of these ****ed up parties I'm sitting this one out. It's a ****ing joke.
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What I envision every time I read these pouting, “I’m sitting this election out” posts:
And that's another thing. I'm in a deep blue state where my vote is irrelevant. As long as the electoral college is a thing, the country is headed straight down the shitter with shit candidates to choose from. If I sound pissed off, you're correct.
This and losers like Alex Jones, Ted Cruz ,MTG, Robert Morris (in case you don't know; megachurch preacher worth over $100 million who just admitted to molesting a 12 year old girl for over 5 years ...oh and he's Trumps spiritual advisor). Steve King...I'll stop for now but I have more in the bullpen if needed...
100s of 12 year old girls are raped by jo biden's ILLEGALS every day........
Goddamnit, I always do forget this.

Amending my original answer to:

“The alternative is a rapist felon pedophile with Putin’s cock buried in his throat.

Easy question. My work here is done.”
Now come has not been proven that Biden truly molested his daughter...but you are probably right just the same!!! 😂
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