How often do you attend church?


HR Legend
May 22, 2004
We are in service probably 3 out of every 4 Sundays, plus major church holidays. My wife also helps out with Sunday school when we are in town.
How often do you and your wife have anal sex? How often are you the one taking it?

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Not nearly as often after I moved and the new church doesn't have a Sunday School option during the church services. I do not enjoy trying to get my kids to sit through a church service. Plus, the old church was guaranteed to never go long and this one consistently goes an hour and ten minutes.

In conclusion, I go to church as frequently as my wife makes me.
Pretty similar to the OP, only I'd up my overall percentage to about 80% on the year. Many of our closest friends attend (*) and we know them through the school, which is where all of our kids go.

* none of them want to share beers with me, sniff
weddings....funerals....that's about it. I feel closer to God in the woods.

This. I was raised Catholic, but it never stuck. I recall being very young and questioning their reasoning when I actually did listen and daydreaming about being older and avoiding church the rest of the time.
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Not nearly as often after I moved and the new church doesn't have a Sunday School option during the church services. I do not enjoy trying to get my kids to sit through a church service. Plus, the old church was guaranteed to never go long and this one consistently goes an hour and ten minutes.

In conclusion, I go to church as frequently as my wife makes me.
Is it too late to get your kids some better parenting?
- Steven Patrick

In all honesty, I sympathize. Our attendance has suffered since we have little control over our two year old. We were probably in the 75% range in the five years leading up to having kids until about 8 months ago. We can still keep the baby entertained for an hour, but the older one has a mind of her own. We're probably until 30% now.
They tell me see my pastor but I don't go
Cause they all be on this one street
So I take it on myself to thank him one deep
And give my money to the most needy
And never put it in the hands of the most greedy
Cause their puttin' a price tag on a man's word
And it's a fashion show, so the men flirt
The world is endin' so they try to make us switch fast
And they openin' up these churches for some quick cash
And usin' the money fo' they new cribs
While brother Johnson just got kicked out where he lived
I follow no man, cause man be phoney
My mind was playin' tricks on me
When mom is in town. I'm getting ready to go to Italy, so I think I may be about to make up for lost time. I'll light a candle for Iowa football.
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I went twice on Sundays until I was about 15 and started to skip out on the evening services to cruise the sweet main street of Sioux Center, IA!

Raised CR, so I always figured I got plenty of churchin as a young lad, which is why I rarely go these days. I like the idea of church, and I really like the sense of community the good people exude, it's the 'holier than thou' that always piss me off.

I vividly remember a sermon of God spitting out the 'lukewarm' Christians, you had to be fully on fire for Christ - since I don't have that, I don't want to piss God off by going to church.

Revelation 3:15-16
“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
Now we attend every week including holy days. Greatest gift eternal life.

After high school it was hit or miss 50% until marriage and kids. It's nice living in a larger city with multiple parishes to select from and not limited to one church or priest. God is good.
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News Flash: Church Attendance will not save anyone!

Christians will go to heaven because they had a faith in
Jesus Christ who died to forgive their sins and rose from
the grave to give them eternal life.

Bottom Line: I attend worship services at church each
Sunday to strengthen my faith in Christ and to fellowship
with other Christians in the community of faith.
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News Flash: Church Attendance will not save anyone!

Christians will go to heaven because they had a faith in
Jesus Christ who died to forgive their sins and rose from
the grave to give them eternal life.

Bottom Line: I attend worship services at church each
Sunday to strengthen my faith in Christ and to fellowship
with other Christians in the community of faith.
I don't know, this sounds sort of "lutewarm" to me. Apparently that's not good enough.
Bottom Line: On the day a person dies, God looks into
that person's heart to see if they had faith in Jesus Christ
as their personal Lord and Savior. Faith alone saves .

There is no extra credit for church attendance, hours in
prayer, or money given to the parish. Faith alone saves.
Bottom Line: On the day a person dies, God looks into
that person's heart to see if they had faith in Jesus Christ
as their personal Lord and Savior. Faith alone saves .

There is no extra credit for church attendance, hours in
prayer, or money given to the parish. Faith alone saves.

Wait just a minute. What if a person rapes or kills but has real faith in Jesus?? THEY get into heaven?
We are in service probably 3 out of every 4 Sundays, plus major church holidays. My wife also helps out with Sunday school when we are in town.
Depends on your definition of "church".

If it's a brick and mortar structure then only for weddings and funerals. If left to my own definition then so often as I can. Nature is my "church."
Depends on your definition of "church".

If it's a brick and mortar structure then only for weddings and funerals. If left to my own definition then so often as I can. Nature is my "church."
Your clever "nature is my church" comment was already taken earlier in the thread by jellyfish. Sorry.