How often do you attend church?

This isn't some deep, mysterious question that can't be credibly responded to. Most believers who have studied their Bibles on a regular basis would have no trouble with it. I don't know Lutehawk, but I'm guessing he didn't dodge the question, and if he's been ignoring it, it probably isn't because it's beyond him. He could have thought it just wasn't worth his time. Which is where I'm getting to at this point. Consider this my final response in these threads.

The answer is clear, but you and others in this thread likely won't accept it. The Bible warns believers that God's Word is foolishness to the world and is confounding to those who are perishing. They laugh at it, and arrogantly attempt to marginalize people who believe.

The problem in this discussion is that both sides have no premises/foundations on which they can agree. In debate, each side has to agree on a basic idea, and only then can differences be discussed. That doesn't exist here, hence there can be no real debate. I've known a good number of atheists over the years. I've never met one who arrived at the conclusion that there is no God through an honest, objective, logical, completely rational thought process (i.e., "I really want to believe it, but I can't because it's not logical, rational, and makes no sense"). I won't say that there absolutely isn't one out there somewhere (I try to be careful with words like "always" and "never"). But the next one I meet will be the first one. Atheists start with the premise that there is no God before they begin any other thought "process". They believe that simply because they want to believe that. At its foundation, it's often not their fault. It may be because they were hurt by someone of faith, or disappointed/disillusioned in a church environment. I get that. But in the end, believers believe because they want to. The Bibles teaches that God calls all to a relationship with Him; the ones who respond to that call are believers.

Now, the response to your question PCB.

There are several references in Scripture that can be used to respond to this (often) legitimate objection, but Romans 1:18-20 says it clearly. In Romans 1:18-3:20 the apostle Paul develops the argument that no one can claim by his/her own efforts or merit to be good in God's sight--not the masses, not the Romans, or even the Jews. All people everywhere deserve God's condemnation for their sin. But how could a loving God send anyone to hell, especially one who has never heard about Christ? In fact, says Paul, God has revealed Himself plainly to all people through His creation. And people reject even this basic knowledge of God. Also, God has given everyone an inner sense of what He requires (some would call this the conscience), but they choose not to live up to it. Put another way, people's moral standards are always better than their behavior. If people suppress God's truth in order to live their own way, they have no excuse. They know the truth, and they will have to endure the consequences of ignoring it.

Some wonder why we need missionaries if people can know about God through nature (the creation). The answer: (1) Although people know that God exists, their wickedness blinds them to the truth. Missionaries sensitively expose their sin and point them to Christ. (2) Although people may believe there is a God, they refuse to commit themselves to Him. Missionaries help persuade them by sharing God's Word and by pointing out the dangerous consequences of their actions. (3) Missionaries help the church obey the Great Commission of our Lord (Matthew 28:19-20) (4) Most important, although nature reveals God, people need to be told about Jesus, and how, through him, they can have a personal relationship with God. So does anyone have an excuse for not believing in God? The Bible answers an emphatic no. Since He has revealed Himself through His creation, every person either accepts or rejects Him.

So what kind of God does nature reveal? Nature reveals a God of might, intelligence, and intricate detail; a God of order and beauty; a God who controls powerful forces. That is general revelation. Through special revelation (the Bible and the coming of Jesus), we learn about God's love and forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life. God has graciously given us many sources that we might come to believe in Him.

So you wont answer the hypothetical and deflect?

You mention missionaries and that is the typical response, but do you really think a group of foreigners would change your mind about Islam if you have been indoctrinated to believe you have the correct faith? Do Mormons, who knock on your door, make you second guess your faith?

Another typical response is you will not discuss the topic. Most Christians wont allow their minds to think critically about something that could diminish their faith.

In the scenario I provided, would you be a Muslim and not accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? A yes or no will suffice.