Hurricane season has arrived....

This is insane. Would not suprise me to see not only the first CAT 4 June storm but it make CAT 5 by the time it hits the islands. Praying for them. They don’t have much time.

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Beryl has been said to have the power to keep demons away, to promote happiness and marital love, increase sincerity, cure laziness, protect travelers from danger, and maintain youthfulness. Pliny The Elder used a powdered form of beryl to cure eye injuries, as well as disorders of the heart and spine.

  • Beryl contains the element beryllium.
  • It is a ring silicate - the silicate tetrahedra are linked to form rings!
  • Beryl commonly grows as elongate crystals with hexagonal cross sections.

The Beryl meaning is that of connecting you to your inner self and your higher self. Beryl crystals connect to high vibrations of your entire energetic system. It's a symbol of spiritual growth and personal development. Due to its variety of colors, it speaks about healing most of your chakras.Jul 22, 20
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Looks like my Cayman Islands might take a hit with a Hurricane being a Cat 4 or 5…..

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The really damaging winds are very close to the center.

When you see the satellite image showing the entire state of Florida covered by a hurricane, that's not what's actually happening.

You are f'd if a tornado is coming at your house. If I lived in hurricane land, I'd have everything in a to go box. Plenty of time to get your proper stuff safe.