Iowa’s performance

I scrolled, I skimmed, but the only names I saw thrown out was Dake and Burroughs.

Big Ten Bonus Wins

Penn State: 4 pins, 2 techs, 9 majors
Ohio State: 2 pins, 1 tech, 7 majors
Iowa: 1 pin, 4 majors

So can we admit there’s an issue or not?
Just maybe it has something to do with injuries..Look at last years nationals. I think we led in Bonus point??
And we will again next year with a healthy team...
I agree that Lugo could be added to this, he is certainly moving in the right direction and is only a few steps away from where he can be.

No way I would add Murin. If you look at some of the film out there during Iowa warm ups and practices, you can see Murin shooting for an ankle and coming out the back door over and over, yet in a real match he shoots for a low ankle and then waits on the mat for the reaction. He turtles up and in nearly every situation he begins to look for a stalemate. It's almost like he is expecting partial points for getting in on a shot. Many times, even after stopping his shot and letting his guy body lock him or reach back and get an ankle, he still is in good position to score if he would keep moving forward and pushing in or trying to circle, yet he stops and begins to hold on for the ref to step in. It's almost disturbing that he freezes like that.

He gets credit for taking a shot and getting a leg, but his unwillingness to either push through and clear his own feet out or immediately come up with the leg is keeping him from where he can be. It looks to me to be lack of confidence in his own skills as we know he has the talent to get in, he's just not making any attempt to do much more than that. He benefited by being in a really weak weight class and unless he changes he will DNP in Pitt. He should be nervous if JRent can get to 41.

It's almost like finishing in live competition is a little harder than drilling against your teammates. It's certainly not an effort issue. He's just not good enough there to finish against good scramblers.

Frankly, this is a position most of the team struggles in. Part of it is that we don't really have guys on the team right now that like to scramble in that position. It makes it really hard to get good looks in practice and figure those positions out if nobody on the team wrestles in those positions in the first place. It's more glaring for Murin because he's more reliant on the back door finishes based on the type of attacks he uses.

For example, we don't associate Spencer as having finishing problems, but he got to the same position as Murin does against Rivera and was quickly stalemated. Marinelli has gotten there several times against Wick and always ends up holding on for dear life for a stalemate. Lugo has had some problems finishing out the back door too. He's much higher percentage when he's able to get to a crackdown position because that's where he's most comfortable because that's a position that Iowa has guys that actually wrestle defensively from.

I would like to see the coaches embrace more scrambling and ankle pass situations if only for the benefit of the guys getting better at beating it. There's a reason why Penn State, as a team, happens to be the most consistent leg attack finishers. It's because they're also the best scramblers too. If you see that level of scrambling on a daily basis in practice, you get better at beating it.

I think there's been good progress made in this area in the past few years too. Iowa used to get hit with dive rolls as they came to their feet with single legs all the time. Now, you don't see it as much because they are better at anticipating it. The same type of development needs to be made in the back door position. It quickly became one of the most utilized finishes in wrestling because it's easier to get to than it is to get a really good angle and come to your feet. As a result the scrambling quickly adapted to it. Now, almost everybody is really good at tying up ankles in there, and they're only going to get better. Iowa has to figure out this position.
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For example, we don't associate Spencer as having finishing problems, but he got to the same position as Murin does against Rivera and was quickly stalemated. Marinelli has gotten there several times against Wick and always ends up holding on for dear life for a stalemate.

I would like to see the coaches embrace more scrambling and ankle pass situations if only for the benefit of the guys getting better at beating it. There's a reason why Penn State, as a team, happens to be the most consistent leg attack finishers. It's because they're also the best scramblers too. If you see that level of scrambling on a daily basis in practice, you get better at beating it.
I suggest you go back and watch Kemdawg vs Nolf in Carver. There were a lot of stale mates because Nolf couldn't finish his shots. Did Nolf need to work on scrambling or was he just matched up with a tough guy? I use that as an example because you are using Lee against the top ranked kid while way less than 100% and Bull against a guy where losing a scramble could cost the match.

The reason PSU is the best at finishing leg attacks is because their team is full of kids who were the best at finishing leg attacks in high school. Marinelli and Lee are every bit as good at finishing leg attacks as anyone in the country. Fill the Hawks up with the top p4p kid at each weight and they will magically be great at finishing leg attacks. It is the Jimmy's and the Joe's. We are getting some good Jimmy's and Joe's so plan on seeing better finishes.
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Not only is he going to beat Hall, but he is going to beat Hall...Bank it
They aren't even on the same level. I guess I shouldn't say ever because anything can happen and kemdog is a good wrestler he just doesn't have the experience beating great wrestlers under the big lights .It would definitely be a huge upset.
I suggest you go back and watch Kemdawg vs Nolf in Carver. There were a lot of stale mates because Nolf couldn't finish his shots. Did Nolf need to work on scrambling or was he just matched up with a tough guy? I use that as an example because you are using Lee against the top ranked kid while way less than 100% and Bull against a guy where losing a scramble could cost the match.

The reason PSU is the best at finishing leg attacks is because their team is full of kids who were the best at finishing leg attacks in high school. Marinelli and Lee are every bit as good at finishing leg attacks as anyone in the country. Fill the Hawks up with the top p4p kid at each weight and they will magically be great at finishing leg attacks. It is the Jimmy's and the Joe's. We are getting some good Jimmy's and Joe's so plan on seeing better finishes.

In regards to Nolf-Kemerer, yes Kemerer was able to get some stalemates in the first period, but Nolf had those positions figured out for the rest of the match. And yes you're right that good recruits are going to pick up technique better, but we really should stop insisting that the only reason Penn State is dominant is that they get great recruits. That's part of it, but Cael and company are also incredible technicians. That's a major part of the recruiting draw.

Getting top recruits isn't going to beat them unless Iowa continues to evolve with the sport. Idk about you, but whenever guys get to our guy's legs, I don't feel very confident that our guys are going to be able to scramble out of it. Similarly, our guys leave a lot of points out on the board because they fail to finish attacks. That's not a strength thing. It's a technique thing. They aren't efficient at beating far ankle scrambles or shin whizzers. That needs to change.
In regards to Nolf-Kemerer, yes Kemerer was able to get some stalemates in the first period, but Nolf had those positions figured out for the rest of the match. And yes you're right that good recruits are going to pick up technique better, but we really should stop insisting that the only reason Penn State is dominant is that they get great recruits. That's part of it, but Cael and company are also incredible technicians. That's a major part of the recruiting draw.

Getting top recruits isn't going to beat them unless Iowa continues to evolve with the sport. Idk about you, but whenever guys get to our guy's legs, I don't feel very confident that our guys are going to be able to scramble out of it. Similarly, our guys leave a lot of points out on the board because they fail to finish attacks. That's not a strength thing. It's a technique thing. They aren't efficient at beating far ankle scrambles or shin whizzers. That needs to change.
I don't know about you but I have watched Penn States 125 lb get steam rolled for 2 years. Is it bad coaching or bad recruiting for that weight? You, like many, get influenced by PSU's top studs and classify them as being able to do something great when it's just not accurate. Bull, DeSanto, Lee, and a healthy Kemdawg can hang with their top 4. I think those 4 would outscore the PSU 4.
Joseph got in deep on Bulls legs and couldn't finish. Guys got into Lee's legs last year and couldn't finish. Watch the Lee Suriano finals match and see what a full strength Lee was able to do. Look how many times guys have been in deep on Warner and can't finish. 2 more studs will change the whole perception of this team.
Speaking of Carl's teaching. His 125 pound wrestlers haven't had much coaching. His two 149 guys have been very average to watch. Nolf, Hall, Nickal, and Joseph would be tears on the mat regardless of what school they went to. The same can be said for Spencer Lee.
Those top p4p guys come into college knowing how to scramble and dominate. It isn't some magic technique session once they reach college. Lee, RBY, Hall, and Zain didn't redshirt because they came in as polished products. The same can be said for Gable, Dake, and others.

Our team dominated in bonus points last March. How is that so? We know we don't have the money to match Carlas recruiting but I don't think we have to. We just need 2 more guys to step up to stud level and we are right there. Paging Warner, Big Cass, JRent, Lugo, Murin, Young/Brands. 2 of those guys need to join Bull, DeSanto, Lee, and Kemdawg. More would be icing on the cake. That happens and we won't be discussing many problems.
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I don't know about you but I have watched Penn States 125 lb get steam rolled for 2 years. Is it bad coaching or bad recruiting for that weight? You, like many, get influenced by PSU's top studs and classify them as being able to do something great when it's just not accurate. Bull, DeSanto, Lee, and a healthy Kemdawg can hang with their top 4. I think those 4 would outscore the PSU 4.
Joseph got in deep on Bulls legs and couldn't finish. Guys got into Lee's legs last year and couldn't finish. Watch the Lee Suriano finals match and see what a full strength Lee was able to do. Look how many times guys have been in deep on Warner and can't finish. 2 more studs will change the whole perception of this team.
Speaking of Carl's teaching. His 125 pound wrestlers haven't had much coaching. His two 149 guys have been very average to watch. Nolf, Hall, Nickal, and Joseph would be tears on the mat regardless of what school they went to. The same can be said for Spencer Lee.
Those top p4p guys come into college knowing how to scramble and dominate. It isn't some magic technique session once they reach college. Lee, RBY, Hall, and Zain didn't redshirt because they came in as polished products. The same can be said for Gable, Dake, and others.

Our team dominated in bonus points last March. How is that so? We know we don't have the money to match Carlas recruiting but I don't think we have to. We just need 2 more guys to step up to stud level and we are right there. Paging Warner, Big Cass, JRent, Lugo, Murin, Young/Brands. 2 of those guys need to join Bull, DeSanto, Lee, and Kemdawg. More would be icing on the cake. That happens and we won't be discussing many problems.

Yeah, I'm talking about very specific positions that the team struggles with. PSU's 125 problem is clearly a recruiting issue. I never said otherwise, so I'm not sure where that came from.

I've seen the Lee-Suriano match many times. It doesn't apply. Suriano is not a scrambler. If you can get to his legs, you've done the hard part.

Obviously, Marinelli, Desanto, Lee, and Kemerer can hang with Penn State's best, but that wasn't my argument. My argument is that the team, as a whole, often struggles to finish out the back door against competent scramblers. This has been a complaint on this board for years, so I'm not sure why you are fighting back so hard against it.

And if you don't think Penn State, as a team, are the best technical scramblers in the game right now then you just aren't paying attention or you just don't want to accept it. It's widely acknowledged. They are almost automatic with their far ankle series.

At some point, Iowa fans are going to have to accept that Cael can really coach and that it's more than getting top end recruits. He's developing those recruits. They want to go there for a reason.
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The biggest jump is always from year one to year two...

Murin as a sophomore, Warner as a sophomore etc should be a lot better. And these guys aren’t slouches by any measure to start with.

Last year, after his semi slide, there was a lot of “bull needs more mental toughness”.... in year two, anyone wanna question his mental toughness?

I love a lot of you guys, but I really wish you put a hiatus on judging anyone after year 1 on the lineup... especially considering how well most of your guys improve in year 2.
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Coaching is only as good as the person receiving it is receptive. People who have made huge improvements from last year to this or early season til now:
- The Bull
- DeSanto
- Warner
You have to include Young in this. He has made huge improvements from last year to this year. If you would have told me last year that he would have an excellent chance at AA this year, I would have said that you're crazy. Losing two one point matches to Pantaleo is not a horrible thing.
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