Iowa versus PSU - dual thread

My word people. Gabe will get a chance at BIGS and NCAAS.
It’s just unfortunate for him that he’s going to see the insults hurled his way. It is a tough deal after saying what he said and not making the walk. I know it’s not his decision but it still is what it is. If the shoe was on the other foot, the PSU wrestler would be getting clowned too. Unfortunate Tom put him in this position IMO. But, my opinion means nothing to Tom lol
that would take a supreme level thick skin to say what gabe said knowing he wasn’t going to wrestle and the backlash from other fanbases would be severe
I think Gabe's just fine. Elite wrestler, confident in his abilities (as he should be), and I don't see guys like him getting bent out of shape if other fan bases are throwing shade his way. Most likely something that would just motivate him imho.
Unfortunately you can’t talk big game and than not show up when it’s time. I know Gabe would have wanted to wrestle so it’s not on him but he’s gonna have to hear a lot about Brands decision tonight.
What if they didn’t want PSU to know Angelo was going today? Might be a different game plan and prep leading up to match. I’m not against messing with their collective head with a little misdirection.
It’s just unfortunate for him that he’s going to see the insults hurled his way. It is a tough deal after saying what he said and not making the walk. I know it’s not his decision but it still is what it is. If the shoe was on the other foot, the PSU wrestler would be getting clowned too. Unfortunate Tom put him in this position IMO. But, my opinion means nothing to Tom lol
I think Gabe has broad shoulders…..