I've thought Iowa and K-State were the favorites
for months now unless Notre Dame got involved. There's always room for a late surprise, I suppose, but based on that report it appears that hasn't happened.
Pros for Iowa: Iowa is closer to her home than K-State. Iowa is a higher level program at the moment. She seemed to excel with All Iowa Attack and Iowa plays a very similar style. I assume Iowa's NIL is better.
Pros for K-State: I don't know K-State's roster that well, but I assume playing time would be easier there. Depending on where the coaches think she should play, she might be competing with Deal, Houston, Stremlow, Levin, and Mallegni for playing time at Iowa just in her class or the class before. In the same vein, it might be easier for her to become a featured part of the offense at K-State.