From a PSU fan's perspective, change from the beginning of the season until now in terms of nationals:
125 UP - at the beginning of the season, I thought Gilman was behind Nico and Nato (in relation to finishing at nationals, not necessarily H-T-H). Now, I think he is one of 3 that might win it and as good or better bet. Nato, him & possibly Nico (still not sure where Nico is as he has not really wrestled anyone since the early season match against Dance - where he looked better than Dance but ended up losing)
133 Down, but not a ton - Clark with potential, but still plagued by same issues. 133 seems stronger this year. At the beginning of year definitely would have picked him as a finalist - much more so than Gilman - and now it is just the opposite.
141 Sideways - jury still out on Grothus to me. I've always thought he was capable of wrestling tough, but just loses too many matches to be a high AA. I don't subscribe to the cut weight and get better theory. Will have to wait until B1Gs until you get a verdict with him.
149 Up, but tempered - think Sorenson is the best wrestler on the team and will be a finalist. Tempered only in that I had him top 3 to start and Zain has been so dominate I have a hard time seeing him winning it all. Could happen, but out of 10 matches, I think Zain wins most of them
157 Up - did not think anything of all of Cooper before the season, wasn't sure he would be the starter. Still don't think he scores a lot of points, but he looks like around a #15 guy or so. Could go 0-2, but could get 2 wins - probably depends on the matchups.
165 Sideways - thought maybe there would be some potential with Paddock here, but that was a complete guess. Rhoads looks like a tough kid, but not one that will score points
174 Down, slightly - at this point, I think AA is a crapshoot with him. Thought he would be a solid AA, maybe not as high as an Iowa fan would, but definitely in the 5-8 range. He could still do that or he could not AA.
184 Down - I thought he would be top 4 definitely. Again, he could do this, but he still looks like the same guy as before and could possibly not even AA in a deep weight class with the wrong draw
197 Up - Never was sold on Burak being a top 4 guy - thought it would depend on his draw. Now I think he is solidly - despite the loss to Pfarr. Hartmann is always a wild card here, so you never know how to stack him up, but I like Burak better than anyone not named McIntosh or Cox.
285 UP - Definitely see him as a solid AA threat, which is way more than I expected from him at the beginning of year. Not sure he is a National Champ type talent guy, but could definitely see him as a 3 to 4x AA - which I didn't expect.
Definitely UPs on the development of Gilman and Stoll. Burak and Sorenson also. Some of the other guys like Clark & Brooks seem stuck in mud - but maybe that's just what they are, which is still very good - look I still think Clark is a top 4 guy, just maybe not the NC I thought he might be. Jury out on Grothus, but my expectation is that we will see the same from him at this point - tease, but not a high AA. Some good development from guys like Cooper, Rhoads, but not enough talent to work with. Not sure what to think of Meyer, but maybe just too high expectations from a couple matches and a wide open weight class.