It’s Lester. And it’s time for Beth to prepare for KFs exit

5 straight years with a top 40 scoring offense, peaking as high as 9th. Think we could do worse
Granted w/ MAC talent as you alluded to in another post. I hope Lester can do as well w/ the MAC skill talent we have on offense at Iowa. We should get the same results, no?
So he had a year and a half at P5 and improved the ppg by 10 in his full year. Should no coaches ever get a chance at P2 if they haven’t been there? How would anyone ever move up?
Can you believe the 49ers hired Harbaugh as head coach back in the day? He only had 1 year of NFL coaching experience as a QB coach. Under qualified
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Last sentence could say it all. I really don't think Kirk would sabotage his career in this way
I think he may have run out of candidates.

He wouldn't intentionally. But he would through his perpetual blind spot. He's convinced his approach to offense is still the best one.

As Beirhalter said, he had Johns and couldn't close the deal. Whether Kirk balked because he felt Johns wanted to do things too far outside his comfort zone...or Johns declined because Kirk made it clear he'd have to accept pretty clear guardrails...the reason Johns didn't get hired is the same. KFz's stubbornness.

As for BG. As Rambler said, the AD's job is to OK the HC's choice unless there are some serious red flags. Some would say she gave KFz the rope to hang himself (forgive the metaphor). I won't be surprised if it turns out that way.
I doubt anyone on this board knows how these decisions are made in the football program. I’d like to think the HC makes his hires without having to have them approved by his boss. That is the way it always worked for me and others in a number of Fortune 500 companies I worked for. I would hope this was his decision alone, and he’ll have to live with it.

The owner of a car dealership lets people do their things if they’re not egomaniacs. However, if they think it is an epically bad decision, they most assuredly will step in… as would have Beth!
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I credit BG for giving KF the opportunity to either fix this or make his own bed. She let it be his call, and he clearly chose to make his bed instead. I just hope he doesn’t drag the whole program down with him, and I have to trust she will do the right thing before that happens.
Only upside, this will blow up and accelerate KF's exit. BG is not going to tell a coach with the history and gravitas of KF who he can or can't hire as OC.
Its a nonsexy, safe hire of someone who possibly reminds kirk of his younger self. It certainly won't change the national narrative regarding the offense or lure in flashy wr recruits. Unconsciously, a slightly more aggressive hire (like Johns-one tht could potentially take Iowa to the playoffs sooner) was intolerable because it would further show that his nepotistic hiring of his son was not only inappropriate, but also an utter failure.
He wouldn't intentionally. But he would through his perpetual blind spot. He's convinced his approach to offense is still the best one.

As Beirhalter said, he had Johns and couldn't close the deal. Whether Kirk balked because he felt Johns wanted to do things too far outside his comfort zone...or Johns declined because Kirk made it clear he'd have to accept pretty clear guardrails...the reason Johns didn't get hired is the same. KFz's stubbornness.

As for BG. As Rambler said, the AD's job is to OK the HC's choice unless there are some serious red flags. Some would say she gave KFz the rope to hang himself (forgive the metaphor). I won't be surprised if it turns out that way.

Well, it is convenient when you don’t have to know the truth you just get to make it up as you want!
You don’t want to see people complain on a message board, do something else like jerk off to a KF poster.
I blow off steam here so I don’t I can share my frustration with other fans. And then in “real life” I can focus on important things like being a loving husband and father.
You show up and judge everyone for being frustrated and you think it makes you a good person. Really it just shows you are a dick.

That’s what I’m doing blowing off steam so I can focus on other things in life that are important….😂

you guys give me so much material… I don’t think it makes me a good person. I think it makes me a ****ing dick. There are times I really don’t even like myself, but I’ve dedicated myself to ****ing with people like you and yes, it makes me a shithead, and right now I don’t care…..

“ I think it makes me a good person”… what an idiot. People think I’m being self-righteous I am literally just being an asshole….

People that have been around me in here long enough to know Im not above coming back around and apologizing, but you, I have no interest in apologizing. There are quite a number of you that quite frankly I think are complete awful shit, ass human beings….

I can only imagine what your wife says about you, whining and bitching on a message board, because I know what mine has said to me in the past.

I don’t let it affect me like I did 10+ years ago when I stopped for five years. I don’t take it quite a seriously now as I used to, and I don’t judge myself quite as harshly as I used to… and I know this because she doesn’t screw with me about my poor attitude like she used to,…

Now, I shouldn’t be screwing with people, but what the hell they’re screwing with someone that’s not even here to defend themselves, so why not?

It’s funny, you’ve probably been making yourself feel better by telling your mind that I am a “typical, self-righteous, judgmental, asshole…

When in reality you’re being a whiny bitch and I’m just here to screw with you….doh!!!
Only upside, this will blow up and accelerate KF's exit. BG is not going to tell a coach with the history and gravitas of KF who he can or can't hire as OC.

Well that’s not what you and your buddy’s said five or six months ago… I know you’re holding onto hope that the sheriff triple B will run the nasty villain KF out of town… But I promise you if she had any balls at all like you guys suggest she does. If she thought it was a piss, poor hire, she would’ve stepped in, nice try gonzo !!!

Its a nonsexy, safe hire of someone who possibly reminds kirk of his younger self. It certainly won't change the national narrative regarding the offense or lure in flashy wr recruits. Unconsciously, a slightly more aggressive hire (like Johns-one tht could potentially take Iowa to the playoffs sooner) was intolerable because it would further show that his nepotistic hiring of his son was not only inappropriate, but also an utter failure.
I wouldn't put it past KF to be thinking in these terms. He can be petty and he felt wronged. We know that. I was worried about him sabotaging or hamstringing the team more as a result of him having his hand forced. Oh well, ultimately, I never expected to be happy with the hire anyway. He's gotta go.
WMU isn’t “power five”
Ahhh, yeah, lol, I see what you are saying. Still disappointing. Like I said before, I felt the OC would be the guy with the least to lose as that person would succumb to KF’s demands. It’s the same as getting Greg Davis who we snagged out of retirement and BF, who was the coach’s son.
Its a nonsexy, safe hire of someone who possibly reminds kirk of his younger self. It certainly won't change the national narrative regarding the offense or lure in flashy wr recruits. Unconsciously, a slightly more aggressive hire (like Johns-one tht could potentially take Iowa to the playoffs sooner) was intolerable because it would further show that his nepotistic hiring of his son was not only inappropriate, but also an utter failure.

Did you read a different John’s thread than me…. The one I read was pretty “meh”…. Now we apparently missed out on one hell of a hire… You guys are too much!
The reason everyone is angry is because KF has absolutely 0 credibility when it comes to making this hire. He has nose dived this offense into the grown and his son would probably still be coach if Beth wouldn't have fired him. He has been wrong way more times than he has been right when it comes to offense, QBS, WR use etc.

So when people say well lets give this guy a chance. No thank you. There is absolutely nothing to string any sort of hope on for KF. ESPECIALLY a hire that took forever, the top candidate (Chryst) saying no thanks, and hiring a guy that literally has never accomplished anything significant in Big Boy college football. I 100% expect this to be a total disaster.

The only real hope I see is that I do believe the new AD Beth Goetz has the balls to tell KF it is time to move on.

What does one do, when they decide to not to give someone the benefit of the doubt?! I’m assuming quit watching and pick a new team right?
In 6 years as a Head Coach, WMU scored the following: 14, 17 and 13 vs Mich St; 3 and 14 vs Mich; 18 vs BYU; 33 vs Syracuse; and 13 and 44 vs Pitt. The rest of their games were MAC level.

Oh, they didn’t score 49 vs Syracuse and 31 vs USC…shoot.
What does one do, when they decide to not to give someone the benefit of the doubt?! I’m assuming quit watching and pick a new team right?
When they kept putting Deacon Hill out there all year and didn’t give anyone else a chance were you giving KF the benefit of the doubt he knew what he was doing? Anyone with eyeballs could tell he is not a D2 QB.

I’ve never once in my life thought KF should be fired but these decisions make me less sympathetic toward him if soon Beth says Kirk it’s time to give it up.
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I am just wondering how Lester and Johns applied for the same job and Lester gets it?? I mean short of coming out and saying Johns wanted to much money, what else on Gods green earth could have swayed the decision the way it went? Did Johns make a pass at one of the coaches wives or what? Because whatever it is, it had to have been horrible for the decision to end as it did.
I'm guessing Beth endorsed Johns.. then Kirk remembered how butthurt he is about his nepotism baby. Therefore, Lester.
KF could've announced he'd hired a jar of Skippy peanut butter as OC and the same dolts would've been on here defending it, lol.
And no matter who he hired a lot of the same people would have been on here finding something to complain about.
I credit BG for giving KF the opportunity to either fix this or make his own bed. She let it be his call, and he clearly chose to make his bed instead. I just hope he doesn’t drag the whole program down with him, and I have to trust she will do the right thing before that happens.

You’re desperate to keep BG out of this aren’t you. Here is a question for ALL of you….

Would a good AD allow a coach to make a REALLY BAD hire and ultimately drag the program backwards….

Before I add the obvious Ill let you answer…
I doubt anyone on this board knows how these decisions are made in the football program. I’d like to think the HC makes his hires without having to have them approved by his boss. That is the way it always worked for me and others in a number of Fortune 500 companies I worked for. I would hope this was his decision alone, and he’ll have to live with it.
She said it was KFs decision.
The reason everyone is angry is because KF has absolutely 0 credibility when it comes to making this hire. He has nose dived this offense into the grown and his son would probably still be coach if Beth wouldn't have fired him. He has been wrong way more times than he has been right when it comes to offense, QBS, WR use etc.

So when people say well lets give this guy a chance. No thank you. There is absolutely nothing to string any sort of hope on for KF. ESPECIALLY a hire that took forever, the top candidate (Chryst) saying no thanks, and hiring a guy that literally has never accomplished anything significant in Big Boy college football. I 100% expect this to be a total disaster.

The only real hope I see is that I do believe the new AD Beth Goetz has the balls to tell KF it is time to move on.
Pretty much this.

Since KOK left, Kirk’s hires and offensive production has gotten worse and worse.

And now Lester

Iowa has no talent on the offense. Lester doesn’t appear to be much of a recruiter (neither was Brian) so it’ll be difficult to see any playmakers coming in

Kirk had a chance to reboot and he chose to keep things broken
When they kept putting Deacon Hill out there all year and didn’t give anyone else a chance were you giving KF the benefit of the doubt he knew what he was doing? Anyone with eyeballs could tell he is not a D2 QB.

I’ve never once in my life thought KF should be fired but these decisions make me less sympathetic toward him if soon Beth says Kirk it’s time to give it up.

It’s a football game for me and I like the pub the defense gets and the winning 10 games….

I’ll give you a quick lesson on how much different I think than some of you… Now, to be fair, you may find this poor thinking. But whereas some of you saw, Laines, Play in the bowl game and said, what an improvement…

I saw the exact reason why he wasn’t playing…He can’t pass. And I don’t mean with any consistency, I mean, he can’t pass hardly at all right now….

Don’t misunderstand me I’m not some superhuman who doesn’t ever get frustrated or mad… I’m also probably one who would’ve tried something different, and as far as that goes, I think seeing that kids running ability I might’ve switched it up a little in and out, but I can see what the coach saw…

Same with Ricky Stanzi… Ricky Stanzi is one of my five favorite Iowa players of all time, but once he played regularly, I could easily see why they were hesitant to play him over JC. He was a TO machine…

The same thing goes with Beathard over Ruddock. Ruddock was a kid who had some skills, he ultimately went to the NFL, and he was in med school, a very, very smart man… Beathard was a little bit more of a gunslinger….

Fans love gunslinger’s….coaches not so much. Some do, most don’t.

These don’t make him a bad coach, or blind, or even too careful.

In fact, the inability of fans, to relate and understand, and see, honestly for me I don’t have any respect for them….they honestly don’t have any skin in the game.

Now I’ve lined out how I see things. I didn’t say I agree, but I can see them, but most of these really hostile fans we have in here I wouldn’t trust them to do anything for me …:
He wouldn't intentionally. But he would through his perpetual blind spot. He's convinced his approach to offense is still the best one.

As Beirhalter said, he had Johns and couldn't close the deal. Whether Kirk balked because he felt Johns wanted to do things too far outside his comfort zone...or Johns declined because Kirk made it clear he'd have to accept pretty clear guardrails...the reason Johns didn't get hired is the same. KFz's stubbornness.

As for BG. As Rambler said, the AD's job is to OK the HC's choice unless there are some serious red flags. Some would say she gave KFz the rope to hang himself (forgive the metaphor). I won't be surprised if it turns out that way.
My biggest I guess confusion with Kirk is even though the man has NEVER called plays he sure seems to know what a "winning" offense is even though 90% of his tenure it has been below average. It is so baffling to me.
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It’s a football game for me and I like the pub the defense gets and the winning 10 games….

I’ll give you a quick lesson on how much different I think than some of you… Now, to be fair, you may find this poor thinking. But whereas some of you saw, Laines, Play in the bowl game and said, what an improvement…

I saw the exact reason why he wasn’t playing…He can’t pass. And I don’t mean with any consistency, I mean, he can’t pass hardly at all right now….

Don’t misunderstand me I’m not some superhuman who doesn’t ever get frustrated or mad… I’m also probably one who would’ve tried something different, and as far as that goes, I think seeing that kids running ability I might’ve switched it up a little in and out, but I can see what the coach saw…

Same with Ricky Stanzi… Ricky Stanzi is one of my five favorite Iowa players of all time, but once he played regularly, I could easily see why they were hesitant to play him over JC. He was a TO machine…

The same thing goes with Beathard over Ruddock. Ruddock was a kid who had some skills, he ultimately went to the NFL, and he was in med school, a very, very smart man… Beathard was a little bit more of a gunslinger….

Fans love gunslinger’s….coaches not so much. Some do, most don’t.

These don’t make him a bad coach, or blind, or even too careful.

In fact, the inability of fans, to relate and understand, and see, honestly for me I don’t have any respect for them….they honestly don’t have any skin in the game.

Now I’ve lined out how I see things. I didn’t say I agree, but I can see them, but most of these really hostile fans we have in here I wouldn’t trust them to do anything for me …:
Lainez maybe can't pass, but neither could Deacon. At least Lainez could do some things with his feet.

Petras was awful. We could all see it, and he did absolutely nothing to help him or go get anyone in the portal when we all know how crucial a QB is in the modern era of college football.

He refuses to emphasize an athletic QB. And even sees it as a negative.

I think KF runs a good Program. But he is a below average, and really an awful offensively minded football coach.
OK, Why do you think Johns didn't get hired?

I don’t….. why in the hell would I, somebody completely not in the know, just like you speculate why somebody didn’t get hired I mean seriously WTF?!

And I won’t bother asking you why you’re doing it… It’s because you’re pissed off and you have a negative opinion and you’re using a message board to express all the shit in your head….

That’s how easy it is to read….
We all have our own decisions to make. I decided after 40 years to no longer buy tickets and donate money. Sure. I will turn on the game and now have the luxury of turning the channel. And once CC is gone ,, Iowa Women BB will be back to 5000 seat crowds. Enjoy what you can while you can
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It’s a football game for me and I like the pub the defense gets and the winning 10 games….

I’ll give you a quick lesson on how much different I think than some of you… Now, to be fair, you may find this poor thinking. But whereas some of you saw, Laines, Play in the bowl game and said, what an improvement…

I saw the exact reason why he wasn’t playing…He can’t pass. And I don’t mean with any consistency, I mean, he can’t pass hardly at all right now….

Don’t misunderstand me I’m not some superhuman who doesn’t ever get frustrated or mad… I’m also probably one who would’ve tried something different, and as far as that goes, I think seeing that kids running ability I might’ve switched it up a little in and out, but I can see what the coach saw…

Same with Ricky Stanzi… Ricky Stanzi is one of my five favorite Iowa players of all time, but once he played regularly, I could easily see why they were hesitant to play him over JC. He was a TO machine…

The same thing goes with Beathard over Ruddock. Ruddock was a kid who had some skills, he ultimately went to the NFL, and he was in med school, a very, very smart man… Beathard was a little bit more of a gunslinger….

Fans love gunslinger’s….coaches not so much. Some do, most don’t.

These don’t make him a bad coach, or blind, or even too careful.

In fact, the inability of fans, to relate and understand, and see, honestly for me I don’t have any respect for them….they honestly don’t have any skin in the game.

Now I’ve lined out how I see things. I didn’t say I agree, but I can see them, but most of these really hostile fans we have in here I wouldn’t trust them to do anything for me …:
Hill was neither a gunslinger or a game manager

He was a turnover machine who also couldn’t complete over 50% of his passes.
I don’t….. why in the hell would I, somebody completely not in the know, just like you speculate why somebody didn’t get hired I mean seriously WTF?!

And I won’t bother asking you why you’re doing it… It’s because you’re pissed off and you have a negative opinion and you’re using a message board to express all the shit in your head….

That’s how easy it is to read….
You guys spotting your own. B*tching about b*tching and spewing the sh*t in your head. It’s a beautiful thing