Johnson decries Olympic opener for mocking christianity


The smile says it all

I was into Greek mythology as a kid a bit, and I had no idea this was anything to do with Dionysius.

Maybe I’m a dummy though. Likely.
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They were absolutely making fun of Christianity down to that blimp of a creature wearing a halo crown in the center. The olympic community apologized for it (kind of) earlier even. I'm sure the lefties loves the man with his nut sack out near a child. This is your branding.

Wrong again, Scrud Man.
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It was embarrassing they allowed such a POS display to take place. I'm such it was allowed to placate to the Islamic scum who have taken over much of Europe and to curry favor with the limp wrist generation.
Fortunately, I didn’t watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Is that really a big deal? Isn’t it traditionally just the athletes parading around the field, waving at the crowd? Watching some of the actual Olympics is enough for me; no need to watch the opening ceremony.
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This is the modern day American Christian. It has to be all about them, anything that doesn’t meet their worldview is viewed as the work of the devil or some stupid $hit like that.
They’re holier than thou hypocritical fvcks.
The most incredible irony, the irony above all ironies, is that the Republicans/Evangicals mock Jesus every single waking moment.
see above.

And @RagnarLothbrok has been in my brain the last few days with his replies/retorts.

Wrong again, Scrud Man.

So, basically, the Christians need to be angry at Da Vinci, for trolling them w/ his Last Supper painting that he modeled after polytheistic Greek orgy parties....
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No comment on the dude hanging his nuts out by that little kid? On brand for you, rag?
Non sequiturs do not strengthen your argument and certainly don’t disprove the freak show was reenacting Greek mythology and had nothing to do with the Last Supper.

As to your question, I do not consider sexually explicit depictions appropriate for a general audience.

Any other goalposts you feel the need to move?
Non sequiturs do not strengthen your argument and certainly don’t disprove the freak show was reenacting Greek mythology and had nothing to do with the Last Supper.

As to your question, I do not consider sexually explicit depictions appropriate for a general audience.

Any other goalposts you feel the need to move?
I'm still waiting for you to comment on the grown man who had his testicles hanging out on global TV next to a child. I'm not talking about what is appropriate for the audience. That's inappropriate entirely.
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I'm still waiting for you to comment on the grown man who had his testicles hanging out on global TV next to a child. I'm not talking about what is appropriate for the audience. That's inappropriate entirely.
Jesus Christ.

I answered it in the very post you just quoted.

Are you drunk?
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I guess I was more hoping your take on a grown man exposing his privates to a child wouldn't be limited to "some audiences might not like it". Carry on.
It’s all encompassing, snowflake.

Now do Trump.

Oh, that’s right. Never question the Orange Messiah.

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