Johnson decries Olympic opener for mocking christianity

Again; you posted a Tweet that shows nothing.

THIS is the actual photo directly off Daily Mail, which appears to be torn tights (like the other posted noted) and too blurry to tell, either way

Wood knot

At a minimum that was unessecary. The Chinese pulled off a ceremony the world still remembers 16 years later and was completely G rated.
France ain’t china, thank god.

For people allegedly worried about Marxism, MAGAS sure seem to love their government-mandated moral strictness.

As a liberty loving American, I say Vive La France, Vive La liberté!
You posted numerous times about this incident only to be proven that you fell for fake news lol.
Nobody on the left has provem anything to the contrary lol I have a clear Pic of it and they have an article saying it didn't happen but it did happen on accident so it didn't happen then immediatelypivoted to south Korea. Cultists being cultists. Same people thought joe biden was mentally competent until 1 month ago. Not a coincidence.
Nobody on the left has provem anything to the contrary lol I have a clear Pic of it and they have an article saying it didn't happen but it did happen on accident so it didn't happen then immediatelypivoted to south Korea. Cultists being cultists. Same people thought joe biden was mentally competent until 1 month ago. Not a coincidence.
It shows his bare leg not his balls.
As if a man dancing around shirtless in underwear next to several other men in Lingerie and drag by a child is acceptable on its own. You people are absolute degenerates. I wonder why the IOC is copyright striking people sharing this video btw..
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As if a man dancing around shirtless in underwear next to several other men in Lingerie and drag by a child is acceptable on its own. You people are absolute degenerates. I wonder why the IOC is copyright striking people sharing this video btw..
How do you feel about beach volleyball?
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As if a man dancing around shirtless in underwear next to several other men in Lingerie and drag by a child is acceptable on its own. You people are absolute degenerates. I wonder why the IOC is copyright striking people sharing this video btw..
Wow. Talk about moving the goalposts
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from the interwebz

Jacob Whitehead

I’m a pastor, and I have something to say.
Christians that get online and spew hate toward nonbelievers anger me much more than nonbelievers spewing hate toward my religion.

I have no idea what the table at the Olympics was supposed to represent, as the official statement contradicts the larger opinion. But what I can say is that every single person at that table would have been invited to Jesus’ table. Jesus not only spent His time on earth with sinners, He invited them to the very table everyone assumes the Olympic table represents.

Matthew was a tax collector.
Peter was about to deny Him.
Thomas was about to doubt His resurrection.
Judas was about to betray Him.
Jesus ate with them anyway.

Jesus was with “sinners” all of the time. In fact, it’s one of the reasons the church people hated Him and wanted Him dead.
Please allow this to serve as a reminder that people who are not Christians are not our responsibility to regulate. Jesus gave us an example to follow of welcoming everyone and pointing them toward the love of Jesus. Remember that God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance, not the shouting of His angry “followers.”

This doesn’t mean I condone any religion (especially my own) being mocked. In fact, it is wrong. But my heart doesn’t hurt for what they are doing to Jesus. My heart hurts for people that are likely not in a loving relationship with their Creator. Jesus doesn’t need me to shout about sinners sinning. He wants me to shout about the hope and the love they are missing out on.
Before you share an angry post, or shout at people that Jesus died for, think for a while, and ask yourself if He would do the same. To be honest, you already know the answer. He wouldn’t. He didn’t. He died for them just as much as He died for you. Angrily shouting at people that don’t know Jesus is in direct contradiction to the example He gave us on the cross.

Westboro Baptist sandwich signs should anger you much more than this. Jesus flipped tables on people in the temple, not people outside of it.

Remember that.
As if a man dancing around shirtless in underwear next to several other men in Lingerie and drag by a child is acceptable on its own. You people are absolute degenerates. I wonder why the IOC is copyright striking people sharing this video btw..
quit being such a pussy about this.
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I appreciate your honesty. I think there are several on this board who would have lied and said they knew from the beginning.

In any case, I feel like this is a huge nothingburger. Who gives a shit what other people do? If you don't like it there is an off button on your remote.
I agree.

Some always need something to be offended about, though.
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I didn’t watch, and am equally not offended.

From the clips I’ve seen, it’s not for me- but that’s ok, the world doesn’t revolve around me.
Yep. I watched, but just chalked it up to the French being French and rolled with it with a laissez-faire attitude.

And forgotten in all this bs, was some extraordinarily produced technical visuals with the horse on the water and laser beams on the Eiffel and Seine.

They've been banging out threesomes and licking bootie since before this country was a glimmer in Pocahontas's eye. I've definitely jerked off to worse. They get a pass. Its much ado about nothing.

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