Johnson decries Olympic opener for mocking christianity

But can’t you see how a Trumpf Evangelical might have misunderstood what transpired on Friday evening in Paris? I certainly can.

Afterall, this Olympic’s theme is all about making America great again….isn’t it? USA! USA! USA!
Did you know it was not a depiction of the last supper until you saw an explanation after the fact?
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Karma is not going to be kind to the snowflakes who felt it was fine to have a bunch of fags reenact the last supper.
That 70S Show Lol GIF by IFC
Did you know it was not a depiction of the last supper until you saw an explanation after the fact?
No….but why would I have thought it was? I thought it was bizarre….but the explanation of the program makes perfect sense. Watching it, I really didn’t know what to think…altho I did have the Marie Antoinette thing pretty much nailed. But the “bacchus” Roman celebration theme makes a helluva lot more sense than what these evangelical sunshine were spouting. Sometimes folks need to keep their mouths shut so their ignorance isn’t exposed to all. You need to remember that, DooBi.
They were absolutely making fun of Christianity down to that blimp of a creature wearing a halo crown in the center. The olympic community apologized for it (kind of) earlier even. I'm sure the lefties loves the man with his nut sack out near a child. This is your branding.
I was stunned to see Huey part of the olympic ceremony. We're all so "proud" of him.
Karma is not going to be kind to the snowflakes who felt it was fine to have a bunch of fags reenact the last supper.
Ahhh yes. That foundational tenet of Christianity - Karma. You know the one where you pray that when someone wrongs you they get in back 7 x 70 times. Or the verse about how souls are sent briefly to the Father's house and then returned to earth to try again.
It’s ok though, he got his son’s
Permission first and they watched it together.

How is that any different than what you and little flick do with each other? You two love spending quality time together watching sick and twisted pornography.
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Did you know it was not a depiction of the last supper until you saw an explanation after the fact?

Did you know Da Vinci's portrait of the Last Supper was actually modeled after a Greek orgy party?
Dude's been trolling Christians for a few hundred years now...

(Michelangelo did, too, if you know anything about the Sistine Chapel)
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Did you know Da Vinci's portrait of the Last Supper was actually modeled after a Greek orgy party?
Dude's been trolling Christians for a few hundred years now...

(Michelangelo did, too, if you know anything about the Sistine Chapel)
So, no? Lol
Did you know Da Vinci's portrait of the Last Supper was actually modeled after a Greek orgy party?
Dude's been trolling Christians for a few hundred years now...

(Michelangelo did, too, if you know anything about the Sistine Chapel)
Well that makes it all OK then.
1. I'm generally one to accept people's explanations at face value, and there's a strong presumption of that here.
2. That said, the imagery is a little...close for comfort. Close enough that one wonders about the french mindset/love for double and triple entendre, and whether that sort of plausible deniability is at work here in an intentional way.
3. Either way, whatever. And for the 'you wouldn't do this with islam" crowd, ladies and gentlemen, i present for you consideration, the Ronnie Johns Half Hour:

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No one asked for my opinion so I’ll give it:

Watched the whole show. The “fashion show” on the bridge was a parody incorporating both Dionysys and The Last Supper. Now that the blue Smurf guy has spoken and we understand the intent was to be a little racy.

At a minimum that was unessecary. The Chinese pulled off a ceremony the world still remembers 16 years later and was completely G rated.

At a minimum, the IOC could have promoted the broadcast partners to make a statement that the show contains suggestive content and parental discretion is advised. I was not happy watching with my child the suggestive threesome scene.

Yes, some Christians are overreacting. I mean, it’s the French! I knew something racy was coming. Christ Himself was not parodied so I’m going to sleep fine tonight. At the same time, I think it is also acceptable to call out globally televised smut, which is what part of the show was.

Progressives lose the argument about protecting children when they allow a child to be near a free-baller on global television.

I think this is sort of where I come down on it.
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I do have to ask, how many of the Hawkeye fans on here calling Johnson soft were losing their shit after the rose bowl halftime show in 2015?

And no, this is not a political statement.
Yay for Torbee once again being a snotty elitist who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. No wonder the media has a lower approval rating than Taco Bell diarrhea.
GFY loser

Idiot that’s proud of his idiocy.

Most 5th graders are smarter than your dumbass.

Here is the problem with that statement though. The Bijlert painting was directly inspired by the Last Supper which was painted 150 years after the Last Supper and is arguably the more famous painting.

Someone with a little bit of foresight should have been able to see how the two would be confused given that the Last Supper is a far more famous painting AND that Bijlert's Le Festin des Dieux was inspired by it.

And I love all the leftists acting like they knew all about Le Festin des Dieux given that the painting is so incredibly famous it is stuck in a small to medium sized art museum in Dijon. The French state owns the painting but at least up til now they have not found it famous enough to stick in the Louvre instead relegating it to a small museum in Dijon.

You didn't hear about it until you went looking for a reason to make fun of Christians for being upset about it.
Here is the problem with that statement though. The Bijlert painting was directly inspired by the Last Supper which was painted 150 years after the Last Supper and is arguably the more famous painting.

Someone with a little bit of foresight should have been able to see how the two would be confused given that the Last Supper is a far more famous painting AND that Bijlert's Le Festin des Dieux was inspired by it.

And I love all the leftists acting like they knew all about Le Festin des Dieux given that the painting is so incredibly famous it is stuck in a small to medium sized art museum in Dijon. The French state owns the painting but at least up til now they have not found it famous enough to stick in the Louvre instead relegating it to a small museum in Dijon.

You didn't hear about it until you went looking for a reason to make fun of Christians for being upset about it.
I didn't see the performance and was unaware of anything regarding it until reading it on here. I also felt no need to go through 5 pages of partisan bickering only to be reminded that the speaker of the House is a devout Christian Nationalist who will take every opportunity to whine about how oppressed and targeted Christians are in this world. It's embarrassing.
Here is the problem with that statement though. The Bijlert painting was directly inspired by the Last Supper which was painted 150 years after the Last Supper and is arguably the more famous painting.

Someone with a little bit of foresight should have been able to see how the two would be confused given that the Last Supper is a far more famous painting AND that Bijlert's Le Festin des Dieux was inspired by it.

And I love all the leftists acting like they knew all about Le Festin des Dieux given that the painting is so incredibly famous it is stuck in a small to medium sized art museum in Dijon. The French state owns the painting but at least up til now they have not found it famous enough to stick in the Louvre instead relegating it to a small museum in Dijon.

You didn't hear about it until you went looking for a reason to make fun of Christians for being upset about it.
i sorta dig it when hbot becomes an art history site
Notice how con pissants such @RicoSuave102954 and @KFsdisciple turn to personal bullying because their arguments don’t hold water. What they don’t understand is that they are in the minority and we are ready to let them know who has the real power.
The best phrase for them is “bitch babies” - perpetually aggrieved, low i.q., anti-intellectual and clearly suffering from low self-esteem because they know that the world knows that they are exceptionally stupid.

Hence, they act like bitch babies.
Notice how con pissants such @RicoSuave102954 and @KFsdisciple turn to personal bullying because their arguments don’t hold water. What they don’t understand is that they are in the minority and we are ready to let them know who has the real power.
bullying? really? I'm pretty sure we're all adults on here... mostly. If someone has a problem with me, they can say so. I'm not bothered by what people say on here. I'm sure I'm on plenty of ignore lists of people who don't like dissenting opinions no matter how respectful they're made. I've tried that route and have been as "bullied" as I'm being accused of.
bullying? really? I'm pretty sure we're all adults on here... mostly. If someone has a problem with me, they can say so. I'm not bothered by what people say on here. I'm sure I'm on plenty of ignore lists of people who don't like dissenting opinions no matter how respectful they're made. I've tried that route and have been as "bullied" as I've being accused of.
Classic bully response. Look at me, I’m the victim, even though you and Rico use completely inappropriate and demeaning terminology towards other posters. Be better.
Classic bully response. Look at me, I’m the victim, even though you and Rico use completely inappropriate and demeaning terminology towards other posters. Be better.
I didn't start out that way. I've just reciprocated the treatment I've received. Golden rule... I'm no victim. Even in this thread the worst thing I said was Torbee was being a snotty elitist and pointed out this his profession has a low approval rating (factual) Trust in the media is currently quite low in the United States. According to a recent Gallup poll, only 7% of Americans have “a great deal” of trust in the media.

He responded with GFY and glue eating. I don't see you calling him out though. Hypocrite birds of a feather and all.
The best phrase for them is “bitch babies” - perpetually aggrieved, low i.q., anti-intellectual and clearly suffering from low self-esteem because they know that the world knows that they are exceptionally stupid.

Hence, they act like bitch babies.
This coming from a guy who has never spent anytime in the real world. Your self-esteem is low because you can’t prove for yourself. You’re a useless shut in who spends all day on the internet beating off to Aaron Rupar articles. You always think you’re the smartest person in the room when in reality you’re just an insufferable dipshit.
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