Kamala’s lead keeps dwindling. JFC this is pitiful.

Looking back it was wrong, but In his defense,.. There isn't a politician on the planet who wouldn't have gotten forced down the same path that Trump traveled early on during covid.
I get that, and I don’t hate the guy like our resident libs, just think that for a guy who touts himself as one of the toughest businessmen in the world he should have seen the economic catastrophe that shutting down the country would cause.
Oh I guess you answered in this reply.

You have this all wrong. Think about what you are saying.....half of registered American voters are racist, love bigotry and vitriol?

Are you actually serious? If so, you better move or build a shelter in the forest because you are saying that many of the people you interact with on a daily basis in America are the above.

This simply isnt the case and the more likely scenario is that you are flat out wrong about Trump voters. Just like 2016.

Too many of you live in liberal hives and don't actually listen to conservatives.

This is what drives this election to conservatives.
4-Foreign policy

ALL of which they see as being better under Trump and are willing to ignore the personality issues. He has been President before. We know how it was when he was in office and the results 'Trump' any of the other things.

I will be voting Trump and am most assuredly not a bigot or hater. Im a normal guy with a normal family, good job, house in the Iowa suburbs, serve my community, and hold Hawkeye season tickets. If you saw me in my day job you'd have no such accusations of bigotry or vitriol I assure you.

You, in short, have it all wrong.
Spot on.
This is a both sides argument dressed in sheep's clothing. The Democrats do NOT run to the far left. The FAR left doesn't have that much influence over the party decisions. Biden is a moderate Democrat. Harris will govern as a moderate democrat. It's hilarious to me that you guys cry about not understanding what her policies are. You pretty much just watched them for the last 4 years. Some of you make things far more complicated than they are.
I disagree. Manchin and Sinema are moderates. Biden/Harris absolutely governed with far left polices. The fact that she's afraid to articulate her polices directly is revealing.
Umm, Nikki Haley is/was right of Trump on almost every issue - at least economic, social and foreign policy. Harris is more of a centrist - this post is hilariously off-base.
I'll disagree. Haley was more centrist on abortion, foreign policy, and domestic policy.
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Trump’s an idiot. Instead of saying “They’re eating the dogs” he should have said “They’re raping the kids.”

If I find articles on sex crimes by Republicans, will you agree to deport them?
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I disagree. Manchin and Sinema are moderates. Biden/Harris absolutely governed with far left polices. The fact that she's afraid to articulate her polices directly is revealing.
Biden and Harris..? No they are politicians first. Bernie is far left as is the Dem VP candidate. Both are likeable leftists in personality. Far righters would not by nature be as likeable.
For somebody that lists crime as such a huge issue I find it interesting that you've decided to vote for a felon. WTF reality are we living in?
I don't believe the conviction is valid and guarantee it will be overturned on appeal. Which can't be filed until sentencing.

This was entirely a ‘get Trump convicted no matter’ and worry about being overturned later sort of a deal. And the ‘felony’ is BS and you know it. No way anyone can justify it in a normal world.

I dont subscribe to your ‘felony’ narrative. Say what you like but this will come back to haunt the Dems. If you are going to start targetting political opponents with felonies over how things were labeled and logging lawyer fees we can do that all day long my friend.
Well she is extremely unlikeable so its not surprising its close. Both are awful and i won't be voting for either. Right now I have Moral as the leader in the clubhouse for my vote but may change it to McLovin because I think Moral might have caught the dead
Not even close but always good to see new "both sides" mouth breather chime in.
I'll disagree. Haley was more centrist on abortion, foreign policy, and domestic policy.
TIL a 6 week abortion ban is more "centrist"

But on Friday, speaking to an audience of conservative Christians in Iowa, Ms. Haley was challenged on whether she would have signed a ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy had it been passed by the Legislature when she served as governor of South Carolina.

“Yes, whatever the people decide,” Ms. Haley replied

On Friday, Trump told Fox News that he still thinks Florida's ban on abortions after six weeks is too strict.

I'm not going to bother doing your homework on the other topics, there's plenty out there.
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I don't believe the conviction is valid and guarantee it will be overturned on appeal. Which can't be filed until sentencing.

This was entirely a ‘get Trump convicted no matter’ and worry about being overturned later sort of a deal. And the ‘felony’ is BS and you know it. No way anyone can justify it in a normal world.

I dont subscribe to your ‘felony’ narrative. Say what you like but this will come back to haunt the Dems. If you are going to start targetting political opponents with felonies over how things were labeled and logging lawyer fees we can do that all day long my friend.
LOL. Our country is ****ing lost.
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It would be hard to fabricate a worse candidate than Trump. If one were to list his qualities on a sheet of paper, it would look astonishingly terrible. The grift is very sad, but somewhat fascinating. I will sit back and wait for the usual fools to tell me how Trump is a “good businessman.” Lol
Lol. Yep, that’s it. All there is to it.

It is all there is to it. He put down legal fees instead of pay off dirty porn star. Wow! Lock him up. Dude you have been a mockery. Be honest about things and then people can decide. This isnt worthy if charging a presidential candidate. Unless you are trying to influence an election. Just like having a foreign leader campaign in Pennsylvania on your behalf.
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It is all there is to it. He put down legal fees instead of pay off dirty porn star. Wow! Lock him up. Dude you have been a mockery. Be honest about things and then people can decide. This isnt worthy if charging a presidential candidate. Unless you are trying to influence an election. Just like having a foreign leader campaign in Pennsylvania on your behalf.

sort of has the ring of an fcpa books and record - if you don't actually list a payment to a foreign official as "bribe," the wrong listing (e.g., service contract payment) is itself a separate violation apart from the substance of the making of teh corrupt payment.
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Thanks! I'm sure some people find happiness downplaying rape and felonies but I guess I am not one of them. Enjoy yourself.
U OK with creepy guys sniffy little girs hair and questionable hand placement? And no Im not ok with what you pointed out. Reagan may have been a rapist too.
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Thanks! I'm sure some people find happiness downplaying rape and felonies but I guess I am not one of them. Enjoy yourself.
Sacha Baron Cohen Thumbs Up GIF by Amazon Prime Video
I think Republican, Illegal alien, sexual predators will be difficult to find...
Haris may win by 20 million votes this time. Why watch the polls just look at the down ballot races from 2022 and beyond. Dems won 80 percent of them. Ya really think trump is winning over women.
I expect Harris to win. Hell I expect her to demolish him. However Trump does have a legitimate path. And that scares the crap out of me.