Maybe this saves the Republican Party

I don't purport to speak for Chis, but I believe what he is saying is that the current Republican Party needs to go the way of the Whigs and be replaced with an actual conservative party replacement. The GOP post-Trump hijacking is unsalvageable.

I tend to agree.

The big thing IMO isn't necessarily the name of the party but what do you do with all of the Republicans who rolled over and just did everything Trump wanted and backed him no matter what horrible thing he did or said.

If you followed Trump into his coup or defended his coup attempt after the fact, I don't see how I could ever trust you with the levers of power again.

Adam Kinsinger, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Peter Meijer, Justin Amash, though they might call themselves Republicans I could at least trust that they have a line that they just arn't willing to cross.

The people in office now who have backed Trump no matter what he wanted to do, how I can anyone trust them. They showed that they have no line that they won't cross.
Yeah cuz I’m just a MAGA right? Also as I’ve mentioned before, the ACA hasn’t and doesn’t do a fvcking thing for me.
I guess I better jump ship and support something that doesn’t do anything for me.
If you want to keep your boner for the ACA that’s great but how about thinking about others as well. Not just being one sided and supporting what you want.
Like I said, you need to compromise and work together.
Please tell me you understand the hilarious hypocrisy of putting these two sentences next to each other.
The only cult here is the MAGA cult. The ones with the shirts and signs and hats and flags and on and on and on.
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I don’t disagree, but penalty in different ways. I think the founders would have capped immigration sooner than later, not been as cool with Islamic faithful immigrating here. The freedom of religion the pilgrims sought was the freedom to worship the judeochristian god in the way they wanted to. I think they would have been more specific with the 2nd amendment too.
I disagree. The founders wouldn't have cared how many came... they wanted and needed people to build up the new nation. I agree there would have been some divide on people of color or perhaps religion, but I am not sure to what extent. I do know that they wanted freedom to choose, so maybe they wouldn't have been restrictive. However, we can all recognize life is different now and religions and cultures are now mixed... so we have to deal with that. I'm fine with immigration, but I would have folks apply online at embassy in their country. I'd secure the borders... both north and south to have a better handle on weaknesses and who's trying to enter in this age of terrorism. But, I'd allow Mexicans to cross to work like they always have. I'd create a system to penalize businesses with illegals and reward those who are here being productive and lawful... because we need them.
Please tell me you understand the hilarious hypocrisy of putting these two sentences next to each other.
do you know what is mean when I say as well.
In case you don’t, I’m saying keep the ACA and helping people who need insurance help AS WELL as helping people who don’t need help with insurance.
Please explain the hypocrisy in that.
do you know what is mean when I say as well.
In case you don’t, I’m saying keep the ACA and helping people who need insurance help AS WELL as helping people who don’t need help with insurance.
Please explain the hypocrisy in that.
No offense, but you are just incredibly simple minded. You reason at the level of about a second-grader.
Did I ever mention in this thread anything about opposing the ACA? I said it’s great that it helps people but it does nothing for me. Fast forward and I say we should try and do more for both sides.
Seems you need a new thinking cap or glasses or something.
Stop, reflect and work together to bring this country out of the misery it is in
Didn't you ask why you should support the ACA when it doesn't benefit you? Pretty sure you said that. And again it's wild Rs like you are running with this narrative. It isn't both sides unwilling to compromise and negotiate agreements. Democrats in congress have proven over and over they are willing to work and do what is necessary but Republicans refuse it's their way or nothing. How do you not see that?
I disagree. The founders wouldn't have cared how many came... they wanted and needed people to build up the new nation. I agree there would have been some divide on people of color or perhaps religion, but I am not sure to what extent. I do know that they wanted freedom to choose, so maybe they wouldn't have been restrictive. However, we can all recognize life is different now and religions and cultures are now mixed... so we have to deal with that. I'm fine with immigration, but I would have folks apply online at embassy in their country. I'd secure the borders... both north and south to have a better handle on weaknesses and who's trying to enter in this age of terrorism. But, I'd allow Mexicans to cross to work like they always have. I'd create a system to penalize businesses with illegals and reward those who are here being productive and lawful... because we need them.
love it...I think Islam would have been out though..especially if that saw the world today
No offense, but you are just incredibly simple minded. You reason at the level of about a second-grader.
thats the thing. It’s simple to realize both parties have nut jobs and both parties need to work together. So simple that a second grader can see it. Yet you’re so sophisticated that it’s beneath you and you can’t see it.
Must be hard being so intelligent. Even second graders know better than to have a hissy fit when someone has a different opinion.
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love it...I think Islam would have been out though..especially if that saw the world today
I actually read a lot of biographies and most of the most influential Founding Fathers had a fair amount of respect for Islam. Keep in mind, in the 18th Century, there were far fewer radical Muslims and we were not that far removed from the days when Islamic scientists were at the forefront of astronomy and mathematics.

A brief example:

Islam and the Founding Fathers

When the American Constitution was ratified in 1787, the Founding Fathers decreed that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise therefore.” In 1783, George Washington (1732-1799), the first president of the United States, stated that “The bosom of America is open to receive . . . the oppressed and the persecuted of all Nations and Religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges… They may be Muslims, Jews, Christians of any sect, or they may be atheists” (Spellberg 5). When it came to workers, he judged people based on their character as opposed to their creed: “If they are good workmen, they may be of Asia, Africa, or Europe. They may be Muslims, Jews or Christians of any Sect, or they may be Atheists” (Spellberg 5).

John Adams (1797-1801), the second President of the United States and the first Vice President, described the Prophet Muhammad as one of the world’s “sober inquirers of truth” alongside such figures as Confucius, Socrates, and Franklin and cited him as a model of compassion.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the third President of the United States, owned and read a copy of the Qur’an. When it came to law, Thomas Jefferson insisted upon being universal. He opposed the use of “Jesus Christ,” and other synonyms, in bills, since it implied “a restriction of the liberty defined in the Bill to those professing his religion only” (Spellberg 119-120). He specifically stated that the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1786) was written “to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and the Muslim, the Hindu, and infidel of every denomination.” Speaking of the Constitution of 1780, Massachusetts governor, Chief Justice Theophilus Parsons, affirmed that it afforded “the most ample liberty of conscience… to Deists, Muslims, Jews, and Christians.”

Quoting John Locke (1632-1704), Thomas Jefferson asserted that “Neither Pagan nor Muslim nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion.” His ally, Richard Henry Lee, even passed a motion in Congress on June 7, 1776, in which he asserted that “True freedom embraces the Muslim and the Hindu as well as the Christian religion.”

The University of Virginia, founded by Thomas Jefferson, includes a visual tribute to his commitment to religious pluralism. It features the statue of an angel carrying a tablet inscribed with the words “Religious Freedom, 1786” and which includes the names God, Allah, Jehovah, and Brahma.

Although some Americans believe that Islam has always been fundamentally at war with the West, the fact of the matter is that the Ottoman Empire, the most powerful Muslim political entity of the period, concluded a treaty with the United States that was inspired by the Covenant of the Prophet. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Ottoman Empire, signed by President John Adams in 1797, proves this to be true. It reads:

As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the Laws, religion, or tranquility, of Muslims; and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Muslim nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. (Spellberg 207)
Until Republicans stand up to Trump, they have zero business talking about much of anything else where politics is concerned. The MAGAts are taking control of the apparatuses of state parties all the way down to precinct committees. They're taking school boards (with notable pushback). Until they clean out the incredible rot in their own house - if that's even possible - nothing they can say about Democrats has any relevancy.
While I don't disagree with you, the highlighted part doesn't accept the fact of the situation. Telling people they're stupid is rarely a bridge to compromise. IMHO, a candidate must emerge that has SOME appeal to the MAGA portion of the party, but ultimately is more rational and a person with more steak than sizzle. That would be a step in the right direction. That said, I have no clue who that could be.
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thats the thing. It’s simple to realize both parties have nut jobs and both parties need to work together. So simple that a second grader can see it. Yet you’re so sophisticated that it’s beneath you and you can’t see it.
Must be hard being so intelligent Even second graders know better than to have a hissy fit when someone has a different opinion.
One person in this thread is having a hissy fit and it certainly is not me.
Didn't you ask why you should support the ACA when it doesn't benefit you? Pretty sure you said that. And again it's wild Rs like you are running with this narrative. It isn't both sides unwilling to compromise and negotiate agreements. Democrats in congress have proven over and over they are willing to work and do what is necessary but Republicans refuse it's their way or nothing. How do you not see that?
I’m sure I’ve said something similar in response of why should i solely support the ACA if nothing is going to be done to help me out. I brought up that I don’t get paid jack sheet and said I’d love to support the ACA as long as we are fighting for better wages for the people that already have great insurance. But of course I’m labeled as selfish because I want to help out multiple groups of people and not just the ones needing better insurance.
I don’t know what the Republican Party is or isn’t doing nor do I know what the Democratic Party is or isn’t doing. I don’t get a boner over that stuff.
I do know when my life has tended to be easier when a certain party has political power.
My bad for trying to survive and have a decent life for myself and my family.
The big thing IMO isn't necessarily the name of the party but what do you do with all of the Republicans who rolled over and just did everything Trump wanted and backed him no matter what horrible thing he did or said.

If you followed Trump into his coup or defended his coup attempt after the fact, I don't see how I could ever trust you with the levers of power again.

Adam Kinsinger, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Peter Meijer, Justin Amash, though they might call themselves Republicans I could at least trust that they have a line that they just arn't willing to cross.

The people in office now who have backed Trump no matter what he wanted to do, how I can anyone trust them. They showed that they have no line that they won't cross.

Wait. You trust politicians? Why?
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Agree to disagree, I think a 3rd party that was middle of the road and pragmatic would work. Look at what Ross Perot did back in 92.
I don't disagree with you at all, but to be viable it would require an abandonment of the current Electoral College system for POTUS elections. There's absolutely no way the current GOP would support that type of reform, or the Democratic party for that matter. They both understand the political power the EC preserves for them by maintaining a bipartisan system where newcomers are essentially completely unviable.
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While I don't disagree with you, the highlighted part doesn't accept the fact of the situation. Telling people they're stupid is rarely a bridge to compromise. IMHO, a candidate must emerge that has SOME appeal to the MAGA portion of the party, but ultimately is more rational and a person with more steak than sizzle. That would be a step in the right direction. That said, I have no clue who that could be.
That highlighted statement didn't call anyone stupid. I said the GOP must clean up their unimaginably huge mess before they can be taken seriously on any other point. Their party is Trump...Trump is their party. Trump can literally call Ted Cruz's family assassins and Ted just excuses it. There is no Trump-lite so the idea that such a candidate could appeal to the mouth-breathing MAGAts just doesn't track. They are all about "purity" in every way.

For the GOP to survive, they will have to exorcise those idiots - including those office holders - who have kissed Trump's ass at every opportunity, and lose elections until they can craft policies that have broader appeal. As it is right now, they can't even craft policies of any kind beyond doing whatever Trump says and I see no path beyond that.
I’m sure I’ve said something similar in response of why should i solely support the ACA if nothing is going to be done to help me out. I brought up that I don’t get paid jack sheet and said I’d love to support the ACA as long as we are fighting for better wages for the people that already have great insurance. But of course I’m labeled as selfish because I want to help out multiple groups of people and not just the ones needing better insurance.
I don’t know what the Republican Party is or isn’t doing nor do I know what the Democratic Party is or isn’t doing. I don’t get a boner over that stuff.
I do know when my life has tended to be easier when a certain party has political power.
My bad for trying to survive and have a decent life for myself and my family.
So you are fine with being tied to a low paying job because you need the insurance? Maybe find a higher income and get yourself on the ACA…
So you are fine with being tied to a low paying job because you need the insurance? Maybe find a higher income and get yourself on the ACA…
Exactly you still only care about one group of people.
I’m supposed to leave my job with tenure and a place where I’m building a decent retirement package because you don’t want to help multiple people. Just someone with shit insurance.
Plus how isn’t this much different than someone scamming the system and living off welfare. Someone is paying for that ACA insurance and you want me to take advantage of it.
I understand what you're saying, but I have been waiting 5 years for someone to prove Chis wrong on any of his takes on today's Republican party.

No normal Republican can speak out against the cult leader. I just heard that Larry Hogan, who is I think running for Senate, tweeted out something about respecting the rule of law no matter what the Trump verdict was. After the verdict someone in the Trump campaign tweeted at him that he just ruined his political career.

It's all about loyalty to one dude. Bend the knee. There is nothing that I read or hear them say that tells me anything that Chis has been saying is wrong. Trump/MAGA want a fascist regime that never allows a change in power. They want to subvert the Constitution. Trump's lawyer, in court, answers that under the right circumstances he could have a political rival executed. That's Russia. That's nothing about what our service members have fought and died for.

Again, still waiting for someone to prove him wrong and the guys that laugh about possibly losing American Democracy correct. Nothing from Trump and Republicans in Congress are showing me anything different. My former party has gone batshit crazy.
Chishawk being “right” about Trump and MAGA isn’t that boast-worthy IMO. I can claim the same status, as I have been against Trump and his movement from the beginning.

Chishawk’s issue, as another poster pointed out, is his delivery more than his message. And what I said is correct: his histrionics do more to push people toward Trump than away.

Libs like to highlight how much of an asshole Trump is in his delivery; well, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The biggest issue with Chishawk is his behavior on here seems to reflect a belief that the Almighty has bestowed upon him the duty of going on a message board crusade to rid the United States of fascism and tyranny. And, yes, that is utterly ridiculous.

That’s the point.
I don't purport to speak for Chis, but I believe what he is saying is that the current Republican Party needs to go the way of the Whigs and be replaced with an actual conservative party replacement. The GOP post-Trump hijacking is unsalvageable.

I tend to agree.
Your message is a lot different, and one I can be on board with.

That’s a lot different than this:

The GOP deserves to be wiped out. Period

If Trump had said that about the Democratic Party, the interpretation would undoubtedly be that Trump was making a call for violence to kill all Democrats. Since Chishawk has the emotional intelligence of Trump, I am not going to error on the side of giving him the benefit of the doubt.
The GOP is far beyond saving. They don't care about the country. They only care about power and money.
And Joe cares about the country??? Give. Me. A. F**king. Break.

And FYI - money is what makes this world work. Money is priority #1.
Your message is a lot different, and one I can be on board with.

That’s a lot different than this:

If Trump had said that about the Democratic Party, the interpretation would undoubtedly be that Trump was making a call for violence to kill all Democrats. Since Chishawk has the emotional intelligence of Trump, I am not going to error on the side of giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Exactly you still only care about one group of people.
I’m supposed to leave my job with tenure and a place where I’m building a decent retirement package because you don’t want to help multiple people. Just someone with shit insurance.
Plus how isn’t this much different than someone scamming the system and living off welfare. Someone is paying for that ACA insurance and you want me to take advantage of it.
Just a suggestion bud. I don’t know why you stay in a job that “doesn’t pay sheet.” You are choosing to trade off a higher wage for good insurance and that is great you can do that. Not everyone has that choice.
And Joe cares about the country??? Give. Me. A. F**king. Break.

And FYI - money is what makes this world work. Money is priority #1.
You sound angry. Did your mom not give you a cookie today?

There was a time in my life when people who ran for public service cared about the country and the people they represent rather then how much grift they can pocket.

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