The wrestling tunnel is a solid metaphor showing Iowa is figuratively and literally connecting itself to Carver for the near future and that's why I brought up the dollar figures showing not insignificant investment. $400M is massive. The Kinnick end zone project was the last huge project at Iowa, cost $90M, and got pushed through largely because Iowa went 12-0 the year before.50 million sounds like a lot but really isn’t when you consider that a new arena probably costs 400 million. I suspect the wrestlers would continue to use Carver if a new arena were built.
There is space by the river to build. You could knock down the English building. Or, as many have suggested, you could knock down the Old Capital Mall.
Space along the river is limited because most open land is threatened by 100-yr floods and would be fully engulfed by a 500-yr flood. And UI does not own the the Old Cap Mall, they're just a significant tenant there. Not trying to dunk on the new arena idea. A modern arena in a better location would be much nicer. Just don't see it happening anytime soon.