
I don't believe every time a player contracts rhabdo, it's because of illegal PED use. But 13 players didn't all contract rhabdo after a workout simply because the workout was too intense. There's another factor in there that Iowa fans don't want to hear about.

Actually the fact that 13 contracted rhabdo after the one workout does indeed point that the workout WAS the cause. There is more evidence that creatine is a contributing factor to rhabdo than anabolic steroids.
Thank you for making my point with all your the last 20 years Nebbie has be just as irrelevant (as Nebbie fans like to tag Iowa football) as Iowa. In a sense people could make the argument...more irrelevant because the young men that are being placed on the field have no earthly idea of Nebbie football other than the instability.

What is more comical is how high a seat that the Nebbie fanboys put Osborne. He was an unethical and law skirting man in charge(you don't want to try to defend him do you?)....and oh boy your present coach has a checkered past as a Nebbie player. Wonder why they are such good buds??? Pelini was the best coach Nebbie has had since the Big 8 and you and your fanboys ran him out of town because the unrealistic view that you corncobs have of Nebbie football. You will get blasted week in and week out this year...but the Nebbie fanboys and your coach have already vaguely made the excuses for that.

Osborne won games and national championships. As a football fan, I care about that. He graduated a ton of kids. I care about that. He made a substantial positive impact on many young men's lives. I care about that. There is a lot of hearsay and rumor that is published, and I also believe his intent with LP. There is a lot to that story that people like you choose not to acknowledge. He didn't even need LP to win games or a championship. He had Ahman Green, and they had so many other weapons on offense and defense, LP was a part of it, but I believe Osborne did what he did because he believed what LP's counselor told TO - that LP needed structure to have a chance, because he was such a product of being walked away from and abused as a child, that his only hope was a structured program. That's documented. From a professional counselor not tied to Nebraska football. People want to fault Osborne for allowing LP back, or any of the others, and that's fine. Maybe he did make some mistakes. I don't know the facts, and fans like you don't look for the whole story, they look for the story they want to proliferate to serve their agenda. Osborne wasn't perfect, he made mistakes, and he was one hell of a football coach who brought multiple national championships, top 5 and top 10 finishes, and a history-making number of wins, and he produced the greatest college football team of all time in 1995. I can see what you would look for ways to point out errors and flaws.

My point is that, even after Osborne left and the leveling off of the program from unsustainable heights, Nebraska is STILL more successful than Iowa in the time Kirk has been around up until the hiring of Riley and his short tenure here.
Would you say there is as little proof that Iowa players use steroids as there is in Frost hiding in a closet?

I don’t care about what Scott Frost may or may not have done! I care about your attempt to deflect truths about the proven conduct of Tom Osborne by making disgusting accusations against doctors and other professionals at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
It's been 22 years since LP was pulled off of Kate by Frost, yet we have Iowa fans in this thread claiming SF hid in a closet without a single credible source.

We can tell how much the the closet thing bothers you. It probably bothers a lot of Nebraska fans. You’d better learn to deal with it, because true or untrue, it won’t ever go away.
Frost is a closet hiding pussy. Everybody knows this. It really bothers the Nubbers.Gambler too. And a guy who likes to sleep in late.
Frost may be successful at Nebbie. He may not. Time will tell. I will make a bold prediction, though: if he has 2 or 3 6-7 win seasons, the things the Bugeater faithful will be saying about him will surpass anything an Iowa fan could come up with. All the LP stuff and being too good for Lincoln out of high school will be all you hear from them. They will say he was never truly a Nebraska guy because he chose Stanford.
Frost may be successful at Nebbie. He may not. Time will tell. I will make a bold prediction, though: if he has 2 or 3 6-7 win seasons, the things the Bugeater faithful will be saying about him will surpass anything an Iowa fan could come up with. All the LP stuff and being too good for Lincoln out of high school will be all you hear from them. They will say he was never truly a Nebraska guy because he chose Stanford.
He cemented himself as a Nebraska legend by winning a National Championship. No doubt he will have to produce results as a HC to remain the HC, but he will also be given more time than your average HC would be given here.