***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Looking at the numbers there are still a lot of votes to be counted, numbers that if they went Trump's way could flip some states back to him.

That said based on where the votes are PA and NV seem pretty secure and that is enough electorial votes to call a winner.

But GA looks like the possibility of it flipping back is there. AZ looks like it will be close.
I've never understood his appeal. He's like a second year poli Sci major that wants to take the lsats but knows he can't hack it.

There are ways of speaking and a demeanor that you can put on that make you seem smart. If you do this than people are less likely to question what you have to say.

He tells people what they want to hear while giving off the appearance of high intelligence so that they feel like they are educated on a topic they really know little to nothing about.
Just not buying Biden having a million more votes than Obama...she’s doing a fantastic job registering all the new voters no doubt..but as Joe says cmon man.

if Joe is our president I’ll support him like I’ve done for every president
Lol. You do realize that an addition to the get out to vote and the disgust with trump in the giant urban and suburbia area of Atlanta, where half the states population resides, the state itself has added over 1,000,000 people in population since 2008.....
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Looking at the numbers there are still a lot of votes to be counted, numbers that if they went Trump's way could flip some states back to him.

That said based on where the votes are PA and NV seem pretty secure and that is enough electorial votes to call a winner.

But GA looks like the possibility of it flipping back is there. AZ looks like it will be close.
Don’t think so on Georgia. The lead has only been getting bigger and there’s only like 15,000 ballots left
Don’t think so on Georgia. The lead has only been getting bigger and there’s only like 15,000 ballots left

Yeah but they are getting into military votes and provisional ballots.

Regardless GA is guaranteed at this point to have a recount after it is all done.

I am hoping that the margins will be high enough elsewhere so that these states can be called without us waiting on a recount.

Wisconsin may also end in a recount.
Yeah but they are getting into military votes and provisional ballots.

Regardless GA is guaranteed at this point to have a recount after it is all done.

I am hoping that the margins will be high enough elsewhere so that these states can be called without us waiting on a recount.

Wisconsin may also end in a recount.

I’m not too worried about the military votes, those break about 55/45 to the GOP, probably not enough to catch Biden.

The good thing is if both those states happened to flip in a recount (highly unlikely) it looks like Biden would still have 280 electoral votes.
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I’m not too worried about the military votes, those break about 55/45 to the GOP,probably not enough to catch Biden.

The good thing is if both those states happened to flip in a recount (highly unlikely) it looks like Biden would still have 280 electoral votes.

I mostly just want to get to the point where everyone but Trump is going to view him as the president elect. And that doesn't happen if we still have recounts going in states critical to his win.
Yeah but they are getting into military votes and provisional ballots.

Regardless GA is guaranteed at this point to have a recount after it is all done.

I am hoping that the margins will be high enough elsewhere so that these states can be called without us waiting on a recount.

Wisconsin may also end in a recount.

We have been over this. In the last election there were a total of 15K GA provisional and military ballots.

Some have already been turned in and counted.
Not all are gonna be for Trump
Provisional ballots tend to break democratic.

Recounts might flip 1,000 votes, and that's on the high end, Biden is up by way way way more than that.

Can you please stop with this is wait-and-see attitude with recounts and late arriving ballots?! It is not rooted in reality. Even if GA some how goes back to Trump there is almost no way he makes up 20K plus in Arizona, Nevada and PA. The only way to do that is have some machine read all Trump votes as Biden votes and there hasn't even been a suggestion of that by the craziest of wingbats.
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We have been over this. In the last election there were a total of 15K GA provisional and military ballots.

Some have already been turned in and counted.
Not all are gonna be for Trump
Provisional ballots tend to break democratic.

Recounts might flip 1,000 votes, and that's on the high end, Biden is up by way way way more than that.
Biden won allegheny’s military ballots 75-25. Maybe Trump shouldn’t have called them suckers and losers
It’s getting real!!! Lawyers at the Four Seasons, folks!!!!

I hear their finger sandwiches are divine (not sure why Trumpy deleted the tweet)

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Yea that 7k lead is looking good. It may even grow slightly.

With that lead I feel like they should call it. Didn't feel as comfortable with a 4k lead, a 7k lead helps.

Somehow I think they they are going to try and delay the call even further.
I feel like the media is just milking the attention right now. Everyone except the hardcore trumpers and whoever fell victim to the Social media algorithm believe the idiot. Just call the race and let’s move on with trump firing a bunch of people and a transition to power to Biden. He is hurting the right a lot more right now compared to helping.
I feel like the media is just milking the attention right now. Everyone except the hardcore trumpers and whoever fell victim to the Social media algorithm believe the idiot. Just call the race and let’s move on with trump firing a bunch of people and a transition to power to Biden. He is hurting the right a lot more right now compared to helping.
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I feel like the media is just milking the attention right now. Everyone except the hardcore trumpers and whoever fell victim to the Social media algorithm believe the idiot. Just call the race and let’s move on with trump firing a bunch of people and a transition to power to Biden. He is hurting the right a lot more right now compared to helping.

Exactly, they realized that the Biden supporters are glued to them waiting for some sort of official confirmation so they can start celebrating. So they are looking for reasons not to call it.
Yeah. They need to call PA and therefore the election. Amazing how nobody will do it. It’s time.

AP's rules say they won't call a race that they think might be in the recount range. Biden needs to widen the lead to greater than a half a percentage point to get out of that range.
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