*****Official IOWA at Maryland Game Thread*****

Got to get the ball to Uthoff. Too much 2 man game between Gesell and Woodbury right now. Also got to be better defensively. Everything coming too easy for Maryland.
Were the students chanting "you are ugly" while uthoff was at the line? I hope not, but that's what it sounded like to me
Not totally bad at 5 down. Need to settle down.

IA seems to be rushing on the offensive end
They've got Mike's drive to the basket sniffed out. Need to find something different.
Gesell needs to realize MD is helping down low. Need to stop forcing the shot Mike.

Uhl and Clemmons stepping up. MD is actually playing pretty well.

Keep hanging around until we can get Uthoff and Jok going.
That is exactly what Uthoff needs to do, drive it hard to the rack until you can get going from the outside.