**** Official Israel War thread****

Is Israel calling for the death of all Christians? I must have missed that.
Is that what I said?

I just find it interesting that tens of millions of Americans believe that blind loyalty to the government of Israel is some sort of a pre-requisite to considering themselves Christian, though they know NOTHING about the history and basis of Judaism. That's all.

I’m not sure when it’s going to sink in to the media and protestors that the Gaza Strip is going to be called “Israel” in a week and will be rebuilt as part of Israel with the Palestinians formerly of the Gaza Strip to be referred to as “Egyptians” or whoever lets them in. I don’t think they’ll be let back into Israel
And run right into the arms of Hamas. Great plan to create 2 million more terrorists. Or did you mean they should just kill 2 million people? Sounds kind of like a...what's the word? Holocaust. Oh the irony.
Nope, just the men aged 16-65. It's not remotely ironic nor is it a Holocaust. The jews didn't attack German civilians butchering thousands in the 1930s, nor did they attack Gaza preemptively last week. There's nothing remotely comparable to anyone other than those trying to justify the actions of Hamas, or in some way deny Israel's right to do whatever is necessary to prevent it from happening again.
Seeing multiple reports that Israel air strikes targeted airstrips in Aleppo again.
From what I read this is targeted to stop resupply of Hamas and Hezbollah from Iran
Iran is running the show here. If Biden had any guts we would be sending them some cruise missles there way and stop most of this from happing again. Media will start to attack Israel for going into Gaza soon and then we will get more protesters than can be controlled
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Putting F-15s in Jordan seems pretty big for political and strike capability reasons. I don’t keep up on all moves, but I can’t recall the US moving that much hardware into Jordan before. The ground support and logistics for fuel and weapons must be pretty big. I assume we must have trained with the Jordanians before and the base must be prepped. I assume we can borrow some fuel and missiles as needed.
Politically it’s a big FU from Jordan to Hamas.
Nope, just the men aged 16-65. It's not remotely ironic nor is it a Holocaust. The jews didn't attack German civilians butchering thousands in the 1930s, nor did they attack Gaza preemptively last week. There's nothing remotely comparable to anyone other than those trying to justify the actions of Hamas, or in some way deny Israel's right to do whatever is necessary to prevent it from happening again.

This is what being loaded into cattle cars to be led to slavery and death brings. To be gassed and starved to death leaves a lasting impression. What the jews learned is that no one os coming to save them and those that could find reasons the jews deserve to take a train ride. In the present day we have a group that wants to skip the cattle cars and simply exterminate the jews directly. That is their stated goal. Unlike the Germans the Palestinians won't be harvesting their hair and body fat. They aren't organized enough to maintain a water supply let alone store children's shoes they murder for later use. If they have their way all of the jews will die though. To prove that evil continues we have people right on this board that cheer for the modern day nazis. We have our own politicians like AOC explaining why the cattle cars are necessary and why the nazis are the victims. Just like before the politicians explain why the jews are to blame for their own extermination. We have our these modern day nazis walking our streets, protesting in our halls if higher learning, and pontificating within our halls of power about how to support terrorists. Once this war is over don't be shocked when Israel pursues their enemies just like they hunted down nazis hiding in South America.

There is only one side to be on the side of in this war. Be on the side of Israel or side with evil.
Iran is running the show here. If Biden had any guts we would be sending them some cruise missles there way and stop most of this from happing again. Media will start to attack Israel for going into Gaza soon and then we will get more protesters than can be controlled
I don't think we will be able to stop Israel from taking care of that themselves
Putting F-15s in Jordan seems pretty big for political and strike capability reasons. I don’t keep up on all moves, but I can’t recall the US moving that much hardware into Jordan before. The ground support and logistics for fuel and weapons must be pretty big. I assume we must have trained with the Jordanians before and the base must be prepped. I assume we can borrow some fuel and missiles as needed.
Politically it’s a big FU from Jordan to Hamas.

My Mom was scheduled to go to Jordan with a tour group on Tuesday. She canceled and the tour group won't refund her $3,000.

Her friend is still going...