**Official Okie State PBP thread**

rubbing heads
with 44 seconds
Williams misses a duck
at 37 V3 gets a leg
Deep again.
Again body lock
Great HC to get to the leg but V3 cannot get through
V3 another shot and nothging
Williams tries to sweep
10 sm
end of 1
2nd period
V3 down and up and out in 6 secodns
Williams defered and v# went down
rubbing heads
1:14 and now in space
With nothing change, ref gieves Williams a SW
under.1 min
V3 misses a sing and Williams downblock and tries to cut
31 seconds
rubbing heads
wonder what V3 will do int eh third?
restart iwth 7 seconds nothing.
end of 2
3rd period
V3 going top
Williams out in 13 seconds
Must have been Willimasn choice
1:37 deep single for V3
Willimas works around to body lock
v3 is flat
and both guys have a leg
ref calls SM
1 min
V misses and Williams ducks and gets a leg
TD for Willimas
SM with 34 seconds
not sure why it was a SM
V3 was in trouble.
35 seconds
Stoppage helped avoid backs
V3 up and dumped and working out 24
V3 another leg with body lock sit.
Will end on the mat with each guy on a leg.
V3 loses 3-7

Tied 6-6
I'm with Smith. Why the stoppage?
They’v been doing that this year to avoid hitting the top man with a 5 count for not coming off the legs. same thing in the 133 match. this guy is far more aggressive than most.
Mark it off the list cuz you just did. There may not be another top tier team that is worse at scrambling than the Hawks
It feels like I've also never seen a roll not work against the Hawks. No one did it against the brands so apparently it doesn't exist in their minds.
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Franek wrestling in the center
Travis for Okie State is #10
Chad Beatty on the radio iwht Grace today
Franek has a couple of level changes and 1/2 attemps
1:50 nothing so far
Unders and each guy has a nose ont eh mat
Beatty commenting on how we apply preaasure and Okie St gives the faux feeling that is hard to shot against
under 1 min
wrist and elbow ties
SM 43 seconds
"Assume that they are wrestling on the edge and the Okie State guys back is to the edge."
double colar ties14 seconds
FRanek dives for an ankle and hips from Travis
good shot by FRanek but not enogh time

Franek down
up and big reutrn
Fighing back to his back
Travis a tough ride.
Jesus christ ayala let's get to some offense
I have been starting to wonder if he has an undisclosed injury issue. The OT shot he scored on was the first committed leg attack I had seen from him in quite a while. Tough to win big time matches at nationals taking 1 shot per match.
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Are they wrestling on a gymnastics mat? What's with the weird "bounce" sound all the time
Another mat return and oob at 1:mad:4
C on Franek
Tripod and then sitting and then out
47 RT
1:03 and time for eye poke
Wow with 54 secodns Franek with a double leg and covers in a split setcond
on a leg and kick out
18 Franek andother leg and body leg
good position
Travis looking to lock the crotch
with 8 seconds pop out the arm and goes to double TD!
and ride out without a SW as he was on the legs at the end
end of 2
I have been starting to wonder if he has an undisclosed injury issue. The OT shot he scored on was the first committed leg attack I had scene from him in quite a while. Tough to win big time matches at nationals taking 1 shot per match.
The Office Thank You GIF
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