**Official Okie State PBP thread**

3rd period
Franek on top
TRavis up and out in 5 seonds
1:08 and TRavis has a leg and Franek has a leg
with 56 seconds PD
no TD
Okie St mad
They got a mat warnign earlier. This should be a seconds
Franek is bleeding out of eye.
Beatty ageees on PD
TRavis has a coupleof show and Franek does the rope a dope and covers for a TD
oob 16
Riding tough
on the legs and hanging on for the SW
13 seconds there is the stall
BT for Franek
Smart riding
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Restart and tough ride.
Locked hands!
officials go to the review
Coleman Scott is on the mat for the 3rd or 4th time
Chad Beatty does not agree.
Caliendo/ Olejnik may determine team winner today
Beatty and Grace discussing how Beatty and Ironside could do the call with Grace.
Now Beatty has a text that says "We're tired of Grace"
  • Haha
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Caliendo#7 / Olejnik#3
This is big time.
FS1 has video of Okie State fans tailgating outside.
Weather looks good down there.
Iowa leads TDs 5-4
2:26 first half shot for MC
2:09 and head to outside shot and leg
MC has it deep
on the edge
Switchs off to both legs
NO TD yet
aroudn behind
going to go oob
on the edge, MC picks him up and slams hims for the TD
Brands threw a cube and takes it back
That was a big move
Restart and out
3-1 lead
1-0 RT
under 1 min
Great level change for MC and around for another TD
Boot scoout around!

Has him flat
Even FS1 loves it
has him flat
Standing with 30 secnd
Izzak stnaidn with 12 seonds and MC muscle aand oob 4 seconds
Ride out
6-1 lead
RT 56 secodns
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