Official Portal Watch

Although I don't use that argument, you have no room to talk when such a high percentage of your posts are rather incendiary towards Iowa Wrestling fans. You of all people need to "grow up" before asking it of anyone else...
Really, which one?
Wow, so you don’t show one you just search for literally every single post I’ve ever made. So you want to compare me giving some of you Iowa fans a hard time and a little “friendly“ banter with what happened with Sandusky, yeah your so right, ribbing some grown men on a stupid public forum over wrestling is comparable to raping and molesting children. You better thicken up that skin boy, the world’s getting tougher every day and you might not be able to make it.
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Wow, so you don’t show one you just search for literally every single post I’ve ever made. So you want to compare me giving some of you Iowa fans a hard time and a little “friendly“ banter with what happened with Sandusky, yeah your so right, ribbing some grown men on a stupid public forum over wrestling is comparable to raping and molesting children. You better thicken up that skin boy, the world’s getting tougher every day and you might not be able to make it.
Hey, if you have paid attention, my skin is the equivalent of about 2' feet of titanium. The way I post, I actually encourage people to come after me and often enjoy it. I was simply making a point of how hypocritical your post was.

Mind you, I have made it quite clear that I don't use the Sandusky argument, nor do I condone it. To me, it is completely irrelevant to PSU wrestling. I just find it funny that you play the victim when someone uses it against you when you are intentionally coming on here to rile things up. H Y P O C R I S Y.

But, I will concede that it is usually pretty solid trolling....
Iowa related cliff notes from willies show today-
Arizona state and Oklahoma are two teams that apparently turned Iowa in for tampering with their guys.
Someone asked why they don’t use this money towards recruits instead of 1 year rentals, he replied that they’re trying to, but not landing the big fish. They’ve offered big $ to Lockett, blaze, and a PSU commit.

Not a great scenario if true, which I’m going to take his word for it. If a program such as Iowa can’t convince top level recruits to come with big $ offers, we’ve got some issues.
Iowa related cliff notes from willies show today-
Arizona state and Oklahoma are two teams that apparently turned Iowa in for tampering with their guys.
Someone asked why they don’t use this money towards recruits instead of 1 year rentals, he replied that they’re trying to, but not landing the big fish. They’ve offered big $ to Lockett, blaze, and a PSU commit.

Not a great scenario if true, which I’m going to take his word for it. If a program such as Iowa can’t convince top level recruits to come with big $ offers, we’ve got some issues.

You just figured that out?
Iowa related cliff notes from willies show today-
Arizona state and Oklahoma are two teams that apparently turned Iowa in for tampering with their guys.
Someone asked why they don’t use this money towards recruits instead of 1 year rentals, he replied that they’re trying to, but not landing the big fish. They’ve offered big $ to Lockett, blaze, and a PSU commit.

Not a great scenario if true, which I’m going to take his word for it. If a program such as Iowa can’t convince top level recruits to come with big $ offers, we’ve got some issues.
The Brands don’t have a good reputation with high schoolers right now. We had our chance with Yianni, Gable, AOC, Sasso, Mendez and others who were Iowa fans and they pissed it away. Now high schoolers would rather pay schools thousands of dollars than come to Iowa for a small fortune
The Brands don’t have a good reputation with high schoolers right now. We had our chance with Yianni, Gable, AOC, Sasso, Mendez and others who were Iowa fans and they pissed it away. Now high schoolers would rather pay schools thousands of dollars than come to Iowa for a small fortune
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is only to fix this.... maybe after this Olympics??? Its really to bad DT doesn't have coaching experience 😀😀
Hey, if you have paid attention, my skin is the equivalent of about 2' feet of titanium. The way I post, I actually encourage people to come after me and often enjoy it. I was simply making a point of how hypocritical your post was.

Mind you, I have made it quite clear that I don't use the Sandusky argument, nor do I condone it. To me, it is completely irrelevant to PSU wrestling. I just find it funny that you play the victim when someone uses it against you when you are intentionally coming on here to rile things up. H Y P O C R I S Y.

But, I will concede that it is usually pretty solid trolling....
me poking the bear, whether it be at you or other hawk fans is part of the game…it’s all in good fun, or so I thought…..I just find it odd that you compare me busting balls about Iowa wrestling to someone making a Sandusky joke, but hey, you do you……you may feel it has no place on a wrestling forum(and I agree)but some don’t, hence my initial response. I admit, I do come here a lot, and yeah I may rile things up if it’s something I disagree with etc…..and I am certainly NOT playing the victim, but there are several victims of the horrible events that took place, I for one don’t find it something to crack jokes about…..maybe some just live life closer to the bottom of the barrel
me poking the bear, whether it be at you or other hawk fans is part of the game…it’s all in good fun, or so I thought…..I just find it odd that you compare me busting balls about Iowa wrestling to someone making a Sandusky joke, but hey, you do you……you may feel it has no place on a wrestling forum(and I agree)but some don’t, hence my initial response. I admit, I do come here a lot, and yeah I may rile things up if it’s something I disagree with etc…..and I am certainly NOT playing the victim, but there are several victims of the horrible events that took place, I for one don’t find it something to crack jokes about…..maybe some just live life closer to the bottom of the barrel
The point I was making is actually very simple. You don't go right into someone else's backyard with the sole intention to, both, gloat and diminish, without expecting and being willing to take whatever angry barbs you incite. Now, I personally wouldn't use Sandusky, but I get why diehard fans of Iowa use it when PSU fans come to their place to do what you do...

No matter how you slice it, the Sandusky scandal is just about the worst crime involving a major University that is widely known to the public. I agree that it isn't fair, but being a PSU fan it will always be something that you should just be willing to accept from opposing fanbases. Just like I have to deal with Nassar. But, unlike me, you don't have to deal with the scandal completely wrecking your entire Athletic Department and nearly all athletics as a result.

We are about 8 years from when the Nassar thing went public and MSU is still a giant mess. PSU damn near rebounded overnight, by comparison...
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The Brands don’t have a good reputation with high schoolers right now. We had our chance with Yianni, Gable, AOC, Sasso, Mendez and others who were Iowa fans and they pissed it away. Now high schoolers would rather pay schools thousands of dollars than come to Iowa for a small fortune
AOC wrestles? Pretty sure Iron Bird would lose his shit if she were to wrestle for the Hawks.
Being true and being a good comeback or response aren’t synonymous.
Snark and intelligence aren’t either. You peddle the former, pray it’s mistaken for the latter, and bleed insecurity with each condescending remark. You’ll do it again soon, oddly proud of being “very well loved” on an anonymous message board. Gotta run, so take the last word. May it add to the love.
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Snark and intelligence aren’t either. You peddle the former, pray it’s mistaken for the latter, and bleed insecurity with each condescending remark. You’ll do it again soon, oddly proud of being “very well loved” on an anonymous message board. Gotta run, so take the last word. May it add to the love.

I call out BS, bring levity, and make a reasonable number of astute observations. Also, sometimes I’m wrong.

Sorry you don’t like me. 😢
The Brands don’t have a good reputation with high schoolers right now. We had our chance with Yianni, Gable, AOC, Sasso, Mendez and others who were Iowa fans and they pissed it away. Now high schoolers would rather pay schools thousands of dollars than come to Iowa for a small fortune
Their reputation with high schoolers is actually pretty damn good right now.
There could be some college guys with resentment, but not present high schoolers.
Iowa related cliff notes from willies show today-
Arizona state and Oklahoma are two teams that apparently turned Iowa in for tampering with their guys.
Someone asked why they don’t use this money towards recruits instead of 1 year rentals, he replied that they’re trying to, but not landing the big fish. They’ve offered big $ to Lockett, blaze, and a PSU commit.

Not a great scenario if true, which I’m going to take his word for it. If a program such as Iowa can’t convince top level recruits to come with big $ offers, we’ve got some issues.
Iowa related cliff notes from willies show today-
Arizona state and Oklahoma are two teams that apparently turned Iowa in for tampering with their guys.
Someone asked why they don’t use this money towards recruits instead of 1 year rentals, he replied that they’re trying to, but not landing the big fish. They’ve offered big $ to Lockett, blaze, and a PSU commit.

Not a great scenario if true, which I’m going to take his word for it. If a program such as Iowa can’t convince top level recruits to come with big $ offers, we’ve got some issues.
So what other dirt is out there, per Willy, or is just Iowa? And any stories of inspiration shared about DT and Saint Cael? 🤗