Official Portal Watch

I call out BS, bring levity, and make a reasonable number of astute observations. Also, sometimes I’m wrong.

Sorry you don’t like me. 😢
Maybe I’m starting to. Tend to agree you do all of what you listed. Perhaps I’m reading condescension and arrogance where only levity is intended. If so, my bad. Just never been fond of folks acting superior, not even on my home board, where humility goes to die.
Maybe I’m starting to. Tend to agree you do all of what you listed. Perhaps I’m reading condescension and arrogance where only levity is intended. If so, my bad. Just never been fond of folks acting superior, not even on my home board, where humility goes to die.
Naw. You ain’t all wrong.

Condescension and arrogance can be funny, imo. It’s just best not to take this place reel seriously.
Their reputation with high schoolers is actually pretty damn good right now.
There could be some college guys with resentment, but not present high schoolers.
I would say the 2024 and 2025 recruiting classes might disagree but I am not an expert at all. They look light and we seem to be missing out on kids. Tons of reasons for that I guess but the Head Coach I hope has a plan.
I think that for for a certain donator... could be wrong

In fact he sticks up for M* and Telford.... might be the only one that does
Even if he typed it, the context would probably more of sticking it to Iowa fans by mimicking what he’s heard here. But I can’t picture smalls putting something like that out there for public consumption.
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i definitely have said that cold calling kids not in the portal is a 'scummy move'.

so if that's what you meant, then yes, i'm guilty. but 1) that's entirely different from 'calling the staff scum' and 2) my recollection is of saying that phrase at time when Michigan was allegedly tampering with Stephen Buchanan. (and btw - i think the world of Sean Bormet and yet totally hate that they (allegedly) did that.

i don't think i would say that about the Real situation (considering he was graduating).

i produce a lot of content and say a lot of stuff - some of it not flattering to iowa. but i always call it as i see it. truth of the matter is, when i said 'i'm out on iowa' when it was clear AJ was going there it was because i knew it was going to be a spectacle-gone-wrong and a total distraction. and that's not what i want for iowa. a great iowa team is great for the sport and i want a good environment for kids/parents i'm friends with including incoming guys like Deluca and (fingers crossed) Verrette.
i definitely have said that cold calling kids not in the portal is a 'scummy move'.

so if that's what you meant, then yes, i'm guilty. but 1) that's entirely different from 'calling the staff scum' and 2) my recollection is of saying that phrase at time when Michigan was allegedly tampering with Stephen Buchanan. (and btw - i think the world of Sean Bormet and yet totally hate that they (allegedly) did that.

i don't think i would say that about the Real situation (considering he was graduating).

i produce a lot of content and say a lot of stuff - some of it not flattering to iowa. but i always call it as i see it. truth of the matter is, when i said 'i'm out on iowa' when it was clear AJ was going there it was because i knew it was going to be a spectacle-gone-wrong and a total distraction. and that's not what i want for iowa. a great iowa team is great for the sport and i want a good environment for kids/parents i'm friends with including incoming guys like Deluca and (fingers crossed) Verrette.

Up early or up late?
Naw. You ain’t all wrong.

Condescension and arrogance can be funny, imo. It’s just best not to take this place reel seriously.
No worries. I take none of this seriously. Just counterpunching, having a little fun with uppity, highbrow @SPOONER ;) , who’s just having fun himself. Really looking forward to Paris and the 6-gun we’re packing . . . with bullets from both camps.
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Yeah, I wasn’t buying what he was trying to sell. It seems to me like you’re pretty careful to not burn bridges with coaching staffs.
But with our fans? Not so much.
Some clowns love bad news for Hawkeye fans because it generates attention (and therefore money).
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Willie, not only did you (rightfully) lambast coaches who reach out to wrestlers before they enter the portal, you also hit out at coaches who recruit out of the portal by the book.

I was with Willie up to the halfway point, but then his argument went up in smoke. What in the world is "scummy" about schools reaching out to "more-developed" kids in the portal? They're in the portal for the express purpose of interesting other programs in their talent.
here is for the inevitable retort that those tweets don’t say real woods anywhere. this was the aftermath of the transfer news and the whole wrestling community was up in arms about it. people don’t forget…

@82bordeaux ;)
Dallas Check This Out GIF
Every time I get cranky about NIL and the portal, something happens to remind me why it was a one-sided situation. The Texas A&M baseball coach took that team to the CWS finals and gets asked about his future at A&M. He answered that he wanted to be there until he was done coaching. The next day, he goes to their hated rival in Texas.
The A&M Coach was long gone to Texas, his best friend from many many years is the AD at Texas...People are upset because he made this impassioned speech after they lost that basically said he would be at A&M forever. A&M knew when they hired this guy that his ambitions were with Texas, so much so that they had a buyout rate in his contract that Texas would have to pay A&M multiple millions more if he left A&M to go to Texas, as opposed to anywhere else...The Texas AD claims to have waited in a cemetery in College Station for the team to get back from the College World Series so he wouldn't be seen. He more or less stated as soon as the coach arrived home, the AD got him to get in the car with him. They drove around for an hour and struck up a deal. Then they beelined it back to Austin and got the contract signed at 745am, literally the morning after the College World Series. Coaches started the trend of heading to the highest bidder, transfer portal plus NIL allows the athletes to play the same game now legally (although everyone knows it's been happening well before NIL). College athletics is a dirty game behind the scenes, very little if any loyalty.
Willie, not only did you (rightfully) lambast coaches who reach out to wrestlers before they enter the portal, you also hit out at coaches who recruit out of the portal by the book.
this was from this year's NCAA's. nothing to do with Real/Iowa.

i was pissed off b/c Little Rock's in their third year of existence and already being poached.
The A&M Coach was long gone to Texas, his best friend from many many years is the AD at Texas...People are upset because he made this impassioned speech after they lost that basically said he would be at A&M forever. A&M knew when they hired this guy that his ambitions were with Texas, so much so that they had a buyout rate in his contract that Texas would have to pay A&M multiple millions more if he left A&M to go to Texas, as opposed to anywhere else...The Texas AD claims to have waited in a cemetery in College Station for the team to get back from the College World Series so he wouldn't be seen. He more or less stated as soon as the coach arrived home, the AD got him to get in the car with him. They drove around for an hour and struck up a deal. Then they beelined it back to Austin and got the contract signed at 745am, literally the morning after the College World Series. Coaches started the trend of heading to the highest bidder, transfer portal plus NIL allows the athletes to play the same game now legally (although everyone knows it's been happening well before NIL). College athletics is a dirty game behind the scenes, very little if any loyalty.
You are correct…that was quite a speech! :)
I don't know if this is still in play but there was an injunction against the NCAA which allowed any NIL rep to contact any athlete, part of a roster or not. Before, NIL guys came into play once a transfer or recruit had been signed. This situation would still favor the school's bargaining position and could be considered unfair to the athlete. I've hear our guys get hit up quite a bit in the hallways at tourneys etc. Somebody smarter than me can tell us if this is in play or not.

this was from this year's NCAA's. nothing to do with Real/Iowa.

i was pissed off b/c Little Rock's in their third year of existence and already being poached.
I never said it had anything to do with RealWoods. Im very aware of the context of your recording and your position at that time along with your walk-back in #2585 above. All good.
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I don't know if this is still in play but there was an injunction against the NCAA which allowed any NIL rep to contact any athlete, part of a roster or not. Before, NIL guys came into play once a transfer or recruit had been signed. This situation would still favor the school's bargaining position and could be considered unfair to the athlete. I've hear our guys get hit up quite a bit in the hallways at tourneys etc. Somebody smarter than me can tell us if this is in play or not.

It's in play.
I don't know if this is still in play but there was an injunction against the NCAA which allowed any NIL rep to contact any athlete, part of a roster or not. Before, NIL guys came into play once a transfer or recruit had been signed. This situation would still favor the school's bargaining position and could be considered unfair to the athlete. I've hear our guys get hit up quite a bit in the hallways at tourneys etc. Somebody smarter than me can tell us if this is in play or not.

That is the case I originally referred to. The things I argued were “illegal” and, to me, skirted the rules, could be rendered moot once a decision is rendered.
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the Little Rock thing was 100% 'new'. it literally happened 12 hrs before i recorded that, brainiac.
I dont give a fvck when it happened. You act like you are clueless and have no idea whats going on in college sports these days. There basically aren’t any rules. 🤡