Ardent Iowa WBB follower here. Doyle staying out of foul trouble is a key. So far so good. She is the reason Lisa can throw in that triangle-and-two because she can cover practically the entire floor at the top of the triangle. In the 2-3 zone she gums everything up, anticipating ball reversals—for every passing lane she jumps for a deflection or steal there are four or five passes she forces to be hesitated and rethought, allowing the zone to shift and maintain defensive floor balance.
And then Doyle in man-to-man D is a pest off the ball and obviously really good on the ball.
If you're a basketball geek watch Doyle, especially on D. It's incredible how much she does on that end. Most basketball fans understand how a guard can make the game easier for their teammates on the offensive end. Some understand how a rim protector makes their teammates better on the defensive end. Fewer understand how a guard like Doyle makes everybody better on the defensive end. She's like Scottie Pippen, in a way. Scottie made guys like BJ and Paxson and Kerr better defenders, covering for their weaknesses.