Oklahoma football player Spencer Jones gets his ass beat in

I didn't follow that advice. I played Rugby in the late 1980s and early 90s. I lifted weights and got big and muscle-ly. I thought I was tough stuff. Turns out I am a terrible fighter. I got my ass kicked more than a few times. A few times I was beaten bloody by a little guy. It took me a long time to learn. I never won a single fight I was in. Finally I realized I should just keep my mouth shut and be nice. An run like a baby if I can. Strange. I feel like I am bragging here about how big of a pussy I am.

I didn't take your post that way. I took it like you are just a slow learner.
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I didn't follow that advice. I played Rugby in the late 1980s and early 90s. I lifted weights and got big and muscle-ly. I thought I was tough stuff. Turns out I am a terrible fighter. I got my ass kicked more than a few times. A few times I was beaten bloody by a little guy. It took me a long time to learn. I never won a single fight I was in. Finally I realized I should just keep my mouth shut and be nice. An run like a baby if I can. Strange. I feel like I am bragging here about how big of a pussy I am.
Self-awareness is a good thing!
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BTW: entertaining comments on this OU Daily article:

"I hope your boy Spencer loses his eye and ends up teaching middle school gym for the rest of his worthless life. "

Now that's not very nice!
The real bitches are the MMA bros. Fight like a man, not a little bitch going for a rear choke hold.
He did a little bit of everything. He gave him a little slap in the face first then a punch. Then a slam and some more punches and then the rear naked choke. He didn't kick him, knee him, bite him or headbutt him. So what exactly do you mean fight like a man.
It's just too bad it wasn't teammate Spencer Rattler getting pounded. I'd like to see that little cock get smashed.
I jumped over to the Oklahoma Rivals page to get the take over there and was amused by the lead story on the page.
OMG - their off topic board makes HROT look like a MENSA convention. Yikes. Lot of glue sniffers and paint huffers down Okie way. 😳
Sometimes it was best to just go in the corner by the dance floor.

I am actually bummed it's gone. My freshman year college roommate owned it around 2000 when I was up there. He had it cleaned up, including the bathrooms. I would have loved to go in for a beer and a slice.
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Cheap shot, punched a guy that didn't even push him so obvious assault, and who other than a wrestler/ufc wannabe would be so comfortable rolling around with another man on a urine soaked floor.
Cheap shot, punched a guy that didn't even push him so obvious assault, and who other than a wrestler/ufc wannabe would be so comfortable rolling around with another man on a urine soaked floor.
And there it is. Definitive proof that the football bros were in the wrong.

Can always count on the 0 for Infinity poster on any subject - sports, politics, life - to show us the way. :)
Cheap shot, punched a guy that didn't even push him so obvious assault, and who other than a wrestler/ufc wannabe would be so comfortable rolling around with another man on a urine soaked floor.

There were two guys who got their asses kicked and neither one of them were wrestler/ufc wannabe guy.
I didn't read the whole thread, but did anyone notice or point out that the door is obviously behind the mma guys. Hard to argue self defense if you could have turned around and walked away.
In 2021, everything gets recorded. Nobody is going to jail for defending themself.

You use the terms macho and cool. A guy who's defending probably isn't thinking about either of those things at that moment. The guy starting it might be thinking that.

You shouldn't be on a jury. In fact, you should make sure you know where the exit is everywhere you go.

This is how I imagine you. Pick which contestant.

Those boys weren't defending shit. They decided they had enough of the other dudes chirping and all it took was a should shove to set them off. A halfway competent lawyer would destroy these guys attempts at claiming self defense.
I didn't read the whole thread, but did anyone notice or point out that the door is obviously behind the mma guys. Hard to argue self defense if you could have turned around and walked away.
If you read the thread it has already been pointed out by others that "turning around" on the aggressive actions by Ball Holder and Jeans Jacket would not have been a prudent thing and may not necessarily help their case in playing the victim card.
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Those boys weren't defending shit. They decided they had enough of the other dudes chirping and all it took was a should shove to set them off. A halfway competent lawyer would destroy these guys attempts at claiming self defense.

Really? How would they do that? Have you ever been in a fight?
There were two guys who got their asses kicked and neither one of them were wrestler/ufc wannabe guy.
Isn’t it weird how that poster has never been right? I mean, you’d think the law of averages would make it happen ONCE.

The fact it hasn’t is really a credit to his lifelong pursuit of ignorance. Almost breathtaking, really.
So do we think charges will happen?

If I was a betting man, I think so. Sounds like the "ball holder" has an attorney already. I think the guy who about knocked an eye out and caused major reconstructive surgery is in fact going to have some legal trouble, mainly due to the severity of the injury combined with the video showing that the person so seriously injured did not technically push him and was therefore sucker punched and badly abused by a professional fighter. You have both an inappropriate level of response coupled with a weak self defense claim. Also throw in the wild card of a local law enforcement who may not take kindly to their favorite ball holder being emasculated.
Those boys weren't defending shit. They decided they had enough of the other dudes chirping and all it took was a should shove to set them off. A halfway competent lawyer would destroy these guys attempts at claiming self defense. got beat out by an attorney named Woody.
They are all wimps since they’d rather roll around on the piss covered floor of the men’s room instead of go outside where it is too cold to fight. GD Sooner pussies, “Ewww, it’s too cold outside!””
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Really? How would they do that? Have you ever been in a fight?

Sure have, have you been in one cube boy? As already explained to your dumbass, they went above and beyond the threat they were presented with. Bashing someone's face repeatedly while having them in a choke hold is nowhere in the same realm as a shoulder shove. You idiots keep referencing no rules in fights, but we are talking real world here with real laws and consequences. Not some macho bravado BS.
Isn’t it weird how that poster has never been right? I mean, you’d think the law of averages would make it happen ONCE.

The fact it hasn’t is really a credit to his lifelong pursuit of ignorance. Almost breathtaking, really.
I mean if coloradonoles and gonegolfing were to debate each other would it be like the grandfather paradox? Would the universe make it impossible?