Olympic wrestling results

He's doing great just interesting how the East Coast team trains hard not only in the room but in the salon.
Let me just say, speaking only for myself, I tended to present myself a little better once I got out of college.
You’re half right. There’s not really any logic to either form of tribalism.

and in the interest of full disclosure, I’m a native Pennsylvanian who is fully self aware of the genetic hyperparochialism that affects those born in my state. But I’m recovering. You should try it.
See my post about sports fandom/ school spirit and tribalism. I'm quite opposed to tribalism (or hyperparochialism if you want to call it that) generally.
I need more Jordan Burroughs commentary in my life. Love hearing him talk wrestling.
John Smith commentary is great too. In Dakes first match, John was describing what he should do next, and Dake did it step by step. Was pretty cool.
Burroughs does a great job matside and at the commentary desk between sessions. Very well spoken individual. The 3 man team they have are all really good IMO. I'd hate to have to pronounce all these names these folks have too. Yikes.
I need more Jordan Burroughs commentary in my life. Love hearing him talk wrestling.
John Smith commentary is great too. In Dakes first match, John was describing what he should do next, and Dake did it step by step. Was pretty cool.
John Smith is to wrestling what Steve Stone is to baseball…. Brilliant minds that know their sports so well they predict things before they even happen and have magnetic personalities to go with it. I’ve enjoyed listening to his commentary as much as anything the last few days.
Burroughs isn’t really “City”. His hometown is smaller than Dubuque and not a suburb of a metro. Smith’s hometown is about the size of marshalltown for reference.

I think it’s just Smith’s hick accent that makes it contrast, lol.

Not sure of your facts…
Burroughs is as “City” as can be.
He is from Sicklerville NJ which is in Winslow Township and went to Winslow Township High School. Happy

he grew up just 18 miles from Camden, which by most of not all standards, a suburb of Camden (Philadelphia). There are no “breaks” of open country between Sicklerville and Philadelphia (one big metro area)
Also, Burroughs went to high school for a year, if memory serves me, with Shon Greene

Coralville or Johnston would be better population comparisons.
Marshal town is roughly 25% larger than Del City.

Del City is a metro suburb of Oklahoma City. He talks like many in the south especially many from Oklahoma.
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I hope it's a really big screen.
It is.
What do Olympic medalists get at WTT? Automatically their spot or do they just get a pass to the finals?
If you get an Olympic Medal you are on the World Team if you want to be.
There has been conversation and speculation on who the 74kg & 79kg World Team representatives will be if Dake doesn’t medal.
prior to Dake’s upset loss it was pretty much a given that Dake would medal and be the 74kg. Rep at Worlds. Leaving us to wonder if Burroughs would go 79kg?
If Dake can’t win bronze, this topic will be discussed ad nauseam.
tbh, if you are in PA and watching the olympics.. penn st looks mighty appealing. On another note, I’d send my son to wrestle for John Smith everyday and twice on sunday!
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Wow, anyone notice the change in Snyders physic? Freaking monster, 25 now. All the fat what little he had is gone.
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Not counting Snyder out, and I’ll be rooting for him. But I’m not expecting it to go any different than any of Sadulaev’s other matches in the past four-ish years.
Other than the World championship when Snyder beat him?

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