2nd period.
Team score tied 6-6.
KY chooses down to start.
Ridden OOB.
Sheetz drops down to ankle but KY has great balance and goes OOB with escape.
Talking about the extra OOB line that can be confusing.
Outshot by KY and has a leg. He's good here. He's patient here. Sheetz splits but KY gets TD. Big, big TD with :18 left.
KY picks him and returns to the mat wth a spike. Roll thru by Sheetz but KY holds on. Big ride by KY.
End of period.
Team score tied 6-6.
KY chooses down to start.
Ridden OOB.
Sheetz drops down to ankle but KY has great balance and goes OOB with escape.
Talking about the extra OOB line that can be confusing.
Outshot by KY and has a leg. He's good here. He's patient here. Sheetz splits but KY gets TD. Big, big TD with :18 left.
KY picks him and returns to the mat wth a spike. Roll thru by Sheetz but KY holds on. Big ride by KY.
End of period.