POLITICO: Democrats are Panicking over Biden's Debate Performance. Democrat operative texted this: “Time for an open convention.”

God your so predictable. Your right it doesn't take much intelligence to figure out what you are going to say. Your response when they replace Biden because he can't win will predictability be "see we replace our own and the Repubs won't replace Trump."
Tom isn’t wrong. Our choices for POTUS are a felon con artist who flirts with fascism or an old man who’s mental acuity is fading.
Wouldn’t that be admitting they’ve been lying for four years about their 🪴?? Besides, he just had a “slow start” last night and was hampered by a cold!! 🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🦃💩
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Wouldn’t that be admitting they’ve been lying for four years about their 🪴?? Besides, he just had a “slow start” last night and was hampered by a cold!! 🤡😂🤡😂🤡😂🦃💩
The debate was a cheap fake. Right wing media outlet CNN edited the whole thing. Of course they'll flip the narrative when they dump Biden to we do the responsible thing by dumping Biden and why won't the Republicans do the same. They'll completely pretend like it has nothing to do with the fact that there's no way Biden is winning the election. The usuals on here will eat up all the MSNBC talking points in the next couple of days. It was interesting that some of them didn't pick up that it's open season on Biden right now and they are dumping him.
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The debate was a cheap fake. Right wing media outlet CNN edited the whole thing. Of course they'll flip the narrative when they dump Biden to we do the responsible thing by dumping Biden and why won't the Republicans do the same. They'll completely pretend like it has nothing to do with the fact that there's no way Biden is winning the election. The usuals on here will eat up all the MSNBC talking points in the next couple of days. It was interesting that some of them didn't pick up that it's open season on Biden right now and they are dumping him.
Their mental illness is on full display!
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Trump was Trump and didn't change anything last night (Why aren't we talking about the Putin/Ukraine comment more?)

For Biden, the Dem party really needs to get him, face-to-face, and ask him if he is ready to do this again and be very blunt about it. It would be very foolish to not have this discussion. If I was in Trump's camp, I wouldnt agree to do another debate as he got what he wanted out of it. Biden now down 20 more points to LSU, can he make up ground and look decent doing so? That needs to be talked about.
I mentioned it last night but here is video of Biden being assisted off stage by wife Jill after what is being described as a trainwreck debate against Trump

As you can see, it is ONE very SMALL step.

Are dems serious about replacing? Seems kind of late

I don't think it's quite that easy,.. Other than the formalities, Biden is the candidate that has been selected by their primary process. Before they could go elsewhere, Joe would have to voluntarily step aside,.. Not sure he'll go there.

Elder abuse.

Nice to see dems waking up to what has been obvious for years now btw

I thought it was steps down the stage. It turns out it was just ONE small step.

The optics, man....

How many Democrats (in the House, the Senate and in Biden's camp) over the last several months have lied to the American people saying Biden's mind was sharp and that he was mentally & physically fit for the job?
That’s just what Fox News tells you.
Oh the irony 😆 🤣 😂 😹 of your post.

"Good little blue boy cult member, you've been believing all the shit we've been feeding you! NOW GIVE US 50 BUCKS!"

Tom isn’t wrong. Our choices for POTUS are a felon con artist who flirts with fascism or an old man who’s mental acuity is fading.

Trump should easily be beaten.

* The incumbent always has the advantage

* Trump is a convicted felon, among other things

* All they need to do is show over & over the clip of Trump calling John McCain a loser for being captured

* Women can't like the fact that Roe v Wade got overturned because of Trump

* I could go on & on; there is so much that they can use to damage Trump
I thought it was steps down the stage. It turns out it was just ONE small step.

The optics, man....

How many Democrats (in the House, the Senate and in Biden's camp) over the last several months have lied to the American people saying Biden's mind was sharp and that he was mentally & physically fit for the job?
The lies are unraveling in real time for the world to see
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Oh the irony 😆 🤣 😂 😹 of your post.

"Good little blue boy cult member, you've been believing all the shit we've been feeding you! NOW GIVE US 50 BUCKS!"

You have the wrong dude, but nice try. The funny thing is he's still better than the felon.
Dems should be panicked. Joe's needs to hang it up. At the same time Trump defended the people who destroyed the capitol and tried to kill his own Vice President and Trump heavily implied that he would engage in another coup should he lose.
“Destroyed the Capitol”?

When will the new building open?
Gavin Newsom would outperform Trump in a debate, though it's unlikely Trump would agree to such an event. Newsom may not yet be a household name, making it challenging for him to secure national recognition before the election. This uncertainty complicates predictions about who the Democrats will/would ultimately choose to run. Also, there is no guarantee that their first choice would even want to enter the race so late.
What record does Newsom have to stand on with his performance in California? What policies has he implemented that have been good for business owners, deterring crime, and illegal immigration concerns? He is too liberal and far left. He has similar views of Biden that people are complaining about. He just says it more coherently.
Trump should easily be beaten.

* The incumbent always has the advantage

* Trump is a convicted felon, among other things

* All they need to do is show over & over the clip of Trump calling John McCain a loser for being captured

* Women can't like the fact that Roe v Wade got overturned because of Trump

* I could go on & on; there is so much that they can use to damage Trump
Agreed. Trump’s ability to sound confident while speaking gibberish appeals to those who are easily swayed. It's astonishing how a significant portion of the population falls for it. The fact that he attempted to undermine our democracy yet remains the leading candidate for the GOP is deeply troubling.
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