POLL: Do You Have a Secret You're Worried People Might Find Out?

Nov 28, 2010
I just started watching the HBO thing on Scientology and that was a question someone (presumably as Scientology person) was asking. I was very surprised when I heard a chorus of "yes" responses.

I mean I've done my share of dumb and embarrassing things, and I don't generally volunteer them. But if they come out, it isn't that big a deal.

What about you.
Nothing terrible that would drastically change my life if people found out, but just like everyone else there are embarrassing things I wouldn't want people to know. It's something I never really think about, so I wouldn't say there is anything I'm worried about.
I sleep with only white women......

Edit: I had one Korean and one Hispanic, other than that........ All master race baby!
Yes....I once voted Democrat....There its out there. Whew that feels better
I think we all do as people have public lives, private lives and secret lives. Just the way we are.
See the link. One of the all time best threads on AskReddit. Over 45,000 replies. Obviously this thread stands little chance of taking off because of the capacity of the board but when you have the whole world answering the question the results are amazing. Say goodbye to Thursday's productivity though.

If linking another board isn't OK please remove
Originally posted by fredjr82:
See the link. One of the all time best threads on AskReddit. Over 45,000 replies. Obviously this thread stands little chance of taking off because of the capacity of the board but when you have the whole world answering the question the results are amazing. Say goodbye to Thursday's productivity though.
Dude... I had work to do today. damn.

and of course I do.
Originally posted by beanerhawk:

Originally posted by fredjr82:
See the link.  One of the all time best threads on AskReddit.  Over 45,000 replies.  Obviously this thread stands little chance of taking off because of the capacity of the board but when you have the whole world answering the question the results are amazing.  Say goodbye to Thursday's productivity though.
Dude... I had work to do today.   damn.   

and of course I do.  

Not a fan of Mexicans..... There I said it!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I once ripped a tag off a mattress under penalty of law, and listened to a recording of a ballgame without express written consent of major league baseball.
I spend time on HROT.

But it's not really a secret. I have posted a time or two.
What's your secret WWJD? I find that when people ask questions like this, they are trying to see how they measure against the rest of the herd.

Do you have children WWJD?

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