Princeton Grades


HR Legend
Apr 26, 2013
Lee/Ybarra - Incomplete (Glory - F)

Desanto - A. Doing what he does

Ironman - B. Toyed with the guy but never managed to hit the big move

Cobe - A. Fun moves. It was a bit of a blur a couple of times - did he use a ball-and-chain at one point?

Young - D. Please take a shot sometime in the first six minutes.

Bull - C. Decent wrestler, but I’d like to think Bull can major decent wrestlers.

Nelson - B. Pretty sloppy match where he always came on top because of a vast skill gap. It was good to see a lot of sweep singles. Hopefully down a weight he has more confidence in that shot.

Myles - B. Good match against a terrible opponent.

Glazier - C-. Stout it a decent wrestler, but Glazier looked helpless.

Cass - F

Between half the roster injured and some listless wrestling it was not as fun of an opening night at Carver as I had hoped.
Good grades. Crazy first dual back in Carver, from start to finish. We dominated with 5 “backups” in the lineup but it just had a weird feeling.

Cass getting pinned was omg, icing on the cake to the weirdness.
Fluke deal for Cass it happens glad it happened tonight and not later. Kinda a weird night in general.

125: no comment
133: Desanto doing Desanto things
141: Riddler obviously trying some different things and got a bit out of position.
149: REALLY liked what I liked out of Siebrecht
157: Young was my biggest disappointment. Flat footed and out just blah. Probably drops to 8.
165: Bull tried to hard to pin him instead of just wrestling his match.
174: Nelson is fun to watch but still would like to see him do more when he is on top.
184: Wilson looked decent against way lesser wrestler.
197: Glazier got out manned. 197 might be the deepest weight this year. Kid he wrestled is going to win a lot of matches.
hwt: Big Cass was a victim of trying to hard and forcing the issue. Just got a little to high and paid for it. Not in the least concerned about his future. Curious to see what they do with his rankings.
Lee/Ybarra - Incomplete

Desanto - A worked on new things other then a dump/fireman’s

Riddler B+ Played with him the whole time want to see more shots

Cobe - A Good match for the freshman only person that really caught my eye tonight

Young - D- same young Make an effort on your shots instead of making dive bombs

Bull - B+ Working to hard for the pin could have majored him but over all satisfied

Nelson - B+Pretty big skill gap between the two good weight for Nelson just hope he can keep it maintained because he is strong here

Myles - B nice win with a good carver crowd cheering you on

Glazier - C-. Wrestled a guy that could possibly could make the rd of 12 year just wrestled his match needs to get on the attack .

Cass - F it happens to the best shake it off & move on
Parking F- absolute shit show getting in & out of
Not a full helpfully lineup tonight. A look at the future Hawks. I would not be the one that wrestles Cass next. A win against an inferior team on the mat in Iowa City. Personally, I was not impressed by what I saw tonight. Go Hawks!!!
125 - F, that’s on Brands
DeSanto - A
Eierman -B, don’t give up takedown at the end
Young - F, pathetic showing
Bull - C+, get one more takedown, try a different pinning combination
Cass - D- bad positioning, have to feel that. Was dominating until he wasn’t

Brands - F, collectively they did not look good. Better figure something out quick because this isn’t trending in a good way. Did not see a hungry bunch, guys still celebrating from last yr.
Like sands through the hourglass so are the crybaby dunces after one dual vs a bum squad with our second string. It’s a marathon not a sprint you never accomplished anything close to what any of these guys have before ever even being recruited to wrestle D1 idiots.
Chips isn’t all wrong, but mostly. This dual sucked for a lot of reasons, cass ending and just in general. Trust the coaches, doesn’t mean we have to like it
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Like sands through the hourglass so are the crybaby dunces after one dual vs a bum squad with our second string. It’s a marathon not a sprint you never accomplished anything close to what any of these guys have before ever even being recruited to wrestle D1 idiots.
Exactly it was a bum squad, and your starters minus DeSanto laid an egg. Maybe Brands is getting soft in his later years. He didn’t seemed bothered except for Cass.
They’re not “my” starters squirt…. Which team do you root for? Or do you just enjoy bitching constantly?
great rebuttal spud, youre arguing semantics. Iowa sucked tonight, I’m pissed. How about that
Imagine having such a pathetic and empty life that a college wrestling dual actually pisses you off…. Let alone the first live dual in 2 years. Go get a coloring book.
in all fairness, I read you pissed all the time. .._This is straight out of love
No shit, what we know about that pton 97?? guy was strong for a freshman?? @smalls103
Stout was a monster in HS. #24 on 2020 Big Board (Glazier #83 in 2019).

Couple time state champ. His older brother was a state champ (wrestled at PSU and Pitt). His younger brother was a Fargo runner up and state runner up (to Lenny Pinto / Nebraska) as a soph and missed all last year due to injury. he's committed to Pitt.

As previously mentioned, his dad was a beast. I believe 4x ncaa qualifier for Clarion.
125 - F, that’s on Brands
DeSanto - A
Eierman -B, don’t give up takedown at the end
Young - F, pathetic showing
Bull - C+, get one more takedown, try a different pinning combination
Cass - D- bad positioning, have to feel that. Was dominating until he wasn’t

Brands - F, collectively they did not look good. Better figure something out quick because this isn’t trending in a good way. Did not see a hungry bunch, guys still celebrating from last yr.
Why don't you get on the phone to Brands. I'm sure he'd love your advice.
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Brands has everyone fooled with the “maybe this is our best lineup.” Obviously he knows missing kem, Warner and murin isn’t the best lineup (Spencer technically, too). But he was clearly only concerned about Cass losing because that’s the only starter that lost that shouldn’t have. He knows it, I know it, everyone else should know it. Young was disappointing but I’d have bet against him in that matchup. So, yeah…pull those panties out of the crevice and let’s hope this team gets and remains healthy when it matters.
Brands has everyone fooled with the “maybe this is our best lineup.” Obviously he knows missing kem, Warner and murin isn’t the best lineup (Spencer technically, too). But he was clearly only concerned about Cass losing because that’s the only starter that lost that shouldn’t have. He knows it, I know it, everyone else should know it. Young was disappointing but I’d have bet against him in that matchup. So, yeah…pull those panties out of the crevice and let’s hope this team gets and remains healthy when it matters.
He has no one fooled, it’s a stupid thing to say. Cass was a bad loss and really only thing he seemed to be concerned about
Brands - F, collectively they did not look good. Better figure something out quick because this isn’t trending in a good way. Did not see a hungry bunch, guys still celebrating from last yr.
Interesting take and may definitely be truth to this. However, when only half the regular lineup is out there wrestling tonight it's wrong to assume there's not a hungry bunch in the wrestling room everyday.

Hypothetically, if the legend known as Spencer Lee starts us off in the lineup and Princeton puts a wrestler forward at 125, the crowd goes into a frenzy and you likely see an energy immediately jump start everyone else throughout the lineup. Guess we won't know.

But your comment about these guys not being hungry and still relishing in last year, while I'm not agreeing yet that this is the case, it is something we will keep watching as fans.
Stout was a beast. 197/Hwt 4 time All American. Went up against Sharrit and Fullhart a few times. When Penn State got his one son I figured he would be a monster there too.
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Brands has everyone fooled with the “maybe this is our best lineup.” Obviously he knows missing kem, Warner and murin isn’t the best lineup (Spencer technically, too). But he was clearly only concerned about Cass losing because that’s the only starter that lost that shouldn’t have. He knows it, I know it, everyone else should know it. Young was disappointing but I’d have bet against him in that matchup. So, yeah…pull those panties out of the crevice and let’s hope this team gets and remains healthy when it matters.

Finally got a chance to watch the dual in detail later last night. For mid November the dual overall was no where near as bad as people are claiming, outside of one glaring match and no one is worried about that happening again. Like usual people are being too much #TTH Iowa wrestling tough guy.

Also people keep getting trolled by Chips and it’s amazing thats still happening.

Also, also, for a first time broadcaster Moody was fantastic. An absolute natural. If he wants it, he has a future in that.

Also, also, also, who the hell left the door open and let frydaze into the cesspool?
Imagine having such a pathetic and empty life that a college wrestling dual actually pisses you off…. Let alone the first live dual in 2 years. Go get a coloring book.
Imagine calling Iowa fans pathetic on a message board for discussing said team. If you can’t see the irony, woof
Finally got a chance to watch the dual in detail later last night. For mid November the dual overall was no where near as bad as people are claiming, outside of one glaring match and no one is worried about that happening again. Like usual people are being too much #TTH Iowa wrestling tough guy.

Also people keep getting trolled by Chips and it’s amazing thats still happening.

Also, also, for a first time broadcaster Moody was fantastic. An absolute natural. If he wants it, he has a future in that.

Also, also, also, who the hell left the door open and let frydaze into the cesspool?
I wanted to be blessed with your expertise here as I have heard how deep riveting it always is. For your first post-meet analysis this year disappointed you didn't deliver better.
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Jesus Glory has a hard on for Spencer. I bet if Lee had two acls glory would be at 133. The 125 exodus after Spencer’s freshman year was real. Now they think the see blood in the water, but they don’t. Spencer is the shark and everyone is the chum until proven otherwise. I think a lot of mouths are gonna be shut come late March. Can’t wait!