Roll Call for $25 Per Gilman Win at Worlds

I noticed the HWC poster of the Olympic/World medalists is no longer offered on the website. Was it a limited edition printing or is there thoughts about updating it to include our latest member?​
Wrestling for Life pledges outstanding;

1stplacehawk 50 4 200
Iachief 5 25 125 should be today
Grip 220 5 25 125
Edquinn06 5 25 125
Butchinmi 5 25 125

HWC Pledges outstanding for Gilman Wins;

fanpujols5 25 4 100
grip220 25 4 100
Hawkeye 1991 25 4 100
ike1100 25 4 100
KennyPowers8 25 4 100
the catman 25 4 100
wasdt 75 4 300

As of 9/7 !
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Just curious, when will Randy change the total at the top? Been like that for a long time now..
I didn't even realize I said I would donate to WFL and threw some in for Ali. But hey, I'll gladly do it. Next time in front of computer, it's coming. Thanks for keeping track.
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Cass Lake. I went with my in-laws(we get along great..). All we had was a pontoon but i got hooked up with a couple rich retired guys that took me night trolling several days. Amazing time! Shallow divers about 6-8 feet down going 2.5 mph along the sandbar. I snagged 6 Walleye that way. My biggest was 21 inches. (23 when i put a rolling pin on him for the picture ;))

Otherwise all i got mostly perch and some sunnies during the day. 1 ugly as hell Northern in the weeds. The fish frys we had were epic! Out of the boat, cleaned and in the fryer in no time. Best Walleye ive ever ate. Hoping to make it to Lake of the Woods next year before football season. Tons of monster fish up there. I guess Minnesota has something to offer after all:D
Here is my payment to WFL

This email confirms that you have donated to Wrestling for Life

Donation Details
Donation amount: $228.00 USD
Total: $228.00 USD
Purpose: Wrestling For Life
Contributor: rivalhawks
Recipient information

Donations coordinator: Wrestling for Life

Receipt Number: 4289-1825-2875-2959
Cass Lake. I went with my in-laws(we get along great..). All we had was a pontoon but i got hooked up with a couple rich retired guys that took me night trolling several days. Amazing time! Shallow divers about 6-8 feet down going 2.5 mph along the sandbar. I snagged 6 Walleye that way. My biggest was 21 inches. (23 when i put a rolling pin on him for the picture ;))

Otherwise all i got mostly perch and some sunnies during the day. 1 ugly as hell Northern in the weeds. The fish frys we had were epic! Out of the boat, cleaned and in the fryer in no time. Best Walleye ive ever ate. Hoping to make it to Lake of the Woods next year before football season. Tons of monster fish up there. I guess Minnesota has something to offer after all:D
I know a guy that has a cabin on Cass Lake but I have not had the chance to go up there on a fishing trip yet. He slays the hell out of the walleye and perch and I help him fry and eat:D
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You should host a pre-match fish fry, and donate the proceeds :D
I love a good fish fry but doing it pre-match isn't happening, that's when I have to fuel my body with good amounts of hops to get ready for the action.

P.S. Not sure I could catch enough fish to feed a shit ton of people either. Maybe you can get in those rivers down there and noodle up some big flatheads for me since it is illegal here although I have heard stories of people catching some big ones that way ;)
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I love a good fish fry but doing it pre-match isn't happening, that's when I have to fuel my body with good amounts of hops to get ready for the action.

P.S. Not sure I could catch enough fish to feed a shit ton of people either. Maybe you can get in those rivers down there and noodle up some big flatheads for me since it is illegal here although I have heard stories of people catching some big ones that way ;)
hell, no-those people are nuts. I catch mine the old fashioned way-dynamite and a net!
Back to the topic at, not fishing-well, kinda like fishing

Wrestling for Life pledges outstanding;

1stplacehawk 50 4 200
Iachief 5 25 125 should be today
Grip 220 5 25 125
Edquinn06 5 25 125
Butchinmi 5 25 125

HWC Pledges outstanding for Gilman Wins;

fanpujols5 25 4 100
grip220 25 4 100
Hawkeye 1991 25 4 100
ike1100 25 4 100
KennyPowers8 25 4 100
the catman 25 4 100
wasdt 75 4 300

as of today. Hopefully, will catch some!
Two things - my first wife had two aunts that loved to go walleye fishing at Mille Lacs. One was an 85 year-old nun (former math teacher at Dowling) and the other her younger sister, the former postmistress in North English. Sister Mary Hugh would catch 'em and Rita would cook the shore lunch. 40 years later I've never eaten fish that tasty.

Most importantly, I can't thank you all enough - especially CowboyUp. I hope you all can fully appreciate the effort he has put forth to give Wrestling for Life the opportunity to get wrestling shoes to kids that need them. I have a request for help from a BTS group that needs shoes and headgear and to top it off Irma is about to kick them in the crotch.
Two things - my first wife had two aunts that loved to go walleye fishing at Mille Lacs. One was an 85 year-old nun (former math teacher at Dowling) and the other her younger sister, the former postmistress in North English. Sister Mary Hugh would catch 'em and Rita would cook the shore lunch. 40 years later I've never eaten fish that tasty.

Most importantly, I can't thank you all enough - especially CowboyUp. I hope you all can fully appreciate the effort he has put forth to give Wrestling for Life the opportunity to get wrestling shoes to kids that need them. I have a request for help from a BTS group that needs shoes and headgear and to top it off Irma is about to kick them in the crotch.
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Wrestling for Life pledges outstanding;

1stplacehawk 50 4 200
Iachief 5 25 125 should be today
Grip 220 5 25 125
Edquinn06 5 25 125
Butchinmi 5 25 125

HWC Pledges outstanding for Gilman Wins;

fanpujols5 25 4 100
grip220 25 4 100
Hawkeye 1991 25 4 100
ike1100 25 4 100
KennyPowers8 25 4 100
the catman 25 4 100
wasdt 75 4 300

Don't forget, the 15th is the last day to post your receipts to be entered in the drawings! Let's get em in and get done.

Tomorrow (Friday, September 15) at midnight (well, technically, 11:59 pm), we close down the receipt posting. Will keep everyone posted on the date and time of the drawing for 3 prize winners from the list of donors.
OK -- the plan for the drawing is to have Thomas do it at the DSM golf outing. All the more reason to come out and join us!

We'll be doing a Facebook Live for the drawing, so those who can't make it to the golf outing should be able to watch live.

So the current plan is for Thursday, September 21, probably right around noon. We'll nail down the time more precisely as the day approaches.

We'll post the 3 winners in this thread almost immediately, so you can check this thread if you're unable to catch the drawing live on Facebook. We'll then ask the winners to email their shirt size, etc. so we can get to work on putting together the prize packages.
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OK -- the plan for the drawing is to have Thomas do it at the DSM golf outing. All the more reason to come out and join us!

We'll be doing a Facebook Live for the drawing, so those who can't make it to the golf outing should be able to watch live.

So the current plan is for Thursday, September 21, probably right around noon. We'll nail down the time more precisely as the day approaches.

We'll post the 3 winners in this thread almost immediately, so you can check this thread if you're unable to catch the drawing live on Facebook. We'll then ask the winners to email their shirt size, etc. so we can get to work on putting together the prize packages.

Remind everyone of what the "prizes" are. I'm sure they are in this thread somewhere!

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Updated the totals on the other boards boys..........(and girls). That number looks pretty darn good! Bumped the goal by 50K too, hope that's okay. Only 9K to go, then its all on you @Novakht

Remind everyone of what the "prizes" are. I'm sure they are in this thread somewhere!

We'd like the prizes to be a bit of a surprise to the winners, so we're going to keep them under our hats for now. But we'll let everyone know exactly what they are once the winners have received them. I can say that each winner will receive more of a package than just one item. . . and that they'll be very cool and very much worth the donation!;)