Roll Call for $25 Per Gilman Win at Worlds

Down payment long story
Hawkeye Wrestling Club Donation Receipt

Donor Contribution : $25.00
Payment Method : Online Transaction
Website :

Thank you for your donation. This will serve as your 501C3 receipt.

Filled : Sun, 27 Aug 17 19:36:07 -0500

amount: $25.00 USD
Total: $25.00 USD
Purpose: Wrestling For Life
Contributor: mark s seil
Recipient information
Donations coordinator: Wrestling for Life

Receipt Number: 1831-7612-0791-7
OK Guys, I am going to just throw this out there. Below are the pledges I know of that I haven't seen receipts for. Not trying to call anyone out, just passing on the info. I apologize in advance, I am sure that I missed one or two in my hurry to get to work:( The columns are
Name amount pledged Gilman Wins Total amount
1stplacehawk 50 4 200
edquinn06 25 4 100
fanpujols5 25 4 100
GG121AND2 25 4 100 (paying check)
grip220 25 4 100
Hawkeye 1991 25 4 100
hawknroll 25 4 100
IAFix 25 4 100
ike1100 25 4 100
KennyPowers8 25 4 100
Kranepool 25 4 100
LaxHawk174 25 4 100
Moose Monster 25 4 100
Mrs. HawkFT 25 4 100
PinNpints 25 4 100
pumpdog20 25 4 100
Rider976 25 4 100 (paying check)
sstark 46 25 4 100
Wild Turk 25 4 100
the catman 25 4 100
wasdt 75 4 300
WWDM Hawkeye 25 4 100

For ALI Ragan Wins
sstark46 25 3 75
edquinn06 25 3 75

TO WFL for GILMAN wins
1stplacehawk 50 4 200
Rivalhawks 57 4 228

To WFL for TEAM USA (you know, the champs) WINS

Iachief 5 25 125
PinsNpints 5 25 125
Grip 220 5 25 125
Edquinn06 5 25 125
Butchinmi 5 25 125

Remember, these were my translations. If I have something down you didn't intend, I apologize and let me know and I will fix it.
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Reactions: WWDMHawkeye
Hawkeye Wrestling Club Donation Receipt

Donor Contribution : $80.68
Payment Method : Online Transaction
Website :

Thank you for your donation. This will serve as your 501C3 receipt.

Filled : Mon, 28 Aug 17 08:33:47 -0500

You sent a payment of $125.00 USD to Wrestling for Life

Done and done! Big thanks to all those who joined together in this effort and more importantly, GO HAWKS!!!
Keep makin it rain fellas

Way to go Gman. I wasn't on the list but had planned on donating.

This is a receipt for your gracious donation to Hawkeye Wrestling Club.

Thank you for your donation. This will serve as your 501C3 receipt.

Organization: Hawkeye Wrestling Club
Campaign: Hawkeye Wrestling Club
Amount: $100
Receipt #: 325506
Donated at: 08/28/17 11:26:07

Thank you,
Hawkeye Wrestling Club
Donation amount:

$125.00 USD


$125.00 USD


Wrestling For Life



Recipient information

Donations coordinator:

Wrestling for Life

This a summary of your donation to Hawkeye Wrestling Club.

Donation/Order Summary


Transaction ID : 280817B39-ADF6327C-8DFC-42F4-AC49-1056145AFBD0

Amount Donated: $125.00
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I donated for 5 wins instead of 4. I had it in my mind I was going to do that regardless of the outcome.
Thank you Cowboy for the updates. Thanks also to WWDM for his constant efforts and GG for all you do.
You're very welcome, Ashton!;)
Wrestling for Life pledges;
Rivalhawks 57 4 228
Iachief 5 25 125
PinsNpints 5 25 125
Grip 220 5 25 125
Edquinn06 5 25 125
Butchinmi 5 25 125

Please let me know if I misinterpreted your posts.
HWC Pledges outstanding for Gilman Wins;
1stplacehawk 50 4 200
fanpujols5 25 4 100
grip220 25 4 100
Hawkeye 1991 25 4 100
IAFix 25 4 100
ike1100 25 4 100
KennyPowers8 25 4 100
Moose Monster 25 4 100
PinNpints 25 4 100
sstark 46 25 4 100
WildTurk 25 4 100
the catman 25 4 100
wasdt 75 4 300

For Ali wins
sstark46 25 3 75
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Reactions: PinsNpints
I paid $175 yesterday for Ali and Thomas wins. I never received a confirmation email. Anyone know who/where I contact to receive it? Also I was in for the wins of Ali and Thomas. I didn't know about the WFL commitment, but will happily make that pledge next month.

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