SIAP: "Mother of the Year"


HR Heisman
Feb 25, 2013

For all the talk of black parents failing, this was a nice story. The mom spotted her son out rioting so she came out and whipped his ass. It goes against 24 hr news narrative, but good for them for showing a positive example.

I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand props to her for stepping up and trying to set her son straight. But on the other hand, where do you think he learned violence?
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In another video she seems to be making a point that the kid needs to take the hood off and show his face. I thought that was an interesting point to make first thing out on the street.
I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand props to her for stepping up and trying to set her son straight. But on the other hand, where do you think he learned violence?
It's just such a sad broken culture regardless. Good for her for trying to keep her boy out of it. Hope she's successful long term.
I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand props to her for stepping up and trying to set her son straight. But on the other hand, where do you think he learned violence?

Seriously? The city is burning and you reach for a weak possible negative? Half the kids in SW Iowa have had their ass whipped by their parents and grow to respectable adults. Most of them are white. How is that different?
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Seriously? The city is burning and you reach for a weak possible negative? Half the kids in SW Iowa have had their ass whipped by their parents and grow to respectable adults. Most of them are white. How is that different?

No kidding. She showed a hell of a lot more restraint than I would of if I caught my teenage son out doing that crap.
I think it took courage for her for her to stand up in the face of all that stupidity/herd mentality. Plus she seemed young, but still demonstrated strong parental responsibility. She's awesome. I liked the way the kid was in no way gonna cross his mom. Fantastic.
No kidding. She showed a hell of a lot more restraint than I would of if I caught my teenage son out doing that crap.

My dad would have beat my ass...then walked me over to the police for them to take me in. Then he would have let me sit in a cell for a while to "think about it". Then kicked my ass again when I got home.
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My dad would have beat my ass...then walked me over to the police for them to take me in. Then he would have let me sit in a cell for a while to "think about it". Then kicked my ass again when I got home.
Is rioting considered a felony? I would think attempted assault (i.e. throwing bricks) on an officer would be a felony. I doubt your dad would ruin your life to make a point. I hope not anyway. Would you turn your son into the police if he rioted/looted? I don't think I could do that. There would be serious repercussions, no doubt, but I'm not turning him into the police...especially if he were black and in Baltimore right now.
Is rioting considered a felony? I would think attempted assault (i.e. throwing bricks) on an officer would be a felony. I doubt your dad would ruin your life to make a point. I hope not anyway. Would you turn your son into the police if he rioted/looted? I don't think I could do that. There would be serious repercussions, no doubt, but I'm not turning him into the police...especially if he were black and in Baltimore right now.

I grew up with strict father that had a hair trigger temper, and loved to "teach lessons". Would he have marched me into police custody in front of people? Of course not. However, when I was a Jr. in HS, he caught me driving after being at a party and drinking. Of course, being an idiot.... I tried to lie my way out of it, not thinking he could smell it on me. So he put me in the car and drove me to the police station, and had me take a breathalyzer. I blew a .04. He looked at the cop behind the desk and asked if they wanted to keep me for the night. They said no. So dad was ready for me to learn a very valuable lesson that night. Even one that could have an impact on my future. He never hit me.....but being pinned up against a wall, grabbed by the back of my neck, and having the fear put into me was enough. But the disappointment in his voice was what really grabbed my attention.

I learned a few things that night. 1. Never lie to my dad, when he probably already knows the answer. 2. That calling my parents and having them come to get me, would have resulted in much less punishment. But punishment would still be dealt. 3. That my parents loved me...and that they didn't want me to get hurt or hurt anyone else while I was practicing being stupid. And more than anything they were worried about my well being, and wanted me to use my head before doing things.

If I caught my child looting and burning, or saw it on TV? I'd have a hard time NOT, dragging her down to the police to turn herself in. Crime is crime. And I'd want her to carefully examine where her life was heading by her taking part in such activities. I would urge the police without her hearing that I was trying to teach a lesson and to not do anything to permanently damage her record or reputation......but he lesson would be learned in a harsh way. dad was a dick. But looking back, and seeing some of the dumb things I did.........A lot of the time I was my own worst enemy.
Seriously? The city is burning and you reach for a weak possible negative? Half the kids in SW Iowa have had their ass whipped by their parents and grow to respectable adults. Most of them are white. How is that different?
Oh I was one of them. And I am one of them. I got the belt and I swatted my own daughters butt when she was younger.

Do you guys think if it was a father smacking a daughter around like this video, it would be acceptable?

I'm happy to see a mother take matters into her own hands as it needs done more often. But if she does that much in public, what do you think she did in private? It's just some good for thought. Sheesh guys.
Oh I was one of them. And I am one of them. I got the belt and I swatted my own daughters butt when she was younger.

Do you guys think if it was a father smacking a daughter around like this video, it would be acceptable?

I'm happy to see a mother take matters into her own hands as it needs done more often. But if she does that much in public, what do you think she did in private? It's just some good for thought. Sheesh guys.

Yeah but it's dumb food for thought.

One minute you are bitching about the parents not taking an active role in their kids lives and that is the main reason for the breakdown of black culture. Now when a parent is actually making sure her son is not doing something stupid you don't like the route she took to discipline her own son. Maybe you should worry a little more about raising your own family and a little less about how this person chooses to raise their's. Like many have said already that isn't half as bad as some of us would have gotten if we were caught doing what this kid was doing.
Is rioting considered a felony? I would think attempted assault (i.e. throwing bricks) on an officer would be a felony. I doubt your dad would ruin your life to make a point. I hope not anyway. Would you turn your son into the police if he rioted/looted? I don't think I could do that. There would be serious repercussions, no doubt, but I'm not turning him into the police...especially if he were black and in Baltimore right now.
Great story. If my father ever had to get involved I had done some bad shit. I not only had my father to face....I had my mother, my friends' mothers, five uncles and a bunch of older town guys. It was a group effort ---and it worked.
Yeah but it's dumb food for thought.

One minute you are bitching about the parents not taking an active role in their kids lives and that is the main reason for the breakdown of black culture. Now when a parent is actually making sure her son is not doing something stupid you don't like the route she took to discipline her own son. Maybe you should worry a little more about raising your own family and a little less about how this person chooses to raise their's. Like many have said already that isn't half as bad as some of us would have gotten if we were caught doing what this kid was doing.
Yes but there are boundaries that are acceptable. This I me borders that boundary. I would rather have this than nothing at all. But you make it sound like it's ok as long as she is involved, no matter to what extent. As if locking a kid up and punishing them by not feeding them for a day is acceptable as long as the paren is involved.
Yes but there are boundaries that are acceptable. This I me borders that boundary. I would rather have this than nothing at all. But you make it sound like it's ok as long as she is involved, no matter to what extent. As if locking a kid up and punishing them by not feeding them for a day is acceptable as long as the paren is involved.

Why double down on dumb?

Just admit that no matter the level of parenting you'll find a way to complain about it. You take what you saw on the video and compare it to child neglect. Did you see the follow up interview with the mother and son? The kid in the video looks like a healthy teenage boy who has a mother who cares for him and did what she thought was right to take him out of harms way. The follow up interview sure seemed to cement that fact that she loves her child and wanted him to be safe when he was doing something stupid. Of course some guy in SW Iowa doesn't agree with her parenting skills so she should feel ashamed of her actions. I'll be the first to admit she's probably not a perfect parent but neither are you and neither am I. Nobody is a perfect parent. I'll applaud this woman for doing what she thought best for her child at the time. Hopefully you'll do the same but I expect more hyperbole and off the wall comparisons on what you "think" goes on behind close doors.
Why double down on dumb?

Just admit that no matter the level of parenting you'll find a way to complain about it. You take what you saw on the video and compare it to child neglect. Did you see the follow up interview with the mother and son? The kid in the video looks like a healthy teenage boy who has a mother who cares for him and did what she thought was right to take him out of harms way. The follow up interview sure seemed to cement that fact that she loves her child and wanted him to be safe when he was doing something stupid. Of course some guy in SW Iowa doesn't agree with her parenting skills so she should feel ashamed of her actions. I'll be the first to admit she's probably not a perfect parent but neither are you and neither am I. Nobody is a perfect parent. I'll applaud this woman for doing what she thought best for her child at the time. Hopefully you'll do the same but I expect more hyperbole and off the wall comparisons on what you "think" goes on behind close doors.
You sure get angry easy. I've said numerous times that she needs applauded for being involved and carry about her kid. It definitely doesn't happen as much as it should, no matter the race. Agree to disagree on giving her "mother of the year" award for beating her kid that way in public.

No I have not seen any follow up interviews. I've hardly been able to watch TV the last few days.

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