So, I heard the entire team is kneeling during the national anthem

That's right but the person who finds it offensive has that same free speech right. That has always bothered me with that argument.

I personally don't get upset over it. But I know people it bothers. I can see their point.
not just that.
I HIGHLY doubt EVERY player wants to crap on the anthem. If this is true I am positive some are basically forced to do so.
Going to go out on a limb here...1) you're white 2) over 40. 3) from a town with a population below 1k.

These soldiers fought for the right for our freedom which includes speech. Unless you've been judged and given not the same advantage because of something you have no choice in like the color of your skin then drop it and move on.
Did you not just judge him and assume his skin color? Lmfao

So they're going to kneel during the anthem and piss off a bunch of people who can do nothing about the thing they're protesting. Sounds productive....... You would think maybe more thought should go into problem solving the situation and taking real action rather than showing everyone what a lemming you can be. JMO
But they're doing it to unite us! Lol
About as useful as trump....
I'm fine with them taking a knee. I actually see it as a respectable way to make a statement. If they were ignoring or talking through the national anthem would show disrespect, in my opinion. Being still and quite during the anthem is showing respect and doing so on one knee is showing respect yet making a statement that we still have work to do to right wrongs.
Don't you religious people kneel before the lord to show your respect? Or are those kneelers in the catholic church disrespecting the almighty?
This isn't notre dame.
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Absolutely stupid, i was hoping kf was man enough to tell them to stand the f*** up. I could care less what Merriweather says too actually. Stupid move

Lucky for us, Kirk is man enough to ignore you and back his team. And Merriweather tweeted that he was hurt that you disagreed with him, Kurt...but he'd prolly kneel anyway.
If KF and team decided to do whatever as a team there’s no call for sowing dissent from the outside. imo, let’s chill and support the fb team.

You should rethink that, starting with anything that's not directly football related. After that, you can get into the things that are football related, but which are counterproductive.
I'm fine with them taking a knee. I actually see it as a respectable way to make a statement. If they were ignoring or talking through the national anthem would show disrespect, in my opinion. Being still and quite during the anthem is showing respect and doing so on one knee is showing respect yet making a statement that we still have work to do to right wrongs.
Don't you religious people kneel before the lord to show your respect? Or are those kneelers in the catholic church disrespecting the almighty?


Look at the mockery that has been made of the national anthem vis-a-vis sports broadcasts the last 10 or 20 years.

People swigging their beers, not removing hats, talking to each other, playing on their phones, etc. And broadcasts actually focus on that stuff. Not to mention the way performers who sing it almost as if it's a joke.

Frankly, do away with The Swarm, the anthem, The Wave, halftime shows, all of it. It's all about the "spectacle" now. And we should have seen it coming back in the early 1980s when the in-studio pre-game teams would close their segments with, "And now we send you to ________ Stadium for the Budweiser Kickoff".
Why does it matter. They are American and they have the right to free speech. Let them do it if they want to.

Because people watch sports to be entertained, not to have political views forced in their face.

Especially veterans who faced death, had friends killed and saw horrible things and some kids don’t want to show some respect.
If they don’t like what’s going on support political candidates, protest outside of games, raise money for causes they think will further their agenda or use their fame to get air time outside of a game when people aren’t trying to show their respect for the country, service and sacrifice.
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.

let me understand this- we have a president who said our war dead are suckers and losers but you're angry about the kneeling because you think it disrespects our soldiers- i have never heard the kneelers say anything disrespectable about our military.
They're taking a knee to bring awareness to the fact that black people murder over twice as many white people in this country every year as vice versa and that this kind of rampant racism can not stand.

You can't say something like this don't you know?? It goes against the leftest libtards agenda!!!!! While 100% true you still cant 😐
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.
Going to go out on a limb here...1) you're white 2) over 40. 3) from a town with a population below 1k.

These soldiers fought for the right for our freedom which includes speech. Unless you've been judged and given not the same advantage because of something you have no choice in like the color of your skin then drop it and move on.
To all those people who say kneeling offends troops, don’t you realize they are fighting for these kids to have the right to say what they think?
712 and STC nailed it. I come from a five consecutive generations military. I am the direct descendant of soldiers who fought to preserve the Union, fought in the Spanish-America War, and two grandfathers who served overseas in WW2. My Dad served in as an officer on the Korean DMZ. I have an older sibling one-star General in the family today. They all fought to live in a nation where you weren’t forced to salute the flag in the way the society or government told you that you must. One of the foundational rights our nation’s forefathers gave us was the right to peaceful protest. These peaceful demonstrations are more American than those who would force their fellow Americans to goose-step to their own misguided view of what patriotism looks like.
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.
As a veteran, I do not feel disrespected when players kneel for the anthem. I did not take an oath to a piece of cloth or a song.
not all military members & vets agree with kneeling during the anthem. all the kneeling issue has done is further divide this country.

here's the deal: Players know they are gonna piss people off when they kneel during the anthem so why not COMPROMISE & kneel before the opening tip in basketball or before the opening kick off in football, when ALL EYES ARE ON YOU? wouldn't that be less divisive?
The divide in this country over this issue is because some don’t actually understand what freedom is. No one has to like what others choose to do in the name of freedom of speech, that’s what makes it so important. However, those who feel that this freedom should be outlawed are completely ignorant of that right. Very much equivalent to forcing Germans to salute the Nazi flag.
How will Iowa Football survive without the 10-12 racist old bats who are so disgruntled?! I hope Barta has a plan to save the program.
We all know you’re still going to watch after you get your internet tough guy ranting done. Cowards.
I was hoping they'd draw attention to the team with their play on the field, not their actions before the game. It's ironic to me though, that while because they're athletically gifted and have earned the right to kneel before a game, many young men and women, many of color, will have entered the armed forces because they're not talented enough to play football and don't have the money to attend a university. They'll be starting a career, or perhaps using the GI Bill to go to college at a later date, but they'll be saluting the flag every day while they're in the service.
Righties: "Why can't they just peacefully protest why do they have to destroy stuff and loot?"

Also righties: "No not like that!"

My conclusion: Righties just want everyone to shut up and accept the way things are. They don't want the change these players and millions of others are fighting for.
712 and STC nailed it. I come from a five consecutive generations military. I am the direct descendant of soldiers who fought to preserve the Union, fought in the Spanish-America War, and two grandfathers who served overseas in WW2. My Dad served in as an officer on the Korean DMZ. I have an older sibling one-star General in the family today. They all fought to live in a nation where you weren’t forced to salute the flag in the way the society or government told you that you must. One of the foundational rights our nation’s forefathers gave us was the right to peaceful protest. These peaceful demonstrations are more American than those who would force their fellow Americans to goose-step to their own misguided view of what patriotism looks like.
Give me a break.

* 712 assumed the race of another poster and you say he nailed it????

* You used the divisive Nazi words "goose-step" for those who disagree with your view on this topic. And you say those who disagree with you are misguided???? Unbelievable.

* Why are you not smart enough to realize that your family military history is not relevant? Obviously, not all military members & vets agree with kneeling during the anthem.

All the kneeling issue has done is further divide this country. This country, many years ago, used to be able to bring people who had differences together & find common ground. NOW? There is no compromise and no listening to the "other side."

Why are you not smart enough to realize that this, TOO, is an issue where compromise can be found?

As I stated before, here's the deal: Basketball and football players know they are gonna piss people off when they kneel during the anthem so why not COMPROMISE?

* As the basketball players come on the court for the opening tip, the ref could hold the ball & all of the basketball players could kneel. Once the PA says "thank you," the players stand and the refs and the players line up for the opening tip. ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THAT MOMENT. And it would not be divisive.

* As the football players come on the field for the opening kick off, the ref could hold the ball and all of the football players could kneel. Once the PA says 'thank you," the players stand and the refs and the players line up for the start of the game. ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THAT MOMENT. And it would not be divisive.

Menace, you should keep your very divisive, racist, & Nazi "goose-step" comments to HROT. I am sure the HROT left wing echo chamber misses you and your crazy ass comments and eagerly await your return.
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Going to go out on a limb here...1) you're white 2) over 40. 3) from a town with a population below 1k.

These soldiers fought for the right for our freedom which includes speech. Unless you've been judged and given not the same advantage because of something you have no choice in like the color of your skin then drop it and move on.

Come on are much better! You pulled a trifecta and just judged someone for their race, age, and the size of their home town. Keep this crap off the football board. GO HAWKS!
That's right but the person who finds it offensive has that same free speech right. That has always bothered me with that argument.

I personally don't get upset over it. But I know people it bothers. I can see their point.

This is exactly correct. They are trying to bring attention to a cause. Many are upset and find it offensive. Both are part of living in this country and protected by the First Amendment.

I personally believe it is a respectful demonstration of something they believe in. They are kneeling - not mooning or raising a fist. They take their helmets off. They are doing it quietly and allowing others to stand. They do not mock those who stand.

But, many believe it is disrespectful - that is their right. As long as everything stays peaceful and allows everyone to believe what they believe, I'm good with it.
let me understand this- we have a president who said our war dead are suckers and losers but you're angry about the kneeling because you think it disrespects our soldiers- i have never heard the kneelers say anything disrespectable about our military.
Your blind ignorance is overwhelming. The POTUS never said any of those left wing lies. Take your agenda to HROT.
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.
Those people that fought for this country did so to give them the right to free speech and to kneel. They aren't disrespecting the flag or the anthem, but they are protesting injustice/inequality in this country. What gives you the right to say they can't do this? I work with several veterans and they don't view it as disrespect at all, but rather quite the opposite. Maybe the national anthem would unite us all if we didn't have the biggest piece of shit in history in the white house that has done nothing but divide the country.
Your blind ignorance is overwhelming. The POTUS never said any of those left wing lies. Take your agenda to HROT.
Oh that's right Trump has never said any of those things. Let's see, he has been nothing but a con man, failed businessman, shit husband, shit father, pathological liar his entire life, but he never said any of those things, and its just everyone else making it up because they are out to get him, right? If you think that you need help.