So who won the debate?

A) You neglected to mention that it had lost 20k in population in just over two decades.

B) False. Many of the town’s residents expressed welcome that they are here, and have noted the boost to the local economy. Yes, some of the town’s cranky racist MAGAts are upset. Boo hoo. I’m sure though they’d have the same reaction if it were 20k poor French Canadians that moved into town. Of course not, and we both know

You truly are a moron. French Canadians are not coning from one or the poorest countries in the world. Dropping in 40 percent of a towns population in that are all coming from incredible poverty is not a winning formula f9r any community. You turning to racism just indicates how racist you are. Just how stupid are you?

A 20k decline over 20 years replaced in 3 years wirh 20k people all from the same broken culture and incredible poverty. Let's compare it to a scenario of people moving from Montreal and call is racism. Guess what genius, there would be problems in your scenario as well but less likely the issues would be poverty related. Thank you for demonstrating what a racist and stupid piece of shit you really are.

By the way if you want a nice example of immigration helping a small town take a trip to Manchester, IA. Hispanic immigrants have saved that town. You knew that though because you frequent a Caribbean restaurant and think the owners are nice
You truly are a moron. French Canadians are not coning from one or the poorest countries in the world. Dropping in 40 percent of a towns population in that are all coming from incredible poverty is not a winning formula f9r any community. You turning to racism just indicates how racist you are. Just how stupid are you?

A 20k decline over 20 years replaced in 3 years wirh 20k people all from the same broken culture and incredible poverty. Let's compare it to a scenario of people moving from Montreal and call is racism. Guess what genius, there would be problems in your scenario as well but less likely the issues would be poverty related. Thank you for demonstrating what a racist and stupid piece of shit you really are.

By the way if you want a nice example of immigration helping a small town take a trip to Manchester, IA. Hispanic immigrants have saved that town. You knew that though because you frequent a Caribbean restaurant and think the owners are nice

Awwwww. You seem pretty in your feelings, buddy. Are you okay? I’d probably talk to someone. Maybe they could teach you what a “hypothetical scenario” means. Then maybe they could drill down into your deep seated hatred of Black people and their “broken culture”. Then finally get to the core of the issue of your anger.
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I watched Senator Kirsten Sinema - a co author of the bill - affirm this on live TV. If it was removed at the last minute then my mistake. In fact I think the number was lowered to 1,500 per day now that think about it.
Still not acceptable IMO.
So bring it to the floor for debate and amendment. Don’t just toss it. Despicable.
Fact is, Kamala Harris has more experience going in for her first run for president than Obama or trump or Clinton or Reagan or either Bush. She knows many many world leaders and is well respected. trump, not so much other than Putin Un or a couple other dictators. I believe she will be just fine.
I don’t care about experience, I care about one’s ability to be persuasive and inspire people. She lacks charisma on all fronts.

It’s ok to want her to win while acknowledging that she is a terrible candidate that is only there because she was the only option to get ride of Biden and is up against the most polarizing POS in American political history.
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Sorry, you guys can’t “both sides” this. I agree that it’s frustrating that Harris skims the surface on substance then offers platitudes, but it’s absolutely ridiculous to think that isn’t Democratic debate strategy at this point. This is what they’ve done the in the last few debates against Trump.

If Cedar Rapids was hemorrhaging population like Springfield, and it was done in a measured and systematic way, I’d have no problem with it. My issue with these states doing the bussing of migrants is that it’s using human beings, refugees even, as political props. Pathetic, but that’s what the Republican Party is today.
Boy, you guys loved her so much running for President in 2020 that she got 1% or less so had to drop out. Now she is the greatest thing since sliced bread since she was anointed to run for President.

Trumps sucks bigly, hope he chokes and taps out on a quarter pounder but to say she is ready and prepared to be the President of the US is a massive stretch. She can’t even answer questions on the debate stage, went right to canned and practiced speeches her handlers told her to say. Reminded me of the Ricky Bobby post race speech with his hands it was so awkward.

We are f’d as a society when these are the two candidates to choose from to run this country. I can’t bring myself to use the word best because they are nowhere near that word. I’ll be sitting out this election, just like 2020.

The Real Way You Always Know Who Lost the Debate​


Nothing about Tuesday night’s debate was particularly surprising. Donald Trump, in visible decline, became agitated, pedantic, and increasingly unserious as the broadcast wore on. He turned in yet another weirdly checked-out performance and continued a losing streak that was only briefly broken up when he faced off against an opponent who was slightly more advanced in his sundowning, three months earlier. Harris, meanwhile, is a career prosecutor, an effective performer of politics, and a 59-year-old woman—conditions that created an abject mismatch onstage. The VP proceeded to wipe the floor with the former president, by virtue of her ability to appear competent and normal in contrast to the dog eating and the rally-size grousing. There weren’t any curveballs dispensed from the moderation team, either, who teed up a pretty standard set of policy queries on immigration, abortion, the economy, and democracy. Harris did what she was supposed to do, and Trump did what he always does. That is the way things work.

And yet, for the embattled MAGA base who have internalized this idea that Harris is incapable of stringing words into sentences, her ability to answer basic questions about her policy positions could only be justified by conspiracy and collusion. We have been down this path before. Perhaps you remember the swirling rumors in 2020 that Joe Biden received his debate questions before the event—the same accusations were leveled Tuesday night, but this time around though, they were weirder, and much dumber.

The prevailing theory in MAGAdom is that Kamala Harris was discreetly wearing a pair of earbuds embedded in the earrings she wore on stage. The tech itself is real—in 2023, the audio company Icebach unveiled a set of pearl jewelry called the “Nova H1 Audio Earrings” that were outfitted with the ability to transmit audio into the wearer’s cochleas. If you are way down the rabbit hole, you might be willing to believe that Harris had orchestrated some sort of elaborate walkie-talkie system so she could receive live coaching from, I don’t know, Pete Buttigieg, standing a few feet offstage. It’s a position that has been signal-boosted by some of the more prominent knuckleheads on the right—particularly Naomi Wolf, former feminist scholar, current anti-vax nut job, who frankly deserves some sort of lifetime achievement award for gullibility. Here’s Wolf, laying out her case:
Her performance was 100 percent different from any appearance she has ever made. Not possible for a person so inept to change so much overnight. Is it a crime to use technology to cheat on a Presidential debate? If so there should be discovery including asking Nova for their order records. Did the WH or VP Harris order these earrings/ear buds?

It’s hard to know where these allegations originally surfaced. Washington Post media reporter Will Sommer first brought them to my attention by singling out a post made by the 500,000 follower strong @The_Trump_Train account, which went on to achieve a half-million total views. It metastasized from there, becoming a bugaboo on all sorts of MAGA-aligned accounts. The claims, obviously, aren’t true and can be debunked in a variety of ways, none more compelling than the fact that the earrings Kamala was wearing don’t look like the Nova buds at all. Kamala has worn her debate jewelry on several different occasions before the big night, and as the Verge points out, it certainly seems like Icebach’s audio earrings never made it to store shelves. They aren’t even available to purchase on the company’s website, but that didn’t stop the company’s CEO from facetiously asserting that he could neither “confirm nor deny” his assistance in the vice president’s debate prep on LinkedIn. That post has since been deleted, after what I imagine was a stern dressing down from investors.

But all of this belies my larger point about this fabrication: Why would anyone wear earbuds at a political debate? I truly cannot think of a more ineffective way to cheat. Imagine trying to process questions from the moderator, and the persistent blabbering of Donald Trump, with a team of advisers in your ear. Sounds like a mechanical nightmare. If that happened to me, I’d freeze midsyllable like late-era Mitch McConnell. More importantly, why would Harris need help navigating a series of questions that everyone in the universe knew she’d be asked? Any politician worth their salt can navigate their border pablum in their sleep. She probably had her pro-choice spiel memorized for weeks, same with her Jan. 6 riposte. People do debate prep for a reason, because presidential debates are extremely predictable. That is probably a lesson Trump could stand to learn, because his free-associative approach behind the lectern is no longer resonating.

To be clear, this is loser shit. There is never a better way to know that one side is smarting from a terrible debate performance than when a voting bloc starts reaching for magical thinking to justify what went wrong. We saw it in June when Biden dead-enders said a bad cold was responsible for his campaign-ending travesty. Going back further, to 2004 after a surprisingly strong performance against John Kerry, some partisans speculated as to whether George W. Bush was packing a hidden buzzer to assist him with some rhetorical flourishes. It’s never a good look.

I know I’m dealing with people like Naomi Wolf here. She belongs to a fleet of fringe MAGA psychos who have attempted to manifest every conspiracy they’ve ever dreamt up into reality. Scroll deep into her replies, and you’ll find a variety of different sick flavors spun out from the overarching idea that Kamala Harris’ debate fitness is the result of a deep-state op. (Maybe she, like Biden, had the questions ahead of time!) Someone replying to Wolf’s tweet claimed that Harris’ body language—particularly the way she swallows—is indicative of a pathological liar, which is the sort of nut-job psychology we’ve all become accustomed to. But I suppose this is the political environment you get when one candidate is signal-boosting the insane, racist, and easily debunked accusation that Haitian refugees are eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio. It’s grim out there! But I hope the early returns from her performance encourage the Harris team to get their candidate out into the public more often. The vice president has the facility to speak candidly and extemporaneously. If MAGAdom can only rationalize that fact by conjuring the specter of camouflaged earbuds, then she’s in a good spot.

Hope my link works and will serve to better inform you
As soon as I read her post, I knew that had to be wrong. No way would Langford be okay with that and put it in HIS border bill. Not surprised she believed it.
Boy, you guys loved her so much running for President in 2020 that she got 1% or less so had to drop out. Now she is the greatest thing since sliced bread since she was anointed to run for President.

Amazing what a look at 4 years of a Trump presidency will do, huh?

She was the most viable option given the rules surrounding the allocation of the campaign funds raised to date. And having been VP for 3+ years, wether you like her or not, gives her some experience to take with her as she looks to become POTUS.
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Boy, you guys loved her so much running for President in 2020 that she got 1% or less so had to drop out. Now she is the greatest thing since sliced bread since she was anointed to run for President.

Trumps sucks bigly, hope he chokes and taps out on a quarter pounder but to say she is ready and prepared to be the President of the US is a massive stretch. She can’t even answer questions on the debate stage, went right to canned and practiced speeches her handlers told her to say. Reminded me of the Ricky Bobby post race speech with his hands it was so awkward.

We are f’d as a society when these are the two candidates to choose from to run this country. I can’t bring myself to use the word best because they are nowhere near that word. I’ll be sitting out this election, just like 2020.
She appeared prepared and presidential the other night. She was the best by far, trump and republicans are still choking on the cats and dogs they ate. In either case, hope the momentum continues.
My final analysis after a couple days
Harris is imperfect with some unknowns on several key issues. She most likely over prepared
Trump doesn’t give a **** but living in the moment. He’ll spend most of his presidency chasing his tail. He didn’t prepare at all.
Trump lost the debate simply because he’s incapable of hard work and trying. Harris was just ok. But compared to Donald a much better option.
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Haitians are eating pets, per a Jamaican.

Trump was right.

ABC “fact checkers” blew another one.

The Haitian immigrants are indeed eating animals. Let me tell you something about these people. Not only are they harvesting cats for food, but also for witchcraft purposes, voodoo purposes. Understand this, if you don't wanna take my word for it, go out there.

Meet a Haitian, talk to them about it. this is not something they aren't proud of. It’s their culture. they eat these animals and they use the blood and bones of these animals for voodoo and witchcraft purposes. this is not a joke. the fact that they are here illegally, Kamala did say she gave them a temporary protection over a hundred thousand of them.

But here's the thing, for good luck purposes, they will harvest cats, they will use the blood and the bone of these cats. They consume these things because they believe it brings good luck and good juju. This is not a joke, it's a fact. This is their culture. This is what they believe. They will die on a hill on this belief.
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Haitians are eating pets, per a Haitian.

Trump was right.

ABC “fact checkers” blew another one.

The Haitian immigrants are indeed eating animals. Let me tell you something about these people. Not only are they harvesting cats for food, but also for witchcraft purposes, voodoo purposes. Understand this, if you don't wanna take my word for it, go out there.

Meet a Haitian, talk to them about it. this is not something they aren't proud of. It’s their culture. they eat these animals and they use the blood and bones of these animals for voodoo and witchcraft purposes. this is not a joke. the fact that they are here illegally, Kamala did say she gave them a temporary protection over a hundred thousand of them.

But here's the thing, for good luck purposes, they will harvest cats, they will use the blood and the bone of these cats. They consume these things because they believe it brings good luck and good juju. This is not a joke, it's a fact. This is their culture. This is what they believe. They will die on a hill on this belief.”
Well, if that random guy I've never met said so, it must be true.
She appeared prepared and presidential the other night. She was the best by far, trump and republicans are still choking on the cats and dogs they ate. In either case, hope the momentum continues.

Haitians are eating cats / people’s pets. When they tell you they are and that is their culture, why don’t you believe them?

Denial? Obtuse?
She appeared prepared and presidential the other night. She was the best by far, trump and republicans are still choking on the cats and dogs they ate. In either case, hope the momentum continues.
Appearing Presidential and being Presidential are two different things. She isn’t ready to be President but don’t want Trump another term as one. Guess she will learn on the job and we will deal with it.
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News at 9:
SE Asian cultures eat dogs.

If Trump says an observably true and easily verifiable thing then it must be false anyways.

How delusional have we become?
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Appearing Presidential and being Presidential are two different things. She isn’t ready to be President but don’t want Trump another term as one. Guess she will learn on the job and we will deal with it.
We’ve seen enough of the Trump reality show. We don’t need a reboot. :)
Turn the page of Trump being or possibly being the President ever again.
The big thing is the Republican Party needs a shake up. To give us a better path forward. I’m afraid that they’re mostly cowards though and will continue to cater to him. Even if he loses.
No she didn't. Just avoided saying anything. Course Trump didn't stick to the econmy then and now. All he has to do. Would have been much difererent if she was facing Haley.
Trump is who he is. I think if Kamala had faced just about any other sane Republican in the debate. She gets beat.
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Boy, you guys loved her so much running for President in 2020 that she got 1% or less so had to drop out. Now she is the greatest thing since sliced bread since she was anointed to run for President.

Trumps sucks bigly, hope he chokes and taps out on a quarter pounder but to say she is ready and prepared to be the President of the US is a massive stretch. She can’t even answer questions on the debate stage, went right to canned and practiced speeches her handlers told her to say. Reminded me of the Ricky Bobby post race speech with his hands it was so awkward.

We are f’d as a society when these are the two candidates to choose from to run this country. I can’t bring myself to use the word best because they are nowhere near that word. I’ll be sitting out this election, just like 2020.

Look, another repub living in the past.
Appearing Presidential and being Presidential are two different things. She isn’t ready to be President but don’t want Trump another term as one. Guess she will learn on the job and we will deal with it.

That's what you all were hoping for trump, to learn on the job, but he hasn't the mental capacity to do that.
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