Teasdale now back?

Typically they don’t verify his eligibility until the end of the school year because he is a frosh and did not earn any credits yet this semester, so at this point he can in fact withdrawal from classes and reregister without impacting his eligibility. He also may have brought in credits from HS and his eligibility could be covered in that way so as not to effect his eligibility.
Depending on the nature of the students issue The university can allow for him to continue to matriculate and re-enroll in the spring.
Well, if he's matriculating he's got bigger problems than even Bael can fix.
Hope he's got it all together and is ready to roll. A lot of work went into getting himself to this point, glad he believes he is back on track.

I believe his HS to College success will match something like what Jeva was able to do. High profile kid that was a really good HS wrestler and an average college one, which is two things that are better than my athletic accomplishments. I wish him well.

Who on here doesn't want to see him vs. Spencer at some point down the road?

Your definition of an "average college wrestler" is seriously skewed due to being a Hawk fan. Josh was considerably above average. Hell, the guy was a B1G Finalist, 84-26 for his career, went 4-4 at NCAA's and was constantly ranked top 15 in all of DI.

An "average" college wrestler MAYBE makes it to a .500 record by the end of his career and is lucky to spot start, let alone for a full season or more.

Now, I get, relative to his high school expectations, that he didn't have the career many would expect, but the kid was still really good!
First, I want to say that I hope Teasdale gets through whatever has been holding him out. He's a talented wrestler and I know he hurt us bad and the timing of his decision to not attend Iowa was brutal and left us with a huge hole, but I don't wish ill will on any young man.

Measuring Cael and if he cares more about the athlete than the team.

Let's see how Cael handles this, because I think it will be a true measure of who he is as a coach. FLO always likes to point to him as being perfect in all things on their broadcasts. Last week, "well, we have to go there, but at Penn State." Let's see how FLO talks about this when he pulls Teasdales redshirt, because I predict that he will pull that shirt.

So, Teasdale has been out for the semester for one thing or another. It's been rumored on this board, Blue and White, that it's been related to behavioral issues that many freshman get into, but are just not under the microscope that the wrestlers are under, so it doesn't get broadcast on public forums etc. It generally gets handled in some college administrators office, but whether it's smoking pot, drinking alcohol, missing class etc., we all know these things are more common than not on all college campuses.

As far as competition and no wrestling during the entire first semester. He's missed half of the season and Cael says he might wrestle at the Scuffle. This young man only gets 4 seasons of competition. If it's about him and his getting the most from his career, there is no way PSU doesn't redshirt him and provide him with a full ramp up of preparation for a full season of competition next year. There is no way, pulling his redshirt at this point in time provides him the best opportunity for success or the best opportunity to maximize one of his four seasons of competition.

However, because he's the better wrestler in the room and he provides PSU the opportunity for team points at the NCAA's whereas Schnupp will not score, I guarantee you Teasdale wrestles for PSU in the second semester and will be the team representative at the Big 10's. Cael is not taking any chances and is chasing points and could care less about a young man losing 1/2 of a season and a full season if he applied for and was granted a full medical redshirt. Also, if you think about it, he withdrew from school, so he loses those credits and is now behind in school as well.

I think he wrestles, because Cael knows he's the best option and it's about his legacy and not the young mans experience. I think he wrestles, because it allows him to stockpile a redshirt, so when Howard comes in and if Teasdale works it out and gets back on track, it provides him better flexibility to juggle redshirts, but if he doesn't work it out, he can get Teasdale for what he's worth this one year, when Shnupp is not getting it done and then he can casually discard him when a better option is made available--that is not available at this point in time or specifically for this year.

Let's see how Cael handles this one, I believe he is going to show us a glimpse into who he really is where his priorities really are with this decision. I say he wrestles Teasdale and pulls his shirt.
A hand extended to help someone who has stumbled.

“A hand up, not a hand out” is the motto of Goodwill. It’s a common expression, at least here in the states where we say “states.”
In that case, no I've never need one of those. I was always able to control my alcohol consumption, never fight police officers, and refrain from sexually assaulting my roommate's mothers. I suppose one could argue Cael offered a hand up, just as easily as one could argue Cael was an enabler, sold his soul and brought him on solely to win a title.
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I like it, no kid has kept PSU in the head scratching headlines more than Teasdale.
No matter what goes on there's some kind of Teasdale drama going on and PSU faithful comes running over to the Iowa boards and troll HR.
If there is any wrong doing by Cael and his staff, there's probably no single guy who will draw the attention of the NCAA other than Teasdale.
Hope the kid turns it around, as I do all troubled kids, but wow he is a headliner and hasn't wrestled one match.
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Lets see if we can clean this Cesspool, dumpster fire etc.... up? Maybe TRY and keep it real and on track!!!

Just focusing on THIS issue and not bringing up every other thing from the past for a second. Has anyone ever heard of something like this before?

I mean someone posted about their son or something, but most on here have been following Wrestling and sports for a pretty long time.

I for one have never heard of any kid dropping classes with less the a month of school left in the semester. That is just the first part though!!! I find it very odd that a kid would leave for "Health issues" then be back in 3 weeks?

Now I am not a PSU insider so I do not know what took place, but for someone to throw a semester out the window is not a small thing. Besides the time, there is the money.

Figuring total expense of somewhere around 60K per year. That is 30K per semester. If he was getting .5 scholly money someone had to put up 15K for nothing!!!

That would also bring up what would be happening with his Scholarship? How does that work? Now of course you are talking about maybe a 6th year of school with this exemption! 60K x 6 = 360K!

I understand in Happy Horsesh*t Valley everyone has a rich Uncle but..... I for one knew many kids on my college team that withdrew/screwed up/ left school. Not one of them ever returned!!!!

Once again I do not see what I am possible missing? What I do see is yet another ODD thing take place!!! You have Manville who has been "gray" shirting for what 3 years!?!?! Has he ever Wrestled a match?

He was a top recruit. I know I know he is focusing on Freestyle and is happy to be the score keeper on the team. Wait; was he hitting the Freestyle circuit hard in the offseason???

How about this new possibility of the 184 and Heavy weights getting a 6th year all of a sudden??? When were they supposable hurt? Wasn't last year because they both Wrestled!!! So how come now they remembered that they were hurt and the just forgot about it!!!

My guess is they do want Teasdale in the line up this year at 125. They are waiting to see if he can get to weight and become a significant upgrade! Could be looking at the Scoring record held by IOWA!!! They will not get it but that is what I am guessing.

He does well at the Scuffle he is in BANK IT!!!!
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No, it was injury suffered in practice. I'll be happy to share the details with you via email including the whole process, but I don't really want to share health info publicly.

But bottom line, in order to receive a medical exemption you need to have a documented health issue treated by a physician(s), and the train is driven by the doctors and the academic advisors. I know you are referring to rumors about Teasdale - I can't comment on them, nor can anyone have any real knowledge outside a certain circle - but he will only receive a medical exemption from the university AND the NCAA with a documented health issue. Not close to being the case of Cael merely waving a magic wand here. Most I will comment is that you don't get a medical exemption from the NCAA by partying too much and flunking out.

Not sure where Cael really even comes into play here. He certainly doesn't need Gavin to compete this year for PSU, nor does it seem likely he will with his comments. The extra year was a path made available to Gavin (and his parents - being involved in the decisions) as soon as he went under physician care (an assumption based on him receiving a medical exemption from the NCAA). They'd probably be very foolish not to pursue it.

"Most I will comment is that you don't get a medical exemption from the NCAA by partying too much and flunking out."
Not 100% true. With ADA there are several medical conditions that are considered protected that could be used to defend the 'partying' angle. Not an easy road but with favorable medical opinions it's not out of the realm of possibilities and has been used previously.
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Lets see if we can clean this Cesspool, dumpster fire etc.... up? Maybe TRY and keep it real and on track!!!

Just focusing on THIS issue and not bringing up every other thing from the past for a second. Has anyone ever heard of something like this before?

I mean someone posted about their son or something, but most on here have been following Wrestling and sports for a pretty long time.

I for one have never heard of any kid dropping classes with less the a month of school left in the semester. That is just the first part though!!! I find it very odd that a kid would leave for "Health issues" then be back in 3 weeks?

Now I am not a PSU insider so I do not know what took place, but for someone to throw a semester out the window is not a small thing. Besides the time, there is the money.

Figuring total expense of somewhere around 60K per year. That is 30K per semester. If he was getting .5 scholly money someone had to put up 15K for nothing!!!

That would also bring up what would be happening with his Scholarship? How does that work? Now of course you are talking about maybe a 6th year of school with this exemption! 60K x 6 = 360K!

I understand in Happy Horsesh*t Valley everyone has a rich Uncle but..... I for one knew many kids on my college team that withdrew/screwed up/ left school. Not one of them ever returned!!!!

Once again I do not see what I am possible missing? What I do see is yet another ODD thing take place!!! You have Manville who has been "gray" shirting for what 3 years!?!?! Has he ever Wrestled a match?

He was a top recruit. I know I know he is focusing on Freestyle and is happy to be the score keeper on the team. Wait; was he hitting the Freestyle circuit hard in the offseason???

How about this new possibility of the 184 and Heavy weights getting a 6th year all of a sudden??? When were they supposable hurt? Wasn't last year because they both Wrestled!!! So how come now they remembered that they were hurt and the just forgot about it!!!

My guess is they do want Teasdale in the line up this year at 125. They are waiting to see if he can get to weight and become a significant upgrade! Could be looking at the Scoring record held by IOWA!!! They will not get it but that is what I am guessing.

He does well at the Scuffle he is in BANK IT!!!!
You are so screwed up with numbers it’s not even funny. Penn State is app 35,000$ total cost without any aid for an in state student .
Diceman is claiming an "injury suffered in practice." There is only a few things that come to mind.

1) a concussion that would be bad enough where he could not focus. This seems unlikely as he is back Wrestling.
2) an injury where he could not get to classes. Again very unlikely.
3) some kind of disease that would cause him to be unable to attend classes. Not sure you would list it as an injury but again does not seem likely because he is back.

Very odd, and I will tell you another thing that is odd. Diceman said he would email you the situation. He doesn't want to spread health issues over the internet. Seems reasonable except, how would he keep that person or persons from posting it!?!?!?!
Typically they don’t verify his eligibility until the end of the school year because he is a frosh and did not earn any credits yet this semester, so at this point he can in fact withdrawal from classes and reregister without impacting his eligibility. He also may have brought in credits from HS and his eligibility could be covered in that way so as not to effect his eligibility.
Depending on the nature of the students issue The university can allow for him to continue to matriculate and re-enroll in the spring.
This is just false.
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Does anyone on here actually know what a waiver is or what his exemption means? Does he just get more time to pass his classes? Are his grades suspended or his classes erased? Is it like he did not take any classes? Did he lose his scholarship? Do we know any of this? I am confused as to what actually happened and what it means in everyday life. Will he have to take all his classes again or just get an extension to finish the classes? The kids have to pass 12 hours minimum/semester or 24/year to be eligible for the next year. Did his year start last fall or does it mean his year starts this January? What does it all mean?
I do as I have personal experience with it and have already explained it here and on BWI. Of course, the best I can do is speculate on his exact situation and relate our experience in explaining possible options.
No, you're mixing up what he said. He knows someone at Binghamton that was injured and went this route. He was saying the path forward is the same, not that their circumstances were the same.
It's a little more than someone I know. Member of my family. I have personal experience with dealing with the academic advisors and coaches on that.
Diceman is claiming an "injury suffered in practice." There is only a few things that come to mind.

1) a concussion that would be bad enough where he could not focus. This seems unlikely as he is back Wrestling.
2) an injury where he could not get to classes. Again very unlikely.
3) some kind of disease that would cause him to be unable to attend classes. Not sure you would list it as an injury but again does not seem likely because he is back.

Very odd, and I will tell you another thing that is odd. Diceman said he would email you the situation. He doesn't want to spread health issues over the internet. Seems reasonable except, how would he keep that person or persons from posting it!?!?!?!

EDIT - I see that you are confused after reading my post and think that I am posting about Teasdale's info. Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit. I posted multiple times that I have no information on Teasdale - nor does anyone else here for that matter - and I can only relay my own experiences and lay out how that is relevant.
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Listen, jagoff. Everyone with a wrestling pulse can figure out who I am if they care to, and most in the college wrestling community know the individual that's a member of my family. Which is much more than I can say for you.

I have communicated with Vodka before on email (he reached out to me considerately) which is why I posted that.

No reason to delve into my guy's details or try to figure it out. I'm sure no one on here cares as he doesn't wrestle for PSU or a B1G school (or Iowa State). Just laying out that I have personal experience with going through the medical exemption process.

EDIT - I see that you are confused after reading my post and think that I am posting about Teasdale's info. Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit. I posted multiple times that I have no information on Teasdale - nor does anyone else here for that matter - and I can only relay my own experiences and lay out how that is relevant.
Quit being a dick.
Hopefully Teasdale is okay but I highly doubt anything is resolved or overcome in a short amount of time like this. Its clear the kid has some substance abuse issues with pills. If you want to blame it on grades or being a freshman or pretend its an actual physical injury versus a mental addiction. Be my guest.

What's interesting is once again Cael seems to always underestimate a mental illness or substance issue. Why is that I have no idea? Is it a Mormon belief? Is it that Cael doesn't deem any weakness of the mind long term? Who knows.

What I do know that if Cael immediately puts Gavin in for the scuffle its eerily similar to Long in regards to the minute he is legally eligible he will be on the mat. If any recall Marion was legally available to compete and Brands still held him out for an even longer extended period of time. That's the difference between the 2 coaches. Brands teaches life lessons first. Cael isn't opposed to life lessons but Cael puts himself and his coaching legacy first and foremost. Its one thing to be driven and competitive but its another to be so much about yourself you sacrifice integrity. That's Cael

I also have no doubt Teasdale is gonna be the starting 125 in a few weeks.
Prove it smart guy
The NCAA has a requirement that you complete a minimum of six hours each semester you are enrolled (Spring/Fall) to be eligible to compete the next semester. Your eligibility is subject to this every semester you compete as an undergrad. Even during your freshman year.

In order to be eligible to wrestle in the next semester following an athlete's withdrawal from classes, they must receive an NCAA exemption. This can be granted with a documented health issue.

Not that hard to familiarize yourself with the regulations if you plan on speaking out on it.
My question on this is the timing. Less than a month ago Teasdale leaves PSU due to health issues, but he's magically cured right after finals and is already in the room practicing while not attending classes?

He sure recovered fast and just in time for classes to be over with.

How could he possibly be eligible for any competition over the winter break?
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My question on this is the timing. Less than a month ago Teasdale leaves PSU due to health issues, but he's magically cured right after finals and is already in the room practicing while not attending classes?

He sure recovered fast and just in time for classes to be over with.

How could he possibly be eligible for any competition over the winter break?
I'm not sure of the timeline - are you? News of his leaving the team surfaced about a month ago. I have no idea when his problems started or the timeline of his receiving physician care (assuming he did).

Again, what benefit is it to Cael for him to be practicing now? He's not going to represent PSU this year nor do they need him. The only motivation for him to be practicing and back with the team is if it is beneficial to him. Doesn't really matter to PSU.
Hopefully Teasdale is okay but I highly doubt anything is resolved or overcome in a short amount of time like this. Its clear the kid has some substance abuse issues with pills. If you want to blame it on grades or being a freshman or pretend its an actual physical injury versus a mental addiction. Be my guest.

What's interesting is once again Cael seems to always underestimate a mental illness or substance issue. Why is that I have no idea? Is it a Mormon belief? Is it that Cael doesn't deem any weakness of the mind long term? Who knows.

What I do know that if Cael immediately puts Gavin in for the scuffle its eerily similar to Long in regards to the minute he is legally eligible he will be on the mat. If any recall Marion was legally available to compete and Brands still held him out for an even longer extended period of time. That's the difference between the 2 coaches. Brands teaches life lessons first. Cael isn't opposed to life lessons but Cael puts himself and his coaching legacy first and foremost. Its one thing to be driven and competitive but its another to be so much about yourself you sacrifice integrity. That's Cael

I also have no doubt Teasdale is gonna be the starting 125 in a few weeks.

If he becomes the starter this year for PSU, then all the hubbub that is on here about this issue will be for naught.

He will have blown the opportunity to grey shirt that the exemption would grant him. And nobody is beating PSU this year whether he wrestles or not.

So maybe if you're an Iowa fan you should be hoping for this (if you think Teasdale's going to be any good).

I do think you're 2nd paragraph is a worthwhile discussion and contains an interesting (in a good way) opinion.
The NCAA has a requirement that you complete a minimum of six hours each semester you are enrolled (Spring/Fall) to be eligible to compete the next semester. Your eligibility is subject to this every semester you compete as an undergrad. Even during your freshman year.

In order to be eligible to wrestle in the next semester following an athlete's withdrawal from classes, they must receive an NCAA exemption. This can be granted with a documented health issue.

Not that hard to familiarize yourself with the regulations if you plan on speaking out on it.
Thanks for little clear info. Now if only we knew what happened, we could quit gossiping and start slandering. :)
The NCAA has a requirement that you complete a minimum of six hours each semester you are enrolled (Spring/Fall) to be eligible to compete the next semester. Your eligibility is subject to this every semester you compete as an undergrad. Even during your freshman year.

In order to be eligible to wrestle in the next semester following an athlete's withdrawal from classes, they must receive an NCAA exemption. This can be granted with a documented health issue.

Not that hard to familiarize yourself with the regulations if you plan on speaking out on it.

I can somewhat buy an exception to allow him to be eligible next semester depending on what was going on. Talk of some extra year should not even be mentioned. When I was in school to withdraw without academic penalty you had to do it within 2 weeks or so of the start of the year. He is way past that so without some magic being used he will not be sitting in a good spot academic wise. I think Carl figures Teasdale is not a good long term bet so get him a wavier for 2nd semester and he at least gets one season out of him.
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Listen, jagoff. Everyone with a wrestling pulse can figure out who I am if they care to, and most in the college wrestling community know the individual that's a member of my family. Which is much more than I can say for you.

I have communicated with Vodka before on email (he reached out to me considerately) which is why I posted that.

No reason to delve into my guy's details or try to figure it out. I'm sure no one on here cares as he doesn't wrestle for PSU or a B1G school (or Iowa State). Just laying out that I have personal experience with going through the medical exemption process.
You have a guy good one no one else has a guy my info comes from a college professor that works directly with sports programs. Im not sure where your ”reading” your info. Im trying to shed some light thats all. And one other thing then Im done completely with this thread and you. We have our own Spooner you can be the Spooner of your board we dont need it here tganks anyway “its what we do”
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I can somewhat buy an exception to allow him to be eligible next semester depending on what was going on. Talk of some extra year should not even be mentioned. When I was in school to withdraw without academic penalty you had to do it within 2 weeks or so of the start of the year. He is way past that so without some magic being used he will not be sitting in a good spot academic wise. I think Carl figures Teasdale is not a good long term bet so get him a wavier for 2nd semester and he at least gets one season out of him.
The extra year is not something that is part of this process. It is a byproduct of it. If you don't start enrollment until January 2019 (which will be the effect of being granted a medical exemption) you effectively become a grey shirt so your eligibility clock does not start ticking until 2019 instead of 2018. This is not a Cael thing, more so it is a Teasdale thing or any athlete that chooses to defer enrollment.

In regards to the "magic wand" comment, this option is available to any student from the university in regards to academic progress. I'm sure it was available to you as a student as well - if you were in a car accident midway through the semester and were unable to complete your coursework due to being in the hospital for an extended time for example, do you think your university would penalize you if you wanted to return when healthy? That is the first part of the process. The 2nd would be if you were an athlete and wanted an exemption from one of the academic progress requirements, which then would be in the NCAAs hands.
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You have a guy good one no one else has a guy my info comes from a college professor that works directly with sports programs. Im not sure where your ”reading” your info. Im trying to shed some light thats all. And one other thing then Im done completely with this thread and you. We have our own Spooner you can be the Spooner of your board we dont need it here tganks anyway “its what we do”
I'm not "reading" this info, I am currently involved in the same process with a member of my family. You're done with me, so it really doesn't matter anyway. Continue to rely on your professor "source."
I would have suspended him for at least 1 year.
Wow, 18 yo kid seeks help due to health concern and your answer is to suspend kid for a year. Now, I do admit the timing/return seems awfully quick to have resolved an addiction, physical or mental issue. Give the kid credit for asking for help.
I'm not sure of the timeline - are you? News of his leaving the team surfaced about a month ago. I have no idea when his problems started or the timeline of his receiving physician care (assuming he did).

Again, what benefit is it to Cael for him to be practicing now? He's not going to represent PSU this year nor do they need him. The only motivation for him to be practicing and back with the team is if it is beneficial to him. Doesn't really matter to PSU.

The timeline that is public is what I'm raising my eyebrows at. Coincidence that he's recovered from his health problems just after finals?
The timeline that is public is what I'm raising my eyebrows at. Coincidence that he's recovered from his health problems just after finals?
Fair statement, but who really knows the following:

1) What the medical issue is
2) When it occurred
3) Where he is in recovery

All of the above is speculation unless you are Gavin, his family, the physician(s), the coaching staff, an academic advisor, or someone reviewing the exemption application.
"Most I will comment is that you don't get a medical exemption from the NCAA by partying too much and flunking out."
Not 100% true. With ADA there are several medical conditions that are considered protected that could be used to defend the 'partying' angle. Not an easy road but with favorable medical opinions it's not out of the realm of possibilities and has been used previously.
Technically correct, but we are basically saying the same thing. The NCAA is not going to grant you the exemption because you like to party. You are going to have to have a physician documenting a health issue. If you want to characterize that as a loophole that some will try to game the system with, so be it, but the fact remains that this is the minimum threshold, not too much partying. Not sure how that loophole could possibly be closed without denying legitimate exemptions.
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Technically correct, but we are basically saying the same thing. The NCAA is not going to grant you the exemption because you like to party. You are going to have to have a physician documenting a health issue. If you want to characterize that as a loophole that some will try to game the system with, so be it, but the fact remains that this is the minimum threshold, not too much partying. Not sure how that loophole could possibly be closed without denying legitimate exemptions.

My fault, I wasn't categorizing it as a loophole. I have dealt with ADA and how alcoholism is covered and what it does in an employment situation. My hope is the Gavin has life in order and becomes successful in life. Whether he gets an extra year to wrestle is pretty immaterial in the grand scope of life.
When I was coaching we had a kid who came to realize about midway thru his 2nd year in college that he was an alcoholic. He got help immediately and luckily did not flunk out. Had he been flunking all his classes, he would have been a candidate for this type of thing, I am thinking. Anyway, these types of things are possible and the kid I am speaking of now runs a successful gym, has a great family and has not touched alcohol (to my knowledge) in over 25 years.
I am not saying this is what is happening to Teasdale. I am saying that kids make mistakes and if they recover, their lives are infinitely better. Until I know what happened, I have nothing negative to say about anyone involved in this situation. They could be gaming a system and they could all be working to do what is best for the kid and all deserve halos after this is all said and done. No reason to go down a negative path until we know what happened. If we never know, then I am sure our lives will be relatively unaffected.