The Kim Mulkey Washington Post article came out 2 hours before LSU & UCLA tipped off in the Sweet 16

She’s a bitch. Now you don’t have to read it.

Yep. At the same time, she's had one helluva playing/coaching career.

Her resume:

2 national championships as a player at Louisiana Tech

3 national championships coaching Baylor

1 national championship coaching LSU

1 gold medal as a player for Team USA at the 1984 Olympic Games
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It’s all opinion anyway. My next door neighbor detests Caitlin Clark because (according to him) she is the “world’s biggest whiner”. He hates the way she acts on the court. Opinions of high achieving people often vary widely.
I tend to agree she is a huge whiner and complainer but I like her a lot you can have both you can like her and not like her whining
It’s all opinion anyway. My next door neighbor detests Caitlin Clark because (according to him) she is the “world’s biggest whiner”. He hates the way she acts on the court. Opinions of high achieving people often vary widely.
It’s a pretty good article. Gives a bit of a reason on why she is who she is. Her teams play hard, she wins a lot. I don’t particularly care for her style but she gets it done
It’s all opinion anyway. My next door neighbor detests Caitlin Clark because (according to him) she is the “world’s biggest whiner”. He hates the way she acts on the court. Opinions of high achieving people often vary widely.
I assume your neighbor is an Iowa State fan?
It’s all opinion anyway. My next door neighbor detests Caitlin Clark because (according to him) she is the “world’s biggest whiner”. He hates the way she acts on the court. Opinions of high achieving people often vary widely.
Your neighbor isn’t alone in that thought. I work with several big Iowa fans and they think the same thing.
Yep. At the same time, she's had one helluva playing/coaching career.

Her resume:

2 national championships as a player at Louisiana Tech

3 national championships coaching Baylor

1 national championship coaching LSU

1 gold medal as a player for Team USA at the 1984 Olympic Games
Karl Malone was fantastic. He's still a piece of shit. This isn't about the game it's about character. Why is this relevant?
That was pretty anticlimactic.

More + Oral = Moral

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I don't understand why Mulvey was so worried about this journalistic "hit job" and its timing. Though it was critical of her behavior at times, it certainly seemed to be accurate. It's no new revelation that she can be unkind, outspoken, aggressive, driven, and difficult to deal with. All in all, it seemed to be a fairly well balanced article, and was not without mention of her many accomplishments. The parts detailing her currently fractured family relationships were really poignant. Like her or not, this was an interesting portrait of a very complex woman.
It’s all opinion anyway. My next door neighbor detests Caitlin Clark because (according to him) she is the “world’s biggest whiner”. He hates the way she acts on the court. Opinions of high achieving people often vary widely.
She wouldn't happen to be a Clown fan, would he or she?
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