The Raneys

the thing about estrada was that he was very highly regarded prior to his senior year. i loved him. not just his credentials but his skill set and character.

i totally understand not having high expectations for your run-of-the-mill #60 prospect. but he was inside 20 prior to a wonky SR year.

idk. i kinda have hope for him.
And tom rs him
I'm all for it, in general. College sports aren't just for Americans.

As for Ortega, he will be 27 in a few months. Would have to think he would have trouble getting in, but these days one never knows. He also hasn't competed in nearly 4 years.
Wait.... are they trying to get Ortega NCAA eligibility? I thought he was just an RTC guy. How in the world would he have NCAA eligibility at 27 years old?