"The Truth Behind The Caitlin Clark Conspiracy: For the WNBA to accept you, you have to be Black, LGBTQ or a social activist (preferably all 3)"

Yikes. I didn't realize US House Republicans expressed their outrage that Caitlin was left off the Olympic team.

Race + Politics = What a mess that Caitlin wants no part of.
I do think they are experiencing growing pains and they had no clue how to handle it. You can fault them for that, for sure. Give it some time, and let it sort itself out. By the close of this season, they'll either figure out how to co-exist and let her be her and secure a new audience or it will *poof* be gone in a year's time. Some people are probably gone and will be hard to bring back, but they can still right the ship.
Cheryl Reeve, Head Coach of the Minnesota Lynx & Head Coach of the 2024 Olympic Team,
checks 2 of the 3 boxes (she's lesbian and she's an activist).

As part of her activism, she likes to wear shirts like the one that follows.

The irony of leaving Caitlin off the Olympic team while at the same time wearing a shirt that says "Put Women's Sports on TV."

I don’t see anything wrong in the video. If you’ve been paying attention for the past two years you’ve seen it unfold before your eyes. You can bet that almost every vet or black player resent every 22 jersey they see in the stands home and away.

And the vets & black players probably resent the reality of these numbers.

It doesn't take a "conspiracy" (what an overused word). Sometimes shit just happens organically.

Would "black balled" be more correct?

I have no doubt that players (especially Diana Taurasi) didn't want Caitlin on the Olympic team and that they were very vocal about it. I am also guessing it didn't take long for Cheryl Reeve to be convinced.
Best thing that could happen, IMO, to stop the petty jealousy BS, would be for the NBA to quit subsidizing the WNBA. You’d suddenly see a lot of players/coaches changing their attitude toward Caitlin when the league might fold and they had to start acting like a real business. A business that needs to turn a profit, or no more paychecks, for anyone.
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Best thing that could happen, IMO, to stop the petty jealousy BS, would be for the NBA to quite subsidizing the WNBA. You’d suddenly see a lot of players/coaches changing their attitude toward Caitlin when the league might fold and they had to start acting like a real business. A business that needs to turn a profit, or no more paychecks, for anyone.

The WNBA is projected to lose $50M this season.

Because of Caitlin:
* Charter flights instead of commercial

* More ticket, concession, parking, etc. revenue not just for the Fever but for every venue she visits

* More TV viewership, which means a better upcoming TV deal?

You would think that Caitlin would be embraced and that these women would all pull together.

You'd think....
Best thing that could happen, IMO, to stop the petty jealousy BS, would be for the NBA to quite subsidizing the WNBA. You’d suddenly see a lot of players/coaches changing their attitude toward Caitlin when the league might fold and they had to start acting like a real business. A business that needs to turn a profit, or no more paychecks, for anyone.
When will the W wake up? ;)
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Exactly. Pathetic.
I like to think I’m a reasonable person not pushing any agenda. I don’t think there is a “conspiracy” among the entire W establishment but rather an amazing collective inability to control a host of childish emotions to the detriment of pragmatic self-interest in long term financial and viewership gain. And, that shit show is off putting if not alienating. Or, at least parts of it are.
I don’t see anything wrong in the video. If you’ve been paying attention for the past two years you’ve seen it unfold before your eyes.
You can bet that almost every vet or black player resent every 22 jersey they see in the stands home and away.
My issue with the video is that it takes something that has multiple causes and boils it down to just one.

Other players can be upset that Caitlin is getting so much attention and money when they feel like they work just as hard.
Offense sells tickets, defense wins championships. So if you are a two way player with rings of course your gonna look at Clark and think that that shes over-rated.
The media hype sessions do have a tendency to focus on a very select set of people, so everyone else feels like their favorite players are being overlooked. We saw it when Caitlin was a freshman leading the country in scoring and all ESPN could talk about was Paige. The next year was the same except it was Boston. In both cases the fans supporting Paige/Boston seemed every bit as insufferable as the Clark fans do now, but there were just not as many of them.
Its also about the fact that most of these players came out of the same blue blood systems, which all tend to be on the coasts. So the fans of those teams that were going to follow to the wnba already had, and the rest of the country had almost nobody to cheer for. So Clark's fans tend to be newer fans, who prefer offense to physical defense.
But I do agree that running a league that tells half the county that they don't want them as fans is not likely to turn a profit or pay the players very well.
Cheryl Reeve, Head Coach of the Minnesota Lynx & Head Coach of the 2024 Olympic Team,
checks 2 of the 3 boxes (she's lesbian and she's an activist).

As part of her activism, she likes to wear shirts like the one that follows.

The irony of leaving Caitlin off the Olympic team while at the same time wearing a shirt that says "Put Women's Sports on TV."


Her idea of marketimg

loop orange GIF
I don’t see anything wrong in the video. If you’ve been paying attention for the past two years you’ve seen it unfold before your eyes.
You can bet that almost every vet or black player resent every 22 jersey they see in the stands home and away.
The resentment started when playing college ball. I posted this in the angel reece thread. Check out the article on the ESPN wmba page. Not only is it whitewashing what Swoops said, but it is painting Iowa fans as racist. Look how happy Swoops was that Chicago won. A good population of former and active players (& black media) hate Clark.

On ESPN page


In some ways, the ugly side of Clark’s success can be traced back to commentary Swoopes made in January on an episode of former NBA guard Gilbert Arenas’ daily sports podcast Gil’s Arena. Swoopes erroneously said Clark was in her fifth year of eligibility as she was poised to set a Division I scoring record. Swoopes acknowledged that she “made a mistake,” and that Clark was actually in her fourth year of eligibility, but Iowa fans came up with the most nonsensical hashtag and campaign: #DontBeASheryl.

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The resentment started when playing college ball. I posted this in the angel reece thread. Check out the article on the ESPN wmba page. Not only is it whitewashing what Swoops said, but it is painting Iowa fans as racist. Look how happy Swoops was that Chicago won. A good population of former and active players (& black media) hate Clark.

On ESPN page


In some ways, the ugly side of Clark’s success can be traced back to commentary Swoopes made in January on an episode of former NBA guard Gilbert Arenas’ daily sports podcast Gil’s Arena. Swoopes erroneously said Clark was in her fifth year of eligibility as she was poised to set a Division I scoring record. Swoopes acknowledged that she “made a mistake,” and that Clark was actually in her fourth year of eligibility, but Iowa fans came up with the most nonsensical hashtag and campaign: #DontBeASheryl.

On the alienation point I was making above, this part of that article is an absolute turn off:

"If I might paraphrase the start of “Thuggish Ruggish Bone,” by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, we’re not against Clark, we’re not against her impact on the game. But we are against fans who make it seem like she’s all that women’s basketball has ever offered. It’s a clear and deliberate erasure of Black and progressive women who have made this game special."

There are going to be trolls in every nook and cranny of the internet, but come on, 99.9% of Iowa/Caitlin fans just want to watch her play basketball and hopefully continue her high level of success, whether that success comes at the expense of Stewart/Ionescu/[insert white player name here] or Wilson/[insert black player name here]. No sane person is making a clear and deliberate attempt to erase black or "progressive" (I assume that is code for gay?) women from the game of basketball. To suggest otherwise is extremely offensive and off putting.
Saying other WNBA players hate Caitlin because she's white, straight, and not an activist is absolutely pushing an agenda.
A quote from the best player in the WNBA

"I think it’s a huge thing. I think a lot of people may say it’s not about black and white, but to me, it is. It really is because you can be top notch at what you are as a black woman, but yet maybe that’s something that people don’t want to see," Wilson told The Associated Press when asked about what role race might play with Clark's appeal.

She further added, "They don’t see it as marketable, so it doesn’t matter how hard I work. It doesn’t matter what we all do as black women, we’re still going to be swept underneath the rug. That’s why it boils my blood when people say it’s not about race because it is."
A quote from the best player in the WNBA

"I think it’s a huge thing. I think a lot of people may say it’s not about black and white, but to me, it is. It really is because you can be top notch at what you are as a black woman, but yet maybe that’s something that people don’t want to see," Wilson told The Associated Press when asked about what role race might play with Clark's appeal.

She further added, "They don’t see it as marketable, so it doesn’t matter how hard I work. It doesn’t matter what we all do as black women, we’re still going to be swept underneath the rug. That’s why it boils my blood when people say it’s not about race because it is."
It is about race, if cc was black she would be getting praise from the same blacks tearing her down, I know, the truth hurts sometimes