*Devil's advocate
If Iowa's starting QB decided this spring to play receiver instead would the coaches not speak to that when interviewed? If the star cornerback was moving to offense would coaches not acknowledge it when asked?
And Young, who was a 165 last season, wrestling 74kg (162.8lbs) last week was not "wrestling down". Most in that bracket will be wrestling 165 next season... the Bull also wrestled 74kg last month. So that is not one of the tea leaves of the plan in place.
I'm in the camp that believes it will go Young/Bull/Kem but doesn't get why Brands wouldn't give a definitive answer when asked. If there is a competitive advantage for speaking around it, fine... but I don't see it.
I can see a lot of reasons. Things are still in slight limbo and weight changes are not complete.
Plan A - highly likely but not 100%
Kem is gaining good weight and will be at 174.
Bull's preferred weight is 165.
Young can get to 157 and will be effective.
Plan B
Kem is gaining good weight and will be at 174.
Young can't get down to 157 and goes 165.
Bull, while preferring to go 165, can get down to 157 more easily than Young and goes 157 for the team.
Plan C
Kem is gaining good weight and plans on being at 174. His weight gain stalls, however, and can't get to a full sized 174 and in one month says he wants to go 165.
Bull says "No problem. I like eating, I got 174."
Young can get to 157 and will be effective.
Other unlikely plans in place as well. You expect Brands to give the plan and all possible variations and various timelines of the plan with percentages just in case one of them plays out? Or does he just say things will work out, despite having a primary plan and multiple backup plans to kick in in one month, two months, etc.?
Edit: Of course, those in the Inner Circle get all the plans, percentages and timelines when we hang out in the sauna together but are sworn to secrecy. The rest of you get "Things will work out".