UPDATED: Active shooter in Texas school. Multiple people shot.

Why does it matter how many guns someone owns? It takes 1 gun to kill someone. If only 3% more households in the last 20 yrs own guns, what difference does it make if they own 1 or 10? There is a root cause to this issue and it isn’t the gun
Right, the thing that people are using to kill everyone isn't the issue. The thing that all the other countries figured out how to manage and don't have this problem with isn't the issue. It's TV or rock music, or brown people or the wrong god....anything but actual thing that's being used to kill all the people.
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You are absolutely off-base here. Towards the end you can see that the lights are off because the teacher had the projector on. You can also hear the teacher screaming on a phone or some sort of messaging system that she needs help. In many schools these days teachers are instructed not to intervene.
I just finished watching it again and you are right there is a teacher present and yelling. There is also a display on the board from an overhead. I'm surprised there were so few students in the classroom at the time, that's what led me to believe the room should have been unoccupied. Another thing I find unusual is there are no other students in the classroom yelling or making comments on the fight.
The scenario is one day enough of our children die needlessly that we wake up and decide that children are more important than toys for overgrown boys. When that day comes we'll join the rest of the world in limiting the number of weapons in the country. We dump about a million new guns a month into the public. A month. Why? Are we expecting an invasion? that requires every man woman and child to repel? No, it's just so that overgrown boys can play pew pew and feel manly.
One day rational minds will win out. Or not and we'll become a giant Somalia.
Ok, you're preaching at me, have a good one.
I’m not reading through all this bullshit. Just wondering about the actual shooting. Did the kid have a gun at school? Was he the one who got beat up and retaliated?

I’d imagine he got beat up and decided to smoke their ass like a little bitch that he is.
On Twitter earlier I read the student that was doing the beating up was the one the pulled the gun. Not sure if that's correct or not.
The scenario is one day enough of our children die needlessly that we wake up and decide that children are more important than toys for overgrown boys. When that day comes we'll join the rest of the world in limiting the number of weapons in the country. We dump about a million new guns a month into the public. A month. Why? Are we expecting an invasion? that requires every man woman and child to repel? No, it's just so that overgrown boys can play pew pew and feel manly.
One day rational minds will win out. Or not and we'll become a giant Somalia.
Those overgrown boys you refer to aren't the ones causing or doing the killing so once again you want to infringe on everyone's rights because of a few parents failure to instill correct judgement mentality in their offspring.
Uncle Buck was good folks. 😉
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Suspect in custody and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Thankfully no one is dead.
Right, the thing that people are using to kill everyone isn't the issue. The thing that all the other countries figured out how to manage and don't have this problem with isn't the issue. It's TV or rock music, or brown people or the wrong god....anything but actual thing that's being used to kill all the people.
Blame it on the "thing" not the person. Top notch responsibility.
Brilliant argument. We should make flamethrowers and grenade launchers legal too - after all they're not inherently bad, it's only bad people who would misuse them we have to worry about. What about all the good people that would use them wisely?

Your argument is akin to

I drank 4 bottles of booze, damn this car for getting in an accident!

I was smashing golf balls at the hwy, damn this club for hitting them that far!

Guns are not going to change shit. People actually having a respect for another person life is going to change shit. At some point the cause is going to have to be addressed not the symptoms.
Your argument is akin to

I drank 4 bottles of booze, damn this car for getting in an accident!

I was smashing golf balls at the hwy, damn this club for hitting them that far!

Guns are not going to change shit. People actually having a respect for another person life is going to change shit. At some point the cause is going to have to be addressed not the symptoms.
Right, that's why this is a uniquely american problem. We just don't' respect life but every other 1st world country does. Brilliant.
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Remember that time I explained we have a cultural issue with lack of respect of life and you provided a list of countries that don't fall into that culture..... weird. americans are just broken. That's your answer. It's not that we have different laws that allow any and every jackwad to have access to whatever killing machine they's that we're different from everyone else in the world. Step across our northern border...suddenly people are different.... Travel to any first world country...none of them are broken. Just us and random third world countries that also lack gun laws....
You're telling me that nothing can ever change. I reject that because I refuse to give in to the gun lobby. Children's lives depend on people refusing to give up.
Like I said, I don’t know the solution. But, if you’ve read my posts, and think I’m saying “nothing will ever change”, that’s on you.
The only absolute I made, is that we won’t see a time when we have everyone surrender their guns; nor will we have a time where the government collects them back. I’m not speaking about my opinion, I’m speaking realistically. The only reason I even mentioned this absolute, is because we need to find a different solution.

your position is that too many guns is the problem, so we won’t see a middle I’m afraid or be able to have a discussion. And that’s fine, still wish you the best.
Like I said, I don’t know the solution. But, if you’ve read my posts, and think I’m saying “nothing will ever change”, that’s on you.
The only absolute I made, is that we won’t see a time when we have everyone surrender their guns; nor will we have a time where the government collects them back. I’m not speaking about my opinion, I’m speaking realistically. The only reason I even mentioned this absolute, is because we need to find a different solution.

your position is that too many guns is the problem, so we won’t see a middle I’m afraid or be able to have a discussion. And that’s fine, still wish you the best.
And until people like you realize that limiting access is a necessary part of the solution there will never be any real change. We'll never convince the hard-liners, but the folks on the edges need to give up the idea that we can't make hard decisions if we want to make real change. You and others like you have to decide how long things go on as they are before you outgrow the traditions you were raised with.
Everyone simmer down, the well regulated militia will be by momentarily to restore order to the union.

Seriously though, I’m numb to this crap anymore.

Let’s implement an IQ testing standard in this country for all firearms that aren’t your standard run of the mill hunting armament. If we set it at 111 and above, only ~25% of the population would qualify to own those other types of guns and would instantly raise the bar of our country’s LE personnel standards. The bonus is less than 1% of HROT would qualify. Win-win. americans are just broken. That's your answer. It's not that we have different laws that allow any and every jackwad to have access to whatever killing machine they's that we're different from everyone else in the world. Step across our northern border...suddenly people are different.... Travel to any first world country...none of them are broken. Just us and random third world countries that also lack gun laws....
I think Whiskey has a good point. Our culture glorifies violence via video games, movies, music, etc. I have no idea how rampant and glorified violence is in other countries, but I do think it’s pretty grotesque in America. Culture definitely has a role to play in American gun violence.

I would also add a consequence of freedom is it’s much easier in America to radicalize people via social media. In turn, we just had a POTUS who sent out enough dog whistles to further incite violence, so that has been a factor the last five years as well.

So, yes, I think culture is a significant influencer. And my concern is if you continue to ignore the culture, further restriction of gun accessibility, meritorious or not, won’t even put a dent in the problem anymore than Nixon and Reagan’s war on drugs helped curbed drug abuse in the ‘70s and ‘80s.

It’s just not a hill I would die on.
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I think Whiskey has a good point. Our culture glorifies violence via video games, movies, music, etc. I have no idea how rampant and glorified violence is in other countries, but I do think it’s pretty grotesque in America. Culture definitely has a role to play in American gun violence.

I would also add a consequence of freedom is it’s much easier in America to radicalize people via social media. In turn, we just had a POTUS who sent out enough dog whistles to further incite violence, so that has been a factor the last five years as well.

So, yes, I think culture is a significant influencer. And my concern is if you continue to ignore the culture, further restriction of gun accessibility, meritorious or not, won’t even put a dent in the problem anymore than Nixon and Reagan’s war on drugs helped curbed drug abuse in the ‘70s and ‘80s.

It’s just not a hill I would die on.
You’ve convinced me. I blame Clint Eastwood then. What an asshole!
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Right, that's why this is a uniquely american problem. We just don't' respect life but every other 1st world country does. Brilliant.
I've traveled extensively throughout the world and I can tell you with 100% certainly a cultural issue with lack of respect of life exists here in the United States. Society here in the U.S. is nothing like it was even as recently as 50 years ago. As stated by some posters earlier today you could purchase a gun at almost any department or hardware store as recently as 25 years ago. You could purchase and own a machine gun up to the 1930's and despite that we didn't have the shootings we have today. As a society we value life very little in todays U.S.

The issue isn't the gun it's the person with their finger on the trigger.
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I think Whiskey has a good point. Our culture glorifies violence via video games, movies, music, etc. I have no idea how rampant and glorified violence is in other countries, but I do think it’s pretty grotesque in America. Culture definitely has a role to play in American gun violence.

I would also add a consequence of freedom is it’s much easier in America to radicalize people via social media. In turn, we just had a POTUS who sent out enough dog whistles to further incite violence, so that has been a factor the last five years as well.

So, yes, I think culture is a significant influencer. And my concern is if you continue to ignore the culture, further restriction of gun accessibility, meritorious or not, won’t even put a dent in the problem anymore than Nixon and Reagan’s war on drugs helped curbed drug abuse in the ‘70s and ‘80s.

It’s just not a hill I would die on.
So it's not the hundreds of millions of guns everywhere, americans are just broken. It's a fascinating take. I thought people thought we were better than everyone else, but once you threaten our guns suddenly we have people saying that we're worse people than every other first world country.

You all sound like drug addicts.
The scenario is one day enough of our children die needlessly that we wake up and decide that children are more important than toys for overgrown boys. When that day comes we'll join the rest of the world in limiting the number of weapons in the country. We dump about a million new guns a month into the public. A month. Why? Are we expecting an invasion? that requires every man woman and child to repel? No, it's just so that overgrown boys can play pew pew and feel manly.
One day rational minds will win out. Or not and we'll become a giant Somalia.
This post is something.
And until people like you realize that limiting access is a necessary part of the solution there will never be any real change. We'll never convince the hard-liners, but the folks on the edges need to give up the idea that we can't make hard decisions if we want to make real change. You and others like you have to decide how long things go on as they are before you outgrow the traditions you were raised with.
Limiting access and removing existing guns in circulation are two entirely different things.
I’m open to a discussion on how restricting future access via stricter laws benefits society with lesser gun violence.
I think it’s pointless to have a conversation on somehow lowering the existing guns in circulation. It’s just a fruitless conversation.

However- if you believe there’s a logistical scenario where we remove a large portion of guns from circulation, please let me know and I’ll have that conversation,

you and I both have kids in school, we’re (for message board purposes) opposites politically, and for whatever reason I’ve decided to try and have a dialogue about this with you, so others can see a conversation can be had.
So, I’m summary:

we agree there’s too many guns out there. We agree something needs to change. We agree neither of us are throwing up our hands and accept T&P.

where do we go from here?
Limiting access and removing existing guns in circulation are two entirely different things.
I’m open to a discussion on how restricting future access via stricter laws benefits society with lesser gun violence.
I think it’s pointless to have a conversation on somehow lowering the existing guns in circulation. It’s just a fruitless conversation.

However- if you believe there’s a logistical scenario where we remove a large portion of guns from circulation, please let me know and I’ll have that conversation,

you and I both have kids in school, we’re (for message board purposes) opposites politically, and for whatever reason I’ve decided to try and have a dialogue about this with you, so others can see a conversation can be had.
So, I’m summary:

we agree there’s too many guns out there. We agree something needs to change. We agree neither of us are throwing up our hands and accept T&P.

where do we go from here?
We elect people who aren’t beholden to the NRA and their insane interpretation of the 2A.
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Texas? I'm surprised the shooter didn't immediately go down in a hail of bullets. The only thing that stops a school shooter with a gun is a student with a gun.
You're telling me that nothing can ever change. I reject that because I refuse to give in to the gun lobby. Children's lives depend on people refusing to give up.
I basically agree with you but IMO the cat has been out of the bag for quite some time.

Do you honestly see a scenario where we're confiscating guns from people? Because that is what it'd take.

I just don't see us getting to that point...
I basically agree with you but IMO the cat has been out of the bag for quite some time.

Do you honestly see a scenario where we're confiscating guns from people? Because that is what it'd take.

I just don't see us getting to that point...
I'll take that one step further. After watching 100+ nights of anarchy last year in some great liberal utopia there is ZERO ****ing chance the government is going to de-arm legal gun owning citizens.

The hardest thing black lives matter will ever have to achieve is convincing young black men that other black men's lives matter.

A population that makes up roughly 15% of our country accounts for roughly 50% of all gun violence. Saying that isn't racist, it is pointing out a fact. We don't have a gun problem, we have a respect for life problem.
I basically agree with you but IMO the cat has been out of the bag for quite some time.

Do you honestly see a scenario where we're confiscating guns from people? Because that is what it'd take.

I just don't see us getting to that point...
Every journey begins with a single step. We need to start with stopping the flood of new weapons onto the street. Then we can work on removing the existing ones.
Right, the thing that people are using to kill everyone isn't the issue. The thing that all the other countries figured out how to manage and don't have this problem with isn't the issue. It's TV or rock music, or brown people or the wrong god....anything but actual thing that's being used to kill all the people.
All other countries haven't figured it out.

Other tools are also used to attack people.

There are already laws against shooting people, and regulating gun ownership, and even where guns are allowed.

The Austin shooter was not legally allowed to buy or carry a handgun in Texas. There's a law against that.

He was not legally permitted to have a firearm on school property. There's a law against that.

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