UPDATED: Active shooter in Texas school. Multiple people shot.

Totally pro death. Pro abortion and I am for it being retroactive. Edit to say only when the person is 100% guilty with no chance of being the wrong individual. It has to be cut and dry guilty.
How do you ensure a system does that Tom?
3rd world country errr Texas

I am 100% certain that if my youngest was in that situation I would have gotten that same text. And putting myself in that mother's shoes I think I would vomit. What a horrible, terrifying, and helpless feeling. I just don't understand why our "leaders" just throw their hands up in defeat without trying anything.
You know I do…
I was trying to have a conversation, but no where did I say “give up”, did I?
If we aren't serious about restricting access to firearms nothing will change. About 30% of Americans are happy with that. The rest of us aren't. But it seems like our voices don't count in the current system of minority rule.
By your comments you appear to have given in to the false narrative that the US is somehow different than the rest of the world and can't address the issue other than with thoughts and prayers.
If you were on the board yesterday you saw that my kid was in her second lock down because of guns or threats of gun violence on campus. All this shit about how special we are or we can't do anything or criminals will be criminals doesn't pass the sniff test with me. How about we actually try some-goddammed-thing before we just give up instead of just count bodies and offer prayers.
It's not street gangs. It's an affluent part of Texas. Everyone thinks because it's a black kid it's gang violence. Rich kids act like morons too.
And "enough gun laws"? That laughable - there are pretty much none in Texas at this point. Any idiot can just walk in and buy what they want no questions asked.
Lol. Just because it’s an affluent area doesn’t mean street violence doesn’t branch out. I know a pretty famous family in Atlanta whose son/grandson recently got injured from getting shot. He shot back at the kid shooting at him and killed him. Guess what? He lives in a very affluent part of the city. So, yeah, this shit happens everywhere.

Regardless, since the usual suspects made this another “MAGA desecrations” talking point, I thought it was relevant to pit the perceived alt right vs. perceived gang violence for the purpose of context. The fact gun violence exists between and beyond those paradigms is beside the point.
Lol. Just because it’s an affluent area doesn’t mean street violence doesn’t branch out. I know a pretty famous family in Atlanta whose son/grandson recently got injured from getting shot. He shot back at the kid shooting at him and killed him. Guess what? He lives in a very affluent part of the city. So, yeah, this shit happens everywhere.

Regardless, since the usual suspects made this another “MAGA desecrations” talking point, I thought it was relevant to pit the perceived alt right vs. perceived gang violence for the purpose of context. The fact gun violence exists between and beyond those paradigms is beside the point.
What does that have to do with gang violence? Rich people have stupid kids too. We have friends who produced two stupid boys who are always in trouble. Doesn't mean they're in a gang. Means their parents didn't raise them with any consequences and they act like fools.
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If we aren't serious about restricting access to firearms nothing will change. About 30% of Americans are happy with that. The rest of us aren't. But it seems like our voices don't count in the current system of minority rule.
By your comments you appear to have given in to the false narrative that the US is somehow different than the rest of the world and can't address the issue other than with thoughts and prayers.
If you were on the board yesterday you saw that my kid was in her second lock down because of guns or threats of gun violence on campus. All this shit about how special we are or we can't do anything or criminals will be criminals doesn't pass the sniff test with me. How about we actually try some-goddammed-thing before we just give up instead of just count bodies and offer prayers.
As I said, I don't know that controlling gun purchases solves the existing issue. There's guns a plenty out there, as is. I'm not suggesting we do nothing, I'm suggesting we have a bigger issue that a single piece of legislation can't/won't solve.

I have no idea what the solution is.

However, I don't think you can draw a comparison to "other countries", but that's just me.
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Is there something wrong here? I thought this is how it’s supposed to work according to GOP? Arm up, then you can protect yourself….KCRG says shooting happened after fight broke out.

Kids were armed in the classroom…they should get an A+ from second amendment folks?
That’s a valid point.
As I said, I don't know that controlling gun purchases solves the existing issue. There's guns a plenty out there, as is. I'm not suggesting we do nothing, I'm suggesting we have a bigger issue that a single piece of legislation can't/won't solve.

I have no idea what the solution is.

However, I don't think you can draw a comparison to "other countries", but that's just me.
Sure, but we also, EVERYTIME this happens, that a new gun law wouldn’t solve anything. Pro-gun crowd would have us believe that there’s absolutely nothing to be done where guns are involved, and in fact we should have more, because only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.
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Sure, but we also, EVERYTIME this happens, that a new gun law wouldn’t solve anything. Pro-gun crowd would have us believe that there’s absolutely nothing to be done where guns are involved, and in fact we should have more, because only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.
Who stops a bad guy with a gun if not a good guy?
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Sure, but we also, EVERYTIME this happens, that a new gun law wouldn’t solve anything. Pro-gun crowd would have us believe that there’s absolutely nothing to be done where guns are involved, and in fact we should have more, because only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.
The gun laws have not kept up with technology. That's the biggest detriment to just relying on gun laws IMO.
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Regardless, since the usual suspects made this another “MAGA desecrations” talking point, I thought it was relevant to pit the perceived alt right vs. perceived gang violence for the purpose of context. The fact gun violence exists between and beyond those paradigms is beside the point.
I scanned back through the thread, MAGA and Trump were only mentioned by two posters. There are comments about T&Ps and second amendment rights, but those have been true for the GOP long before MAGA ever existed. Regardless of this situation being different than most of the past school shootings, I think the one thing we should all agree on is it is unacceptable for our children to not be safe at school. School shootings have gone from a rare occasion to no big deal and that is a sad reality for our country. We should all want it changed.
Sure, but we also, EVERYTIME this happens, that a new gun law wouldn’t solve anything. Pro-gun crowd would have us believe that there’s absolutely nothing to be done where guns are involved, and in fact we should have more, because only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.
I am happy to hear ideas about what kind of laws would help curtail this type of thing.

I'm not particularly vested with the 2nd amendment- I own zero guns- but I grew up in TN, so I'm pretty sure they handed me an NRA membership at the hospital (aka my inherent bias makes me think guns = good)
Is there something wrong here? I thought this is how it’s supposed to work according to GOP? Arm up, then you can protect yourself….KCRG says shooting happened after fight broke out.

Kids were armed in the classroom…they should get an A+ from second amendment folks?
Seems like a reasonable Stand Your Ground case. If the shooter feared for his life :).
What does that have to do with gang violence? Rich people have stupid kids too. We have friends who produced two stupid boys who are always in trouble. Doesn't mean they're in a gang. Means their parents didn't raise them with any consequences and they act like fools.
Again, it was about providing context for those going straight to “MAGA desecrations” finger pointing, as what happened more closely resembled gang violence than an unhinged Proud Boy, MAGA-loving Trump chump. Whenever there’s a mass shooting at a school, the usual suspects go straight to blaming the cons and their gun-loving utopia. Clearly, this incident didn’t fit that narrative.

And if race and assumption weren’t such a big part of our national conscious, the media would have had no reservations about including the suspect’s race in their description of the “person of interest” if he were white. Hence the point.
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I scanned back through the thread, MAGA and Trump were only mentioned by two posters. There are comments about T&Ps and second amendment rights, but those have been true for the GOP long before MAGA ever existed. Regardless of this situation being different than most of the past school shootings, I think the one thing we should all agree on is it is unacceptable for our children to not be safe at school. School shootings have gone from a rare occasion to no big deal and that is a sad reality for our country. We should all want it changed.
I agree. And I’m all for hearing viable solutions.
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I am happy to hear ideas about what kind of laws would help curtail this type of thing.

I'm not particularly vested with the 2nd amendment- I own zero guns- but I grew up in TN, so I'm pretty sure they handed me an NRA membership at the hospital (aka my inherent bias makes me think guns = good)
Do we need 300 + million of them? At some point we as a society need to pump the brakes.
Do we need 300 + million of them? At some point we as a society need to pump the brakes.
We don't.

Just spitballing: why don't we turn off the spigot. Whats produced is produced, and then whatever guns we have will either be recirculated (under supervision through sales).

I'm not "throwing my hands up", but I think we all should agree taking guns back so we can have less guns in the country just won't happen.
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Ah, sorry. I realize that all black youths are 'thugs' to some of you regardless of whether or not they're in a 'street gang' as the previous poster suggested.
You do know that you don’t have to be in a street gang to be a thug. George Floyd was a thug but I didn’t hear that he was in a street gang at the time of his demise.
We don't.

Just spitballing: why don't we turn off the spigot. Whats produced is produced, and then whatever guns we have will either be recirculated (under supervision through sales).

I'm not "throwing my hands up", but I think we all should agree taking guns back so we can have less guns in the country just won't happen.
My problem is some gun owners are addicted. My BIL's identity is so wrapped up in his guns it's sad. Idk what the answer is a large segment of society would rather chew off their arm than be limited to 10 guns or less.
How do you ensure a system does that Tom?
If there is no possible way that someone else could have done it then off with their heads. If there is a chance the witness is mistaken, no death penalty. "I am 100% sure this is the person who put the gun in my face and assaulted me.", death penalty. DNA proves without a shadow of a doubt, death penalty. Easier said than done, I know. We have a whole lot of sick asses in prison who are 100% guilty, no way they didn't murder the person, who should no longer be on this planet...but that's just me.
Already sold the others for $1200 (no documentation there either). As for the ones mentioned? Heck no. Looking forward to popp'n a few off from that .25. It was a vest gun that officers often carried.

You probably broke the law by not reporting the sale.
Again, it was about providing context for those going straight to “MAGA desecrations” finger pointing, as what happened more closely resembled gang violence than an unhinged Proud Boy, MAGA-loving Trump chump. Whenever there’s a mass shooting at a school, the usual suspects go straight to blaming the cons and their gun-loving utopia. Clearly, this incident didn’t fit that narrative.

And if race and assumption weren’t such a big part of our national conscious, the media would have had no reservations about including the suspect’s race in their description of the “person of interest” if he were white. Hence the point.
Why would the media need to mention the suspect's race when they were sharing his picture?

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We don't.

Just spitballing: why don't we turn off the spigot. Whats produced is produced, and then whatever guns we have will either be recirculated (under supervision through sales).

I'm not "throwing my hands up", but I think we all should agree taking guns back so we can have less guns in the country just won't happen.
No, I don't think we should agree on that at all.
I am 100% certain that if my youngest was in that situation I would have gotten that same text. And putting myself in that mother's shoes I think I would vomit. What a horrible, terrifying, and helpless feeling. I just don't understand why our "leaders" just throw their hands up in defeat without trying anything.
You can’t legislate good parenting
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I’d say a large majority do. I mean lots of these kids have been searching school shootings and guns for a while before they take action. How do you not have a clue what your kid is up to or how they have been feeling lately. Try being a parent.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t have kids.
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