Verdict is in***************

Both sides!!!!!

I mean, one is a convicted felon who surrounded himself with sycophants and imbeciles, the other is old. Totes the same and equally bad.
Who said anything about equally bad?

Shame on me, I guess, for not wanting a choice between a convicted felon and an old man who is losing more of his marbles with each passing day. Shame on me for thinking this country can do better.

I guess I just value my vote more than most people do.
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He was talked up pre-trial about being a good lawyer. But his case (and appearing by Trump at every presser) makes me think otherwise.

Bring on the a Fox News consultant gigs
He is a patsy. Biff is the tallest miget in the room. The convicted had his lawyers say and do exactly what he wanted because he knows best. In his crazy world.
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True. I’m sure we could convict the career politician with a drug addict gun toting son on something as well.


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Who said anything about equally bad?

Shame on me, I guess, for not wanting a choice between a convicted felon and an old man who is losing more of his marbles with each passing day. Shame on me for thinking this country can do better.

I guess I just value my vote more than most people do.
You’re trying to equate the 2 men. Stop being ridiculous. Biden is infinitely better than a felon.
Good point. Nikki isn’t dumb, just a coward who won’t stand up for herself.
She's a craven opportunist. Everything she has done has been calculated to pick up the pieces if Trump cannot run, or for 2028. The joke is on her. She isn't white and has a vagina. Two things that will never allow her to win a nationwide GQP nomination.
I get all you libs are thrilled, over joyed even, but it’s a sad day for America.

Do you honestly think this isn’t going to happen to Biden in some hand picked jurisdiction where he won 5%, with a hand picked judge where he will ensure the verdict?

This whole trial was a sham and now law warfare will now be the way to go. It will only get worse from here and that sucks for the country.

But hey, go team blue! Great win, let’s see how it goes from here.

Do I think Biden will be convicted of laundering money to pay hush money to his porn star side piece? No, I don’t think he will.
On this date in history Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. I guess Trump just one upped her. NOBODY HAS EVER BEEN TREATED MORE UNFAIR!!!
Also, WW2 and Korean War soldiers were laid to rest in the Tomb of the Unknowns on this date in 1958. In 2018 Hamas and Israel agreed to a cease fire, and in 1973 a Japanese Red Army terrorist cell attacked the airport in Tel Aviv killing over 20 people.